It's Raining Vamps
Dramatis Personae:
Kithri "Quickshadow" Tealeaf, the Lightfoot Halfling Werebat Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter and Ruin Raider
Tilea Aervavil'A'Sum, the Wild Elf Circle of the Moon Druid Barbarian
Scritch, Tilea's Squirrel Animal Companion
Sachi Kno, the Vistani Weremonkey Thief
Forgrotken Anvilrocker, the Blugrim Forge Cleric of Moradin
Lythana, the Vistani Werewolf Order of the Ghost Slayer Blood Hunter
Comrades we have lost:
Pineck, Anvil's Horse- turned into soup by a cursed crate
Kithri "Quickshadow" Tealeaf, the Lightfoot Halfling Werebat Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter and Ruin Raider
Tilea Aervavil'A'Sum, the Wild Elf Circle of the Moon Druid Barbarian
Scritch, Tilea's Squirrel Animal Companion
Sachi Kno, the Vistani Weremonkey Thief
Forgrotken Anvilrocker, the Blugrim Forge Cleric of Moradin
Lythana, the Vistani Werewolf Order of the Ghost Slayer Blood Hunter
Comrades we have lost:
Pineck, Anvil's Horse- turned into soup by a cursed crate
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Kithri's perspective, anything in italics is from a third party view, since the Hunter can't be everywhere at once.
***** Hetedik Honap 5, CY 735, Blood of the Vine Tavern, Village of Barovia
Over breakfast Tilea randomly decided to toss that creepy baby skull necklace at Sachi... and it began to strangle him instantly. I'm starting to think he's right about Tilea hating lycanthropes. I managed to help him get out of the chain and he tossed shit at Tilea, which was honestly rather amusing.
Right after this nonsense, there was a knock at the door; a terrified looking serving girl and a group of guards were on the other side. Apparently this little tussle had drawn some attention. Sachi told the guards Tilea had just tried to kill him, and they didn't believe him; instead, they demanded he clean up his shit, and wouldn't let any of us leave the breakfast room until it was done.
Lythana had slipped out and was over at the bar. I ordered whatever she was having, and got completely tossed from a single drink. I stumbled back upstairs to pass out again.
A few hours later, I was making tea over the fire in my private room, and I saw a shadow of a humanoid figure out of the corner of my eye. I pretended I didn't see it and went through the motions of making my tea, keeping a sharp eye out for the ambush I was certain was coming.
A red-head Vistani woman with strikingly beautiful violet eyes struck me; she was holding a blackened bow with silver arrows... and here I was, in my bloody small clothes. I scooped up my whip, slashed at the bitch, and ran out of my room, into the shared living room off our chambers. There, Tilea was facing off with a Vistani woman with golden blonde hair, holding a twisted looking whip. Tilea shifted into a dogmole and charged the one with the whip, while I continued to use my whip on the bitch with the bow. The one with the whip managed to ensnare me in it, but I was able to keep her from throwing me into Tilea; Til slashed at her with her razor-sharp claws. I wriggled free of the whip quickly, and the one with the bow shot Tilea- good thing she's not a lycan. Til scored what was apparently a nasty hit on the one with the bow; right after her claws connected, the bitch said "we'll be back," dropped something to the ground, and vanished- the other woman did the same.
Sachi and Anvil walked in right after that- apparently Anvil had been taken down by a black-haired woman with a staff, and a platinum-blonde woman with two blades had gone after Sachi; she lost him though, the little bugger is just too quick. Anvil had just finished digging the barbed silver arrows out of me when the guards showed up. We quickly told them what happened, and I guess they'd look into it, they didn't react much.
Lythana walked in as the guards were leaving. She told us those four women were the Wives of Talmot. Baron Talmot is a newer vampire lord, something of an up-and-comer, who has four wives. She said he was after that creepy necklace Tilea was wearing, and we had to get out of there before they returned. Until we hid the amulet, they'd be after us.
We found a grave as we traveled, which Sachi insisted we dig up; Anvil was vehemently against this for some reason. Lythana began digging, and as Sachi moved to help, Anvil grabbed him and attempted to restrain him to keep him from helping. I don't see what the problem was, if they're dead it's perfectly fine to steal from them; but I suppose an archaeologist has a different point of view on this than many people. There was nothing useful in the grave, so Lythana salted and burned it.
