Into the Abyss Part 1:
The Arena
The Arena
Dramatis Personae:
Lady Claire Callalily Thundersword-Petunia, the Human Wererat Swordcaptain of the Purple Dragon Knights
Riddle, Claire's baby basilisk
Hans, Claire's Basalt Wolf Figurine
Urthstripe. Claire's Alabaster Badger Figurine
Rosebud Goldenrod Petunia, the Halftaur Wererat Berserker, "The Destroyer;" who sees magic where there is none and collects things that aren't there
Lily Trillium Petunia, the Green Dragonborn Lore Bard, and mother of the Petunia clan; champion of the Living Dungeon
Astrid Oleander Rockham-Petunia, the Longstrider Shifter Evocation Wizard
Calipso, Astrid's Lizard Familiar
Seluna, the Moon Elf Drow Totem Warrior Circle of the Moon Druid and Silverstar of Selûne
Niles Rubusthorn, the Moon Elf Shadow Dancer
Geophry Cherry Blossom Petunia, the chair that used to be a boy
Amin of Citadel Adbar, the Shield Dwarf Alchemist
Lith, the Bronze Dragonborn Scholar
Fitzzle, Lith's violet faerie dragon familiar
Flimflam Pebblehead-Petunia, the Deep Gnome Arcanist who has to collect everything he finds
Arwenel, the Elf Scholar
Alfalfa Cover Petunia, the Halftaur "Crocling" Wererat Fighter, formerly Rosebud's other half who can't take anything seriously and thinks he's the greatest at everything
Comrades we have lost:
Ront, the Orc Fighter- turned into hamburger by Pwent
Buppido, the Derro- smashed by Orvald
Eldeth Feldrun, the Shield Dwarf- killed during escape
Hera Adaar, the Abyssal Tiefling Wild Sorceress- swept away
Luna Trelawny, the Human Divination Wizard- skull caved in by rock thrown by Fidget, then finished off by black pudding
Sarith Zekarit, the Drow Scout- drowned
Phillip Johnson, the Human Cleric- in a seemingly irreversible coma, left in Hemeth's care
Jim Jar, the Deep Gnome- eaten by grell
Prince Derendil, the Quaggoth- killed by sea troll
Shuushar, the "Awakened" Kuo-toa- turned into shuushi by sea troll
Hemeth, the Duergar Arms Dealer- parted with group in Gracklstugh met group briefly on route to Mantol Derith for trade
Thimblepwent Battlehammer, the Dwarven Battlerager Barbarian- turned into dog food
Orvald Abershaw, the Mousefolk Barbarian- became a squeaky toy last seen in Bahamutsville under Zin-carla attacked the party at a gateway they found
Zenit 'Dracon, the Drow Fighter- abandoned the party because Orvald died last seen in Bahamutsville attacked the party at a gateway they found
Lythana Belmyr, the Half-Drow Blood Hunter of Eilistraee- sacrificed to Demogorgon
Codsworth, the polite Flumph- shredded by crossbow
Zarrus, the Tiefling Favored Soul Sorcerer of Mephisto- vanished during gnoll fight
Ol' Sparky, the Deep Dragon- last seen thrown into a portal to the Abyss by a glabrezu
Aura, the Air Genasi Storm Sorceress- accidental self-vaporization (bitch blew herself up)
Kyri, the Minotaur Scout- vaporized by a jackass
Fidget Stonegear, the Deep Gnome Inventor- big badda boom
Miarielle, the Lythari Priestess of Corellon- bigger badda boom
Glabbagool, the Gelatinous Cube- stayed with the kobolds
Kara Reginleif, the Half-Valkyrie Wererat Champion from the Zhentarim- vorpaled to pieces by demon Easter bunnies
Rumpadump, the Myconid Child- frozen by demon Easter bunny was raised by Mezzem and went missing, it is believed that Stool ate him
Sajin Silvertongue, the Deep Gnome Wererat Assassin- got stoned and kissed a pretty Medusa
Yklwa, Tali's Deinonychus animal companion- devoured by corbies
Natali, the Tiger Therinthrope Beastmaster- wished herself home
Roswyn Darkshooter, the Deep Gnome Delver- grick kibble
Mezzem, the Kobold Wererat Priestess of Bahamu- stayed in Blingdenstone
Vadania Nailaza, the Wild Elf Oakroot of Rillifane Rallathil- dust in the wind
Thecker Powdercraft, the Deep Gnome Wererat Gunslinger and Inquisitor of Bahamut- retired in Blingdenstone
Stool, the Myconid Child- stayed in Blingdenstone
Galothel Nightbreeze, the Moon Elf Alchemist- MIA after the Battle of Blingdenstone
Topsy and Turvy Goldwhiskers, the Deep Gnome Wererat Rogue Twins- stayed in Blingdenstone
Kazul, the Copper Platinum Dragonborn Shadow Monk of Bahamut- skull caved in by another rock from Fidget was restored to life by her god- MIA after Astrid's wish
Twyla Alderleaf, the Moon Elf Scout- MIA after Astrid's wish
Mithrilye, the Sun Elf Entertainer who will do anything to achieve her goals, and believes that anything that can bring her pleasure should be enjoyed immediately, not saved until later- MIA after Astrid's wish, believed to be trapped in the Abyss
Friendly Fire: 272
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Claire's perspective, anything with italics is from a third party, since the knight can't be everywhere at once.
