The Saviors of Barovia
Dramatis Personae:
Kithri "Quickshadow" Tealeaf, the Lightfoot Halfling Werebat Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter and Ruin Raider
Tilea Aervavil'A'Sum, the Wild Elf Circle of the Moon Druid Barbarian
Scritch, Tilea's Squirrel Animal Companion
Sachi Kno, the Vistani Weremonkey Thief
Forgrotken Anvilrocker, the Blugrim Forge Cleric of Moradin
Pineck, Anvil's Horse
Lythana, the Human Werewolf Order of the Ghost Slayer Blood Hunter
Kithri "Quickshadow" Tealeaf, the Lightfoot Halfling Werebat Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter and Ruin Raider
Tilea Aervavil'A'Sum, the Wild Elf Circle of the Moon Druid Barbarian
Scritch, Tilea's Squirrel Animal Companion
Sachi Kno, the Vistani Weremonkey Thief
Forgrotken Anvilrocker, the Blugrim Forge Cleric of Moradin
Pineck, Anvil's Horse
Lythana, the Human Werewolf Order of the Ghost Slayer Blood Hunter
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Kithri's perspective, anything in italics is from a third party view, since the Hunter can't be everywhere at once.
***** Hetedik Honap 3, CY 735, Svalich Woods
I realized quickly that I was in a maze, and was able to get meself out of it quickly. I emerged to see the wolves all snarling at Sachi and Anvil. Anvil scooped up Sachi and ran toward the exit- the maze- putting up a wall of force to prevent the wolves from following. I caught up to Anvil in the maze quickly, but there was no sign of Sachi. I told Anvil we were in a maze, and had to think ourselves out of it, and that I thought Tilea was in trouble.
Almost instantly, Bruno- Tilea's dog- tackled me, happy to find someone in the maze. I calmed him down quickly. I hoped if I focused on him I'd be able to take him out of the maze quickly, so I wrapped my arms around splitting my focus between the pup in my arms and leaving this stupid bloody maze. Thank the gods, it worked!
Tilea was on the other side of the cave's exterior, spraying her chalice at full blast at a person who was wrapped in cloth like a mummy This was the monk Aurora faced the last time her group was in Barovia. Then a Vistani woman appeared and went after this mummy-monk. Tilea dropped a moonbeam on it, which then made Sachi turn human instead of attacking this bloke. The monk and the Vistani woman exchanged blows while I flew over and missed the mummy-monk with me whip. The monk then scored a few nasty hits on Anvil, before vanishing into thin air.
Tilea hurried into the cave to try to calm down the wolves, but it didn't work; Strahd's hold on them was too firm and they were now coming at us. Anvil and I killed one while Tilea continued trying to dominate the others. Sachi went to help the Vistani woman face off with another one, which she killed instantly. I whipped another one and Anvil set it on fire, then I finished it off with my whip. Sachi tried to hide behind the Vistani woman as a wolf went for him, but she threw him at the wolf instead. Tilea gave up on dominating the wolves and joined us in taking them out. We finished the rest off quickly.
The Vistani woman introduced herself as Lythana, and said Belmont had sent her to help us. She got the gloves off of Sachi, with a Blood Rite, but she wasn't with my Order, and took great offense to my inquiry about it. We told her about how Sachi has gotten us kicked out of Vallaki, and Anvil has pretty much driven himself out of the Village of Barovia by asking about consecration.
Lythana set up a fire to prevent Sachi and I from shifting, since it was still the full moon.
***** Hetedik Honap 4, Svalich Woods
When it was time to wake Tilea for her watch, I couldn't get her to come out of reverie. It was a bit worrisome, but I'm not a healer or mage, so there was nothing I could do for her. I just took an extra couple hours for watch.
Not long before dawn, Sachi heard something dragging out in the woods. He went to go investigate, was hit by the moon, and jumped back into our circle of firelight. Lythana said something was dying out there, so Anvil and I went to investigate. We found a human, who died as soon as we arrived, his last words unintelligible, even for my sensitive hearing. Clutched in his grasp was an executioner's hood, which Anvil wanted. The bloke literally had a death grip on the hood, so Anvil wanted to cut his arm off to take it back with us, but I talked him out of it, and we stuffed the body in a tree.
We decided we needed something to contain the cursed shit we've been finding, so Tilea and I headed to town. We managed to find a bag of holding for two vials of some substance that lycanthropes think smells bad, all of our gold, and- per the merchant's insistence- I had to shift into me hybrid form.