Lythana took us to a little village that wasn't on any map I've seen, nor have I heard of, and we were greeted to a group of werebears. She told them the Wives had gotten wind of us and we were in need of sanctuary. The bears led us into a lodge to a secret set of stairs; after going down about a mile, we entered a large, circular chamber to stay the night in.
After a couple hours, we could hear the bears snarling at something, but we couldn't tell what; we figured it was in our best interest to stay put. A couple hours later, the growls got more energetic. Not long after that, the growls became pained. We heard some footsteps, then a knock at the door.
***** Hetedik Honap 6, Secret Werebear Sanctuary
Sachi wanted to open the door, but Tilea used a thorn whip to haul him away from it. The knocking continued, but it sounded off somehow. Anvil rushed to the door while Tilea was dealing with the monkey, and found the source of the knocking to be dead bodies. They were being rolled down the stairs and the knocks were the bodies hitting the door. Sachi moved to check a body, and it bit him; bloody vampires. Anvil hit it with a pillar of radiance and slammed the door.
We decided we needed to face this directly, so we headed out. Not far up the stairs was a bear fighting that monk we'd seen earlier and two vampires. Sachi and I were small enough to just go under the bear to deal with the vamps... That was a really stupid idea. I moved to whip a vampire, and somehow it got tangled around the bear's balls... I neutered the poor bloke; then the nut sack fell right on Sachi's face!
The monk turned to mist and vanished, just as a massive wave of ghouls started coming down the stairs at us. Anvil threw the bear corpse at the ghouls and Sachi threw the nut sack at a vampire... it went straight down its throat and the vampire choked to death on a nut sack! Anvil told us to give him some room and he began lighting up the ghouls. Sachi, Lythana, and I were able to just run up the tunnel over the ghouls- I flew- while Anvil set up a spell that made spectral blugrim begin swirling 'round him, killing them quickly. Tilea stayed with him and took out any that survived Anvil.
That monk was waiting outside when we got there, and she just stood there while we slaughtered the vampires waiting with her. When Tilea and Anvil reached us, a dominant feminine voice came from the monk, saying "enough, children! Give us-" I interjected and asked if we could just have a cup of tea and talk like civilized people... she said yes! I was beyond flustered by the response, but we sat down and set up a little fire to brew some tea, and I pulled out my travel cups.
She wanted that creepy amulet of Tilea's, and when I attempted to talk her out of it, she told me if I told her who had the amulet, Strahd would send me home. Before I could even register that offer, Anvil hurriedly said Tilea had it. Anvil vanished and the monk told the vampires we hadn't killed to get her. A spectral doorway opened under Tilea as the vampires moved toward her, and another one opened a thousand feet above us. Sachi yelled at them to go after her, and the idiots did... It was raining vampires. The monk glared at Sachi, so he jumped through the doorway, I followed, doing a perfect dive, and catching the monkey. The monk actually followed us.
Tilea dropped a moonbeam in the area the vampires would be falling through, scorching them as they tumbled to their dooms. Anvil randomly appeared in the air with us, and Sachi gave him an immovable rod to help slow his fall. A swarm of flying squirrels appeared and helped Tilea get away. Sachi and I flew off on our own; Anvil eventually wandered off; we had no idea where Lythana had gone.
In the morning there was a small group of Vistani camped out at the base of the tree Sachi and I had slept in. We joined them for breakfast and I gifted them a bunch of tea. Everyone needs good tea.
We began heading toward Vallaki after breakfast, since we'd briefly discussed that last night before everything went to Hells. Sure enough, Tilea was there and Anvil was just arriving. There were some merchants just outside the gates so we were able to get things together to disguise ourselves; I was sure that guard captain hadn't forgotten about us. Tilea's stupid amulet came up and they instantly sent for Belmont.
Not long after that, Lythana and an old Vistani woman arrived; the woman gave us each a reading from her Tarokka Deck. The reading she gave me was not pleasant; I was destined to return to Barovia over and over, it was my true home, and what I seek will not set me free. She then drew a card that represented all of us, and said we seek the same thing, we just don't know it yet. I felt power well up, then the woman vanished in a puff of smoke.