***** Nightal 5, 1489 DR (The Year of the Warrior Princess), Neverwinter
We realized that Alfie wasn't with us, he had run away when Momma had scared him for trying to bite him. Retracing our steps, we eventually found my brother cowering in fear in the top room of the pyramid- a room that was quickly filling with smoke. Momma said the only way we could get out would be to plane shift, and Lith said she could protect us for a few seconds in the Feywild. Momma cast the spell, and I felt a lurch, as if I'd been shifted to the left without moving; it was an odd sensation.
We were in a large, cold, finely but sparsely decorated foyer, with torches that glittered in an icy blue light. All of the eyes in the portraits shifted to gaze at us, and every statue began advancing on us. Thankfully Momma was able to move us out of there, and to the Tower before they could do anything.
Seluna told us that about two blocks of the city were on fire because of us, and she cast out about a hundred different seeds so the forest wouldn't take to heavy of a loss in the rebuilding that would now have to happen.
***** Nightal 6, Neverwinter
In the morning we divvied up the mummy's hoard, and Astrid found something that made her give Flimflam that stupid ring. Momma and Rosebud went into the city to get some shopping done so we could leave; I stayed behind to finish the Tome Momma had bought me, and Astrid needed to copy her spells into her new book. When they returned they said there was going to be an auction that night that we needed to attend.
I left a little early for the auction so I could mail a few letters. I sent letters to Elle's pack, Kara's mercenary group, and Vadania's village telling them what happened and the heroic actions my friends had done that led to their deaths. I also sent one to Kazul's temple telling them of her death in Bahamutsville. I left out the part about her being brought back, because she was trapped in the Abyss, and because she isn't Kazul anymore. The final letter I sent was to my mother in Cormyr, telling her that I was very much alive, explaining that the Deck of Many Things is what led them to give up on me, and telling her I very much wanted to come home, but I wanted to resume my life. I couldn't resume my life in the Thundersword family or in the Army of the Purple Dragon while I was considered dead. I whispered a prayer to Torm that my family would reverse this and let me come home.
Momma ended up buying out the entire auction, and we got some wonderful goods for the money.
***** Nightal 7, Neverwinter
I needed twelve more hours to finish the Tome Momma had gotten me, and I really wanted to finish it before we went to the Abyss- which worked well, since Astrid was still working on adding her spells to the new book we'd gotten from the hoard.
Momma and Rosebud went back into town to pick up and order and finish up any last minute shopping. A wizard from the auction the night before jumped Momma in an alley, so Momma teleported them all back to the Tower and attempted to bind the wizard. He escaped and turned Rosebud into a chicken, then Astrid into a rabbit. Once Momma dispelled the magic that made Astrid a rabbit, he adopted Astrid into our odd little family.
***** Nightal 8, Neverwinter
We were finally ready to go to the Abyss to find Mithrilye, and possibly Not-Kazul. After a little debate, it was decided that Flimflam, Geophry, and Seluna would accompany us there; Alfie threw a tantrum and stormed off when we told him he had to stay in the Tower. Amin made us some amazing potions before we left, and I asked Lith to take care of Riddle for me; I whispered a prayer to Torm that he wouldn't be permanently in her care.