The boys had found more cursed shit while we were gone. Apparently Sachi put the gloves back on and found a book with a necromantic nursery rhyme. Lythana had cut off the bloke with the hood's arm, and Sachi's new book turned it into a crawling claw. We loaded all of the cursed crap into the bag of holding, but as Anvil went to put an amulet he'd snagged off the body from last night into the bag, he moved to put it on. Sachi grabbed it, but Anvil held on; now they both wanted the bloody thing. Tilea tried to grab it with the bag, but it didn't work, so Lythana chucked a dagger at it, breaking the chain and destroying the amulet.
Anvil asked us what that was about, and I told him it looked like he was about to put it on. His oh so mature response was "well, you look pretty stupid." I whipped the stupid bloke, because I was sick of his shit. He looked at me and said "my poop is bigger than you," then walked away. How in the Nine did I get stuck with these stupid bastards?! I need to get home.
Lythana said she wanted to head to the Village of Barovia because she could keep us better protected there; even though Anvil couldn't really be seen there, she didn't think there'd be an issue. About half an hour later we found a piece of paper in the road... probably cursed. I managed to keep Sachi from snatching it up by pointing out what has happened every time he's picked up something random. Instead, he unfolded it with a pair of sticks to see what was on it. He said there was a picture of his (imaginary) friend on it, and bent to pick it up; the paper was blank as far as we could tell. Anvil picked up Sachi to get him away from the paper and a monkey appeared, it looked like an evil Sachi; Lythana killed it instantly.
I tried to pick up the paper with sticks to get it in the bag, but it fluttered away and hit Tilea in the face. An evil owlbear appeared, so Tilea threw the paper in the bag... Lythana realized the owlbear was also in the bag and shot it, causing the bag we'd just spent all of our money on to explode. She was right though, the owlbear was still there, and it was on fire. We killed it instantly. On the plus side, every cursed item we'd found was now destroyed... except for the bloody gloves. Tilea stabbed the gloves with her moonblade and they vanished.
Sachi and Anvil began fighting over the existence of evil, which Anvil apparently doesn't believe exists. Sachi attempted to curse Anvil to beleive in it and failed miserably. Once their stupid argument was done, we resumed our course toward town.
When we were about a mile outside of town, we came upon what appeared to be the wreckage of a merchant's wagon. Anvil found a small crate in it, and ignored my warning that it was probably cursed, like every other bloody thing we've found here. He put it on Pineck and the horse vanished. Anvil opened up the crate and what could only be described as liquefied horse came flowing out, along with a silvery hairball- a wig. Sachi announced he was going to smash the crate, so Anvil swung at him. Sachi flipped the crate around so Anvil would hit it instead, and as soon as his weapon connected he dropped. Tilea shoved a goodberry down Anvil's throat to revive him.
I picked up the wig with my sword and carried it out in front of me. After a few moments, Anvil convinced Sachi to put the wig in a scroll case and then in a bag; they attached the bag to the end of my sword. I didn't want to risk touching a cursed object.
A strange shadow then enveloped all of us. Lythana began running toward town, saying everyone would die if we didn't do something. She summoned a spectral mount and took off, Sachi grabbed onto her. I tossed the wig bag aside and shifted into my tiny form, while Tilea turned into a horse that could carry Anvil; I grabbed on.
Just as we reached town, and the shadow reached the center of town, Tilea and I lost our forms. The entire village was in a frenzy, everyone terrified of what may be coming. Lythana told us that Strahd had found out we're here. I shifted again and flew up to look for what we were facing; a golem of some sort that's literally the size of a mountain. When I told the others, Lythana scribed a weird rune in the dirt, which turned into a canary; she whispered to it and it flew off, Lythana saying she hoped it made it to "him" in time. Anvil ran off to get healed and ten clerics came out to help us as a result. Sachi went looting, of course. Tilea, Lythana, and I all waited for the behemoth to arrive; I set up my blood rites to hurt it more.
When the golem arrived, Strahd's voice rang out to all of us, "submit and you will be spared, resist and you will die and serve me anyway." Sachi told him to fuck off; Tilea said he had to beat her to prove he was worthy of serving; I asked if there was an option where he just sends me home; Anvil suggested Strahd should just submit to us; and Lythana asked if we didn't agree or disagree if we didn't have to fight him. His eyes narrowed in anger by our responses.
The gates to the Village were destroyed instantly, sending debris flying everywhere. Tilea shot the golem, Lythana paralyzed it, and I sunk my claws into its flesh. The boys arrived and began beating on it too. Lythana began to climb it while the rest of us beat on the damned things. Then the paralysis broke and it sent out a massive shock wave; I felt myself go sailing through the air, just before it all went dark.