It took five long hours to disguise ourselves cosmetically. We made Anvil up to look like a goliath, Tilea was a high elf, I was a gnome, and Sachi was a halfling. Lythana got us into the city and took us toward an inn where we were taken to a secret room. It was lovely; Lythana's personal chambers. I retired to my room and climbed into a nice hot bath, then settled down in a cushy bed with silky sheets. It was glorious.
Anvil gave Tilea a ring of mind shielding to help her hide the amulet. Tilea decided to have Syn, the little girl in the amulet, try to attune herself to the magics instead. After a bit, Syn got quiet; she'd gone in the ring and something else had moved into the amulet. Once everyone else was in bed, Tilea explained everything to Lythana. The Vistani looked at her and said "I'm sorry. I'll make this as painless as possible." She lunged at Tilea.
All maps from the "Curse of Strahd" Adventure Module by Wizards of the Coast
Over breakfast Tilea randomly decided to toss that creepy baby skull necklace at Sachi... and it began to strangle him instantly. I'm starting to think he's right about Tilea hating lycanthropes. I managed to help him get out of the chain and he tossed shit at Tilea, which was honestly rather amusing.
Right after this nonsense, there was a knock at the door; a terrified looking serving girl and a group of guards were on the other side. Apparently this little tussle had drawn some attention. Sachi told the guards Tilea had just tried to kill him, and they didn't believe him; instead, they demanded he clean up his shit, and wouldn't let any of us leave the breakfast room until it was done.
Lythana had slipped out and was over at the bar. I ordered whatever she was having, and got completely tossed from a single drink. I stumbled back upstairs to pass out again.
A few hours later, I was making tea over the fire in my private room, and I saw a shadow of a humanoid figure out of the corner of my eye. I pretended I didn't see it and went through the motions of making my tea, keeping a sharp eye out for the ambush I was certain was coming.
A red-head Vistani woman with strikingly beautiful violet eyes struck me; she was holding a blackened bow with silver arrows... and here I was, in my bloody small clothes. I scooped up my whip, slashed at the bitch, and ran out of my room, into the shared living room off our chambers. There, Tilea was facing off with a Vistani woman with golden blonde hair, holding a twisted looking whip. Tilea shifted into a dogmole and charged the one with the whip, while I continued to use my whip on the bitch with the bow. The one with the whip managed to ensnare me in it, but I was able to keep her from throwing me into Tilea; Til slashed at her with her razor-sharp claws. I wriggled free of the whip quickly, and the one with the bow shot Tilea- good thing she's not a lycan. Til scored what was apparently a nasty hit on the one with the bow; right after her claws connected, the bitch said "we'll be back," dropped something to the ground, and vanished- the other woman did the same.
Sachi and Anvil walked in right after that- apparently Anvil had been taken down by a black-haired woman with a staff, and a platinum-blonde woman with two blades had gone after Sachi; she lost him though, the little bugger is just too quick. Anvil had just finished digging the barbed silver arrows out of me when the guards showed up. We quickly told them what happened, and I guess they'd look into it, they didn't react much.
Lythana walked in as the guards were leaving. She told us those four women were the Wives of Talmot. Baron Talmot is a newer vampire lord, something of an up-and-comer, who has four wives. She said he was after that creepy necklace Tilea was wearing, and we had to get out of there before they returned. Until we hid the amulet, they'd be after us.
We found a grave as we traveled, which Sachi insisted we dig up; Anvil was vehemently against this for some reason. Lythana began digging, and as Sachi moved to help, Anvil grabbed him and attempted to restrain him to keep him from helping. I don't see what the problem was, if they're dead it's perfectly fine to steal from them; but I suppose an archaeologist has a different point of view on this than many people. There was nothing useful in the grave, so Lythana salted and burned it.
Lythana took us to a little village that wasn't on any map I've seen, nor have I heard of, and we were greeted to a group of werebears. She told them the Wives had gotten wind of us and we were in need of sanctuary. The bears led us into a lodge to a secret set of stairs; after going down about a mile, we entered a large, circular chamber to stay the night in.
After a couple hours, we could hear the bears snarling at something, but we couldn't tell what; we figured it was in our best interest to stay put. A couple hours later, the growls got more energetic. Not long after that, the growls became pained. We heard some footsteps, then a knock at the door.