Finally we made the shift, but it was different this time. Just as our destination began to take shape, we felt as if we were shunted to a different location. Flimflam was a little sick when we arrived- in an arena in the middle of a feast. In the ring were a couple groups of slaves, some fighting, and some fucking- we were definitely in Graz'zt's realm, and right next to the weird orgy.
There was a gasp of surprise from the audience, followed by applause; I think they thought we were there on purpose. We were in a hazy landscape, and we could almost make out a tree line in the distance, but it seemed pretty far off. Momma said "greetings from the Material Plane," and apologized for interrupting their party. A female lamia told everyone to clear the stage, and asked what we were doing here- I think she may have been the host, considering how quickly the slaves moved at her command.
Momma gave her an odd description of what we were doing there, saying we were looking for a couple of missing slaves of hers. The lamia told us to come and enjoy her hospitality before discussing our plight; Momma started to move toward her, but was stopped by guards, and the demon harshly told us we'd speak later.
With that, the fights resumed, and a small group of adventurers was destroyed by a displacer beast. Momma started bragging that Rosebud or I could easily take the beast- then Rosebud said he could with one hand tied behind his back. She told us that if we all fought her creatures and won we would receive safe passage out of there.
Rosebud went first, fighting that displacer beast with one hand tied behind his back. Of course, my brother won that fight. Next up went Flimflam and Geophry, against a doppelganger; they won their fight too, with Flimflam shouting to the crowd that he would murder everyone. Astrid was next up, fighting against a cockatrice, and she disintegrated it right away.
My fight did not go as well as my sibling's fights had. I was fighting a demon ape thing- I think Momma said at one point that they're call balguras. It was creepy as hell, and we exchanged blows for what felt like forever, before the thing pinned me down. The last thing I remember is pain and my vision darkening. Claire was dead, so Rosebud ran into the arena to avenge his sister and bring her body back to Lily for revival. He defeated the ape, declared himself "Bud, the Crusher of Rapist Demon Apes," and got Claire's body back just in time. I came to with Momma shoving potions down my throat, telling me I'd died for a couple of seconds, but not long enough for the ritual that's illegal according to Cormyrean law.
Munching on some bread, I turned my attention back to the arena in time to see a very familiar platinum dragonborn walking in. Not-Kazul was here, and seemed to be in a daze. Astrid asked me if I was okay, and since I'd already made peace with the real Kazul being dead, and this platinum version being an impostor, I didn't really care. Not-Kazul was fighting a unicorn... that wouldn't go well for her, no matter how the fight ended. After exchanging blows for a moment, Not-Kazul killed the unicorn, and with a burst of energy it became a nightmare. Not-Kazul's scales took on a tarnished look, it seemed Bahamut was punishing her, which makes sense since killing a unicorn is a completely evil deed.
Momma named himself his champion and said he wanted to fight Not-Kazul. Momma grabbed her right away, turned her into a mouse, and sucked her into his iron flask. It was very anti-climactic, except for Alfie popping out of the flask the moment Momma opened it. Apparently the little shit had hidden himself in there so he could come with us.
After that we just had to watch the shows for a couple of hours before the lamia decided to let us leave. The safe passage she was granting us through her lands ended right outside the arena- of course.
Momma thought that Mithrilye was in one of Graz'zt's towers, and did some sort of spell with an amulet that indicated we should head toward the forest, that was so far away we could barely make out its existence. With that big of a distance to travel, we began to brainstorm ways to travel faster, but were interrupted when Alfie began throwing stars at Momma. Momma was furious and summoned his Hand, scooping my strange little brother up in it, bringing him over to him, and spanking him with the Hand. Alfie's ass was broken, and he was really fucked up. I took the Robe of Stars away from him per Momma's request.
As we traveled I heard Geophry telling Rosebud to make a song about me being humped to death by the demon ape... the song was awful. When that got shut down, he started picking on Alfie; for some reason, Geophry cannot stand our new brother.
