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Monday, May 21, 2018

Adventures in Oerth- The Bane of Vecna: Book Two, Chapter Fourteen

Aurora's Bad Day

Dramatis Personae:
Aurora Isilime, the Valley Elf Bard of Valor, Bae'qeshel and Champion of Lolth, and Lore Wizard, the Silver Tongued Siren, Knight of Summer
Charlotte, Aurora's violet Faerie Dragon familiar
Dervish, the Kasathe Brass Dragon Fighter and Dragon Blood Sorcerer, Knight of the Erl King
"Shadewing" Corvis Cairunis Umbrusalarim, the Shadow Elf Hexblade Warlock of the Raven Queen
Cloak, Shadewing's Empty Cloak familiar
Alfred, Shadewing's Raven familiar 
Zorack, the Elftaur Ranger Bounty Hunter and Knight of Winter
Gewnter, the Falcon Monk and Zorack's companion
Alucard, the ancient all powerful wizard; formerly Oryn Talus, the ancient and mysterious halfling who has employed the party; also know as Cinder, the ancient power that is said to destroy every world
Lan El'Mandragoran, the Human Paladin of Pelor
Aerathema, the Wood Elf Druid
Narg, there's really no way to describe Narg, Narg is just Narg
Sil'ilos'anon Braz'Dracon, the "Drow" Warlock Blood Mage of Lolth, and the new DEATH
Ralliakkan, the Drow Rogue, Knight of Fall
Mara Nemestk, the Human Champion who serves as Aurora's Knight

Comrades we have lost:
Elder Vish, Dervish's friend and mentor from his world, Knight of Spring- soul taken by the Knight of Y'Chuk
Ceidil Rein, the Human Champion who serves as Eurydice's Knight- taken by the outside, then killed by party
Eurydice, the Faerie Dragon Feylock, formerly Aurora's familiar- taken by the outside, then killed by party
Pharin Braz'Dracon, the Brass Dragon-Drow Conjurationist Wizard and Priest of Lolth- returned to Faerun
Andolin Braz'Dracon, the Brass Dragon-Drow Fighter/Beast Master- returned to Faerun
Lothar, the Sovani Smith and semi-Cleric of Moradin, High Priest of Lolth, Cleric of Istus, forced Cleric of Asmodeus; Kas Reincarnated - sacrificed to ressurect Alucard
Oryn Talus, the ancient and mysterious halfling who has employed the party- fractured himself into 4 parts to prevent cult from taking his soul
Willow Liadon, the Eladrin Arcane Trickster- sent to Elysium through a trap and was never heard from again

NOTE: Things will be mostly from Aurora's perspective. Anything in italics is from a third person, since the bard can't be everywhere at once.

***** Diamondice 2, CY 711, Castle Ravenloft

       Just before Zorack could jump through the well, he was yanked out of sight by the Olympians, and the portal closed. We found ourselves standing outside of a fortress, the landscape was grey and decayed. Fuck, we were back in Barovia. Two pit fiends appeared, and I tried to plane shift us the fuck out of here. Nothing happened... All magic was shut down, except for the magic we already had going. 

       I summoned my Twin and we flanked one of the fiends, scoring a couple nasty looking hits. Shade tried to put it in an iron flask, but nothing happened, so both he and Dervish joined me on one of the fiends. Narg took the other one. The fiend we fought couldn't touch us at all. The three of us continued pounding on ours, and it looked just as bad as the one Narg was dealing with- apparently together we three are as strong as Narg. Shade got the killing blow, bashing its skull in. Then something strange happened... Ebon, his sentient mace and patron, moved from Shade's hand to the fiend's, and it healed as Ebon spoke through it. 

       The sound of one person slowly clapping came from behind us- Strahd. He demanded to know how we'd gotten here, said he wasn't pleased about what Ebon had done to his fiend, and asked why he shouldn't just kill us all now. Dervish said he should let us live because of the Outsiders. Strahd wasn't concerned about them, his domain was so isolated it would take millennia for them to find and destroy him. At that point, Shadewing called for a parley. A parley in Strahd's realm means there's to be combat by a champion; the champion could be affiliated with anyone the person calling the parley is associated with. Shade could have called on Alucard, Narg, anyone... instead, he chose the Champion of Lolth.

       My skin darkened and my hair lightened as he called on Lolth's Champion; when she'd given me her Moonblade, she'd made me her Champion, and had been keeping that hidden all this time. Rage and bloodlust oozed from my very pores as a spidery energy whirled around me. 