The next thing I knew, I was still falling, and a very familiar canary was fluttering away. I was badly injured, so I hurried to the clerics Anvil had recruited. While I was getting healed, Lythana burrowed into the golem, killing it in the process. She retrieved a twisted looking amulet that looked to be made of blackened iron, and was in the shape of a tiny baby skull. Upon closer inspection, the skull was made from the bones of actual babies. Tilea put it on to keep it away from Sachi.
We retired to the tavern and were greeted as the Saviors of Barovia. After a while, a merchant accused Sachi of stealing, but he was in his human form, so there was no evidence of the theft.
I realized quickly that I was in a maze, and was able to get meself out of it quickly. I emerged to see the wolves all snarling at Sachi and Anvil. Anvil scooped up Sachi and ran toward the exit- the maze- putting up a wall of force to prevent the wolves from following. I caught up to Anvil in the maze quickly, but there was no sign of Sachi. I told Anvil we were in a maze, and had to think ourselves out of it, and that I thought Tilea was in trouble.
Almost instantly, Bruno- Tilea's dog- tackled me, happy to find someone in the maze. I calmed him down quickly. I hoped if I focused on him I'd be able to take him out of the maze quickly, so I wrapped my arms around splitting my focus between the pup in my arms and leaving this stupid bloody maze. Thank the gods, it worked!
Tilea was on the other side of the cave's exterior, spraying her chalice at full blast at a person who was wrapped in cloth like a mummy This was the monk Aurora faced the last time her group was in Barovia. Then a Vistani woman appeared and went after this mummy-monk. Tilea dropped a moonbeam on it, which then made Sachi turn human instead of attacking this bloke. The monk and the Vistani woman exchanged blows while I flew over and missed the mummy-monk with me whip. The monk then scored a few nasty hits on Anvil, before vanishing into thin air.
Tilea hurried into the cave to try to calm down the wolves, but it didn't work; Strahd's hold on them was too firm and they were now coming at us. Anvil and I killed one while Tilea continued trying to dominate the others. Sachi went to help the Vistani woman face off with another one, which she killed instantly. I whipped another one and Anvil set it on fire, then I finished it off with my whip. Sachi tried to hide behind the Vistani woman as a wolf went for him, but she threw him at the wolf instead. Tilea gave up on dominating the wolves and joined us in taking them out. We finished the rest off quickly.
The Vistani woman introduced herself as Lythana, and said Belmont had sent her to help us. She got the gloves off of Sachi, with a Blood Rite, but she wasn't with my Order, and took great offense to my inquiry about it. We told her about how Sachi has gotten us kicked out of Vallaki, and Anvil has pretty much driven himself out of the Village of Barovia by asking about consecration.
Lythana set up a fire to prevent Sachi and I from shifting, since it was still the full moon.
***** Hetedik Honap 4, Svalich Woods
When it was time to wake Tilea for her watch, I couldn't get her to come out of reverie. It was a bit worrisome, but I'm not a healer or mage, so there was nothing I could do for her. I just took an extra couple hours for watch.
Not long before dawn, Sachi heard something dragging out in the woods. He went to go investigate, was hit by the moon, and jumped back into our circle of firelight. Lythana said something was dying out there, so Anvil and I went to investigate. We found a human, who died as soon as we arrived, his last words unintelligible, even for my sensitive hearing. Clutched in his grasp was an executioner's hood, which Anvil wanted. The bloke literally had a death grip on the hood, so Anvil wanted to cut his arm off to take it back with us, but I talked him out of it, and we stuffed the body in a tree.
We decided we needed something to contain the cursed shit we've been finding, so Tilea and I headed to town. We managed to find a bag of holding for two vials of some substance that lycanthropes think smells bad, all of our gold, and- per the merchant's insistence- I had to shift into me hybrid form.
The boys had found more cursed shit while we were gone. Apparently Sachi put the gloves back on and found a book with a necromantic nursery rhyme. Lythana had cut off the bloke with the hood's arm, and Sachi's new book turned it into a crawling claw. We loaded all of the cursed crap into the bag of holding, but as Anvil went to put an amulet he'd snagged off the body from last night into the bag, he moved to put it on. Sachi grabbed it, but Anvil held on; now they both wanted the bloody thing. Tilea tried to grab it with the bag, but it didn't work, so Lythana chucked a dagger at it, breaking the chain and destroying the amulet.
Anvil asked us what that was about, and I told him it looked like he was about to put it on. His oh so mature response was "well, you look pretty stupid." I whipped the stupid bloke, because I was sick of his shit. He looked at me and said "my poop is bigger than you," then walked away. How in the Nine did I get stuck with these stupid bastards?! I need to get home.