Eventually we stopped and made camp, the Hut was really crowded with so many of us. While we rested, Momma put something called a Geas on Alfie to make him like him. These random attacks on Momma were getting very irritating to all of us.
***** Nightal 9, Azzagrat, 45th Layer
It took us a little while to figure out which direction we had been traveling in last night, the landscape here kind of blended together. Rosebud had left a mark on the ground, outside our Hut, but it had gotten a little smudged in the night. Thankfully, Momma was able to determine which was we needed to go.
After eight hours of walking, I dropped to the ground from exhaustion. I don't know why I was suddenly so wiped out, but I just couldn't walk another step. As I stumbled, we felt a rumbling in the ground, but before we could react to that, there was a familiar screech and a vrock dove at us. Shit. This was not a good time for this.
Rosebud threw his hammers at the fiend just before it stunned him, Astrid, Alfie, and Chairy. One vrock dove at Astrid and another went for Rosebud; I rose, stumbled to the vrock that was attacking Astrid, and slashed it with my whip. Flimflam pointed his staff at the vrock on Rosebud and used plane shift to send it somewhere. It ended up in the Celestial Plane.
Seluna cast something on me that made me feel much better, and Momma attempted to turn a vrock into a mouse; instead, poison came out of it, poisoning Alfie and Geophry. The rumbling had been getting louder and louder during all of this, and suddenly a minotaur looking thing came charging in, spearing Momma on his horn, and punching him off. Momma didn't die, but he didn't look too god either. Momma told us later that this thing was a goristro called Orwantz who acted as border patrol for Graz'zt.
I finished off the vrock and went for Orwantz, hitting him once with my blade. Flimflam used the plane shift on Orwantz, hoping to send him to the Celestial Plane as well. We collected ourselves, and about a minute passed before Orwantz returned; we'd hoped since the vrock hadn't come back that he wouldn't either. He speared Flimflam, and my brother crumpled in his seat- he seemed to be dying. Shit.
I ran up to it and channeled my anger at it through my blade, hitting it with several vicious attacks and bashing it with Demon's Mirror, my shield. Seluna slashed at it with her blade, and even though it somehow- magically- drew no blood, the demon screamed in pain from her assault. Rosebud blew his horn and summoned his gargoyles, who instantly surrounded the beast. Astrid screamed at it, and Alfie- having been given back his Robe of Stars because of the Geas- tossed two stars at it. Orwantz slammed his foot into the ground, causing tremors to ripple out around us; they fucking hurt, and Astrid went down.
Seluna, Rosebud, and I continued beating him, and it seemed to be hurting him, but he didn't seem to be injured enough yet to start wavering. As I felt my injuries knit closed from Momma's healing magic, it stomped its foot again, making us all stumble back. That quake must have messed up my balance a little bit, because my next series of strikes pinged off his armor; except my shield, but it doesn't do much damage on its own. Seluna hurried to revive Astrid, and Orwantz slashed her as she moved away, I retaliated with a strike of my own on him,
As we continued slashing at it, it moved like it was going to charge Seluna, but instead went for Momma, hitting both him and Chairy with a nasty blow. Geophry toppled over and Momma was thrown about twenty feet away. Then the fucker went to stab behind Alfie. I followed it and began another series of strikes against it; between my strikes and Rosebud's- which were fueled by pure hatred at the sight of what this thing had done to our family- it was bleeding profusely and swaying on its feet. It shoved me aside and went for Seluna and Astrid, both of them dropped from the attack. Momma revived both of them, and after a bunch more blows, it finally went down. We saw its soul fly off, but knew it would be back eventually.
Flimflam was completely dead, so Seluna had to reincarnate him. He turned into a selkie, which Momma said are elves that turn into seals; his new forms were peculiar.
We only traveled for another hour, to get some distance between us and Orwantz, before Momma set up the Hut so we could get some rest; that had been an exhausting battle.
Geophry offered Alfie a draw from the Deck of Many Things, and he chose two cards. The first one he drew was Ruin, luckily for him he didn't really have anything. Alfie's second draw was the Moon, and he got two wishes. First he wished for normal sized arms, and suddenly he had halfing-looking arms that were super buff. His second wish was beneficial to all of us: "I wish the demons couldn't hurt all of us, like all the time, as much." Hopefully that would make the demons unable to hurt us as easily.