***** Hetedik Honap 6, Secret Werebear Sanctuary
Sachi wanted to open the door, but Tilea used a thorn whip to haul him away from it. The knocking continued, but it sounded off somehow. Anvil rushed to the door while Tilea was dealing with the monkey, and found the source of the knocking to be dead bodies. They were being rolled down the stairs and the knocks were the bodies hitting the door. Sachi moved to check a body, and it bit him; bloody vampires. Anvil hit it with a pillar of radiance and slammed the door.
We decided we needed to face this directly, so we headed out. Not far up the stairs was a bear fighting that monk we'd seen earlier and two vampires. Sachi and I were small enough to just go under the bear to deal with the vamps... That was a really stupid idea. I moved to whip a vampire, and somehow it got tangled around the bear's balls... I neutered the poor bloke; then the nut sack fell right on Sachi's face!
The monk turned to mist and vanished, just as a massive wave of ghouls started coming down the stairs at us. Anvil threw the bear corpse at the ghouls and Sachi threw the nut sack at a vampire... it went straight down its throat and the vampire choked to death on a nut sack! Anvil told us to give him some room and he began lighting up the ghouls. Sachi, Lythana, and I were able to just run up the tunnel over the ghouls- I flew- while Anvil set up a spell that made spectral blugrim begin swirling 'round him, killing them quickly. Tilea stayed with him and took out any that survived Anvil.
That monk was waiting outside when we got there, and she just stood there while we slaughtered the vampires waiting with her. When Tilea and Anvil reached us, a dominant feminine voice came from the monk, saying "enough, children! Give us-" I interjected and asked if we could just have a cup of tea and talk like civilized people... she said yes! I was beyond flustered by the response, but we sat down and set up a little fire to brew some tea, and I pulled out my travel cups.
She wanted that creepy amulet of Tilea's, and when I attempted to talk her out of it, she told me if I told her who had the amulet, Strahd would send me home. Before I could even register that offer, Anvil hurriedly said Tilea had it. Anvil vanished and the monk told the vampires we hadn't killed to get her. A spectral doorway opened under Tilea as the vampires moved toward her, and another one opened a thousand feet above us. Sachi yelled at them to go after her, and the idiots did... It was raining vampires. The monk glared at Sachi, so he jumped through the doorway, I followed, doing a perfect dive, and catching the monkey. The monk actually followed us.
Tilea dropped a moonbeam in the area the vampires would be falling through, scorching them as they tumbled to their dooms. Anvil randomly appeared in the air with us, and Sachi gave him an immovable rod to help slow his fall. A swarm of flying squirrels appeared and helped Tilea get away. Sachi and I flew off on our own; Anvil eventually wandered off; we had no idea where Lythana had gone.
In the morning there was a small group of Vistani camped out at the base of the tree Sachi and I had slept in. We joined them for breakfast and I gifted them a bunch of tea. Everyone needs good tea.
We began heading toward Vallaki after breakfast, since we'd briefly discussed that last night before everything went to Hells. Sure enough, Tilea was there and Anvil was just arriving. There were some merchants just outside the gates so we were able to get things together to disguise ourselves; I was sure that guard captain hadn't forgotten about us. Tilea's stupid amulet came up and they instantly sent for Belmont.
Not long after that, Lythana and an old Vistani woman arrived; the woman gave us each a reading from her Tarokka Deck. The reading she gave me was not pleasant; I was destined to return to Barovia over and over, it was my true home, and what I seek will not set me free. She then drew a card that represented all of us, and said we seek the same thing, we just don't know it yet. I felt power well up, then the woman vanished in a puff of smoke.
It took five long hours to disguise ourselves cosmetically. We made Anvil up to look like a goliath, Tilea was a high elf, I was a gnome, and Sachi was a halfling. Lythana got us into the city and took us toward an inn where we were taken to a secret room. It was lovely; Lythana's personal chambers. I retired to my room and climbed into a nice hot bath, then settled down in a cushy bed with silky sheets. It was glorious.
Anvil gave Tilea a ring of mind shielding to help her hide the amulet. Tilea decided to have Syn, the little girl in the amulet, try to attune herself to the magics instead. After a bit, Syn got quiet; she'd gone in the ring and something else had moved into the amulet. Once everyone else was in bed, Tilea explained everything to Lythana. The Vistani looked at her and said "I'm sorry. I'll make this as painless as possible." She lunged at Tilea.
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Blood of the Vine Tavern |

All maps from the "Curse of Strahd" Adventure Module by Wizards of the Coast
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