Lythana said she wanted to head to the Village of Barovia because she could keep us better protected there; even though Anvil couldn't really be seen there, she didn't think there'd be an issue. About half an hour later we found a piece of paper in the road... probably cursed. I managed to keep Sachi from snatching it up by pointing out what has happened every time he's picked up something random. Instead, he unfolded it with a pair of sticks to see what was on it. He said there was a picture of his (imaginary) friend on it, and bent to pick it up; the paper was blank as far as we could tell. Anvil picked up Sachi to get him away from the paper and a monkey appeared, it looked like an evil Sachi; Lythana killed it instantly.
I tried to pick up the paper with sticks to get it in the bag, but it fluttered away and hit Tilea in the face. An evil owlbear appeared, so Tilea threw the paper in the bag... Lythana realized the owlbear was also in the bag and shot it, causing the bag we'd just spent all of our money on to explode. She was right though, the owlbear was still there, and it was on fire. We killed it instantly. On the plus side, every cursed item we'd found was now destroyed... except for the bloody gloves. Tilea stabbed the gloves with her moonblade and they vanished.
Sachi and Anvil began fighting over the existence of evil, which Anvil apparently doesn't believe exists. Sachi attempted to curse Anvil to beleive in it and failed miserably. Once their stupid argument was done, we resumed our course toward town.
When we were about a mile outside of town, we came upon what appeared to be the wreckage of a merchant's wagon. Anvil found a small crate in it, and ignored my warning that it was probably cursed, like every other bloody thing we've found here. He put it on Pineck and the horse vanished. Anvil opened up the crate and what could only be described as liquefied horse came flowing out, along with a silvery hairball- a wig. Sachi announced he was going to smash the crate, so Anvil swung at him. Sachi flipped the crate around so Anvil would hit it instead, and as soon as his weapon connected he dropped. Tilea shoved a goodberry down Anvil's throat to revive him.
I picked up the wig with my sword and carried it out in front of me. After a few moments, Anvil convinced Sachi to put the wig in a scroll case and then in a bag; they attached the bag to the end of my sword. I didn't want to risk touching a cursed object.
A strange shadow then enveloped all of us. Lythana began running toward town, saying everyone would die if we didn't do something. She summoned a spectral mount and took off, Sachi grabbed onto her. I tossed the wig bag aside and shifted into my tiny form, while Tilea turned into a horse that could carry Anvil; I grabbed on.
Just as we reached town, and the shadow reached the center of town, Tilea and I lost our forms. The entire village was in a frenzy, everyone terrified of what may be coming. Lythana told us that Strahd had found out we're here. I shifted again and flew up to look for what we were facing; a golem of some sort that's literally the size of a mountain. When I told the others, Lythana scribed a weird rune in the dirt, which turned into a canary; she whispered to it and it flew off, Lythana saying she hoped it made it to "him" in time. Anvil ran off to get healed and ten clerics came out to help us as a result. Sachi went looting, of course. Tilea, Lythana, and I all waited for the behemoth to arrive; I set up my blood rites to hurt it more.
When the golem arrived, Strahd's voice rang out to all of us, "submit and you will be spared, resist and you will die and serve me anyway." Sachi told him to fuck off; Tilea said he had to beat her to prove he was worthy of serving; I asked if there was an option where he just sends me home; Anvil suggested Strahd should just submit to us; and Lythana asked if we didn't agree or disagree if we didn't have to fight him. His eyes narrowed in anger by our responses.
The gates to the Village were destroyed instantly, sending debris flying everywhere. Tilea shot the golem, Lythana paralyzed it, and I sunk my claws into its flesh. The boys arrived and began beating on it too. Lythana began to climb it while the rest of us beat on the damned things. Then the paralysis broke and it sent out a massive shock wave; I felt myself go sailing through the air, just before it all went dark.
The next thing I knew, I was still falling, and a very familiar canary was fluttering away. I was badly injured, so I hurried to the clerics Anvil had recruited. While I was getting healed, Lythana burrowed into the golem, killing it in the process. She retrieved a twisted looking amulet that looked to be made of blackened iron, and was in the shape of a tiny baby skull. Upon closer inspection, the skull was made from the bones of actual babies. Tilea put it on to keep it away from Sachi.
We retired to the tavern and were greeted as the Saviors of Barovia. After a while, a merchant accused Sachi of stealing, but he was in his human form, so there was no evidence of the theft.
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Map from "Curse of Strahd" adventure module by Wizards of the Coast |
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