*Author's note: Many of the events, locations and characters that occur in this story are from the Out of the Abyss Adventure Module by Wizards of the Coast. Anything with an asterisk next to it is a quote from the book.
We realized that Alfie wasn't with us, he had run away when Momma had scared him for trying to bite him. Retracing our steps, we eventually found my brother cowering in fear in the top room of the pyramid- a room that was quickly filling with smoke. Momma said the only way we could get out would be to plane shift, and Lith said she could protect us for a few seconds in the Feywild. Momma cast the spell, and I felt a lurch, as if I'd been shifted to the left without moving; it was an odd sensation.
We were in a large, cold, finely but sparsely decorated foyer, with torches that glittered in an icy blue light. All of the eyes in the portraits shifted to gaze at us, and every statue began advancing on us. Thankfully Momma was able to move us out of there, and to the Tower before they could do anything.
Seluna told us that about two blocks of the city were on fire because of us, and she cast out about a hundred different seeds so the forest wouldn't take to heavy of a loss in the rebuilding that would now have to happen.
***** Nightal 6, Neverwinter
In the morning we divvied up the mummy's hoard, and Astrid found something that made her give Flimflam that stupid ring. Momma and Rosebud went into the city to get some shopping done so we could leave; I stayed behind to finish the Tome Momma had bought me, and Astrid needed to copy her spells into her new book. When they returned they said there was going to be an auction that night that we needed to attend.
I left a little early for the auction so I could mail a few letters. I sent letters to Elle's pack, Kara's mercenary group, and Vadania's village telling them what happened and the heroic actions my friends had done that led to their deaths. I also sent one to Kazul's temple telling them of her death in Bahamutsville. I left out the part about her being brought back, because she was trapped in the Abyss, and because she isn't Kazul anymore. The final letter I sent was to my mother in Cormyr, telling her that I was very much alive, explaining that the Deck of Many Things is what led them to give up on me, and telling her I very much wanted to come home, but I wanted to resume my life. I couldn't resume my life in the Thundersword family or in the Army of the Purple Dragon while I was considered dead. I whispered a prayer to Torm that my family would reverse this and let me come home.
Momma ended up buying out the entire auction, and we got some wonderful goods for the money.
***** Nightal 7, Neverwinter
I needed twelve more hours to finish the Tome Momma had gotten me, and I really wanted to finish it before we went to the Abyss- which worked well, since Astrid was still working on adding her spells to the new book we'd gotten from the hoard.
Momma and Rosebud went back into town to pick up and order and finish up any last minute shopping. A wizard from the auction the night before jumped Momma in an alley, so Momma teleported them all back to the Tower and attempted to bind the wizard. He escaped and turned Rosebud into a chicken, then Astrid into a rabbit. Once Momma dispelled the magic that made Astrid a rabbit, he adopted Astrid into our odd little family.
***** Nightal 8, Neverwinter
We were finally ready to go to the Abyss to find Mithrilye, and possibly Not-Kazul. After a little debate, it was decided that Flimflam, Geophry, and Seluna would accompany us there; Alfie threw a tantrum and stormed off when we told him he had to stay in the Tower. Amin made us some amazing potions before we left, and I asked Lith to take care of Riddle for me; I whispered a prayer to Torm that he wouldn't be permanently in her care.
Finally we made the shift, but it was different this time. Just as our destination began to take shape, we felt as if we were shunted to a different location. Flimflam was a little sick when we arrived- in an arena in the middle of a feast. In the ring were a couple groups of slaves, some fighting, and some fucking- we were definitely in Graz'zt's realm, and right next to the weird orgy.
There was a gasp of surprise from the audience, followed by applause; I think they thought we were there on purpose. We were in a hazy landscape, and we could almost make out a tree line in the distance, but it seemed pretty far off. Momma said "greetings from the Material Plane," and apologized for interrupting their party. A female lamia told everyone to clear the stage, and asked what we were doing here- I think she may have been the host, considering how quickly the slaves moved at her command.
Momma gave her an odd description of what we were doing there, saying we were looking for a couple of missing slaves of hers. The lamia told us to come and enjoy her hospitality before discussing our plight; Momma started to move toward her, but was stopped by guards, and the demon harshly told us we'd speak later.
With that, the fights resumed, and a small group of adventurers was destroyed by a displacer beast. Momma started bragging that Rosebud or I could easily take the beast- then Rosebud said he could with one hand tied behind his back. She told us that if we all fought her creatures and won we would receive safe passage out of there.
Rosebud went first, fighting that displacer beast with one hand tied behind his back. Of course, my brother won that fight. Next up went Flimflam and Geophry, against a doppelganger; they won their fight too, with Flimflam shouting to the crowd that he would murder everyone. Astrid was next up, fighting against a cockatrice, and she disintegrated it right away.
My fight did not go as well as my sibling's fights had. I was fighting a demon ape thing- I think Momma said at one point that they're call balguras. It was creepy as hell, and we exchanged blows for what felt like forever, before the thing pinned me down. The last thing I remember is pain and my vision darkening. Claire was dead, so Rosebud ran into the arena to avenge his sister and bring her body back to Lily for revival. He defeated the ape, declared himself "Bud, the Crusher of Rapist Demon Apes," and got Claire's body back just in time. I came to with Momma shoving potions down my throat, telling me I'd died for a couple of seconds, but not long enough for the ritual that's illegal according to Cormyrean law.
Munching on some bread, I turned my attention back to the arena in time to see a very familiar platinum dragonborn walking in. Not-Kazul was here, and seemed to be in a daze. Astrid asked me if I was okay, and since I'd already made peace with the real Kazul being dead, and this platinum version being an impostor, I didn't really care. Not-Kazul was fighting a unicorn... that wouldn't go well for her, no matter how the fight ended. After exchanging blows for a moment, Not-Kazul killed the unicorn, and with a burst of energy it became a nightmare. Not-Kazul's scales took on a tarnished look, it seemed Bahamut was punishing her, which makes sense since killing a unicorn is a completely evil deed.
Momma named himself his champion and said he wanted to fight Not-Kazul. Momma grabbed her right away, turned her into a mouse, and sucked her into his iron flask. It was very anti-climactic, except for Alfie popping out of the flask the moment Momma opened it. Apparently the little shit had hidden himself in there so he could come with us.
After that we just had to watch the shows for a couple of hours before the lamia decided to let us leave. The safe passage she was granting us through her lands ended right outside the arena- of course.
Momma thought that Mithrilye was in one of Graz'zt's towers, and did some sort of spell with an amulet that indicated we should head toward the forest, that was so far away we could barely make out its existence. With that big of a distance to travel, we began to brainstorm ways to travel faster, but were interrupted when Alfie began throwing stars at Momma. Momma was furious and summoned his Hand, scooping my strange little brother up in it, bringing him over to him, and spanking him with the Hand. Alfie's ass was broken, and he was really fucked up. I took the Robe of Stars away from him per Momma's request.
As we traveled I heard Geophry telling Rosebud to make a song about me being humped to death by the demon ape... the song was awful. When that got shut down, he started picking on Alfie; for some reason, Geophry cannot stand our new brother.
Eventually we stopped and made camp, the Hut was really crowded with so many of us. While we rested, Momma put something called a Geas on Alfie to make him like him. These random attacks on Momma were getting very irritating to all of us.
***** Nightal 9, Azzagrat, 45th Layer
It took us a little while to figure out which direction we had been traveling in last night, the landscape here kind of blended together. Rosebud had left a mark on the ground, outside our Hut, but it had gotten a little smudged in the night. Thankfully, Momma was able to determine which was we needed to go.
After eight hours of walking, I dropped to the ground from exhaustion. I don't know why I was suddenly so wiped out, but I just couldn't walk another step. As I stumbled, we felt a rumbling in the ground, but before we could react to that, there was a familiar screech and a vrock dove at us. Shit. This was not a good time for this.
Rosebud threw his hammers at the fiend just before it stunned him, Astrid, Alfie, and Chairy. One vrock dove at Astrid and another went for Rosebud; I rose, stumbled to the vrock that was attacking Astrid, and slashed it with my whip. Flimflam pointed his staff at the vrock on Rosebud and used plane shift to send it somewhere. It ended up in the Celestial Plane.
Seluna cast something on