       I was suddenly in an arena, facing a monk who was wrapped up in cloth, almost like a mummy. Things started out okay, once I discovered psychic damage hurt that fucker. But then he scored a nasty hit on me, tearing part of my face. There was a summoning spell in my Tome of the Stilled Tongue, so I used it, attempting to call a yochlol. Instead I got Shadewing and Dervish. They helped me finish it off though. 

       Ralliakkan and Shade then convinced Strahd to let us leave, but we all had to give him our blood so he could keep us out of his realm permanently. 

       We went to the Shadowfell from Barovia, and there I contacted Titania to see if we were needed at the Stone Table- which we were. The Queens had brought Scottie back to life, but we were still down an Autumn Knight. 

       Apparently Vecna was working to make the Gates fall because the ambitious fucker wanted to take all of the Outsiders power. We thought the Silvered Star might be able to remove that knowledge from all existence, thus preventing Vecna from getting his undead claws on it. I am so fucking sick of fucking Vecna. He seriously needs to fucking die. While we talked, Alucard showed up, trying to help us formulate a plan.

       Ralliakkan would go after Vish's soul so we could get out Knight back. We were debating between going after the Star or Vecna- apparently the fucking star was with the massive kraken thing we'd encountered thanks to the dude wishing us to him. At that point I realized that Vecna could spy on us through the book, so I went back to Potidaea to unattune myself from its magical energies, and stash it in one of the safer locations. They continued working on the plan while I was gone. 

       The official plan was Ralliakkan was going after Vish. The party would go for Vecna, then the Star, hoping to seal Vecna away in the process. They would tell Aurora they were going after the Star first, in hopes of catching Vecna off guard if he was still able to spy on Aurora without the book. 

       I checked in with Briisa and discovered we'd been gone for two fucking weeks. Things were about as okay as they could be in Potidaea, so I went back to find out what the assholes had been up to while I dealt with this nonsense.

       Once I told the boys we'd been gone for two fucking weeks, Dervish began spazzing out about his stupid fucking army. I scryed for them to shut him the fuck up, and found they were being over by fucking barbarians. Then I scryed for Alyssandra, and saw only the caravan- empty. Dervish began flipping out, insisting we save his fucking people, even though that was quite clearly meant to be a fucking distraction. He went anyway, so I went to the caravan to look for Alyssandra to just get it over with. If I didn't we'd be stuck all fucking day on this nonsense instead of doing something that actually matters. 

      The caravan was abandoned, and the only thing I could find was a tiny pinprick of energy, like the residual effects of a rod of security. As I looked around, the Knight of Y'Chuk appeared and attempted to banish me. I was so not in the mood to deal with this asshat, so I told him to just fuck off- trying to banish him in return. When that didn't work, I threw a feeblemind spell at him, and it actually worked! The fucking Emissary came out and told me they just wanted that stupid fucking box that Me had been hiding. 

       I sent Alyssandra a message, and she told me to step away from the Emissary, so I continued my angry pacing a little further away from the douche. Alyssandra appeared and shot the Emissary with with veil fire. I bamfed us to my own paradise, and from there she went to fucking Dervish and I went back to the fucking table.

       Shadewing tracked down Lyathfikash, finding him far in the north. He told Shade that he had saved the caravan from the Knight of Y'Chuk, and taken the box they'd been protecting. Inside the box was the soul of an unborn god; opening the box and freeing in could be catastrophic. 

       I returned to the Table to find Shade taking a nasty hit from the fucking Knight of Daggon. I just wanted to chill in my Mansion, but of course we had to fight another fucking Knight. I inspired Shade and he used that to score a nasty hit of his own on the Knight. The Knight lunged at us, thankfully missing. I tried to feeblemind him, but the Knight and Emissary were apparently merged, so the Emissary removed it instantly. Shade unleashed a series of nasty attacks on it, and it attempted to rip Ebon out of Shade's hand, but Shade summoned Ebon away from it. 

       At that moment, the kasathe forces arrived. Scottie sent a ball of veil fire at the Knight's head, sending it flying; the price cost Scottie to collapse momentarily, it had aged him about fifty years. But he'd gotten rid of those fuck holes.

       Shade gathered up the corrupted ichor that was on the Table, putting it in an iron flask, which it instantly began corrupting. So I decided to plane shift it away... to Olympus. They pissed me off.

       Now that all of this bullshit was finally done, I set up my Mansion to go veg while we waited for the Queens to return to the Table.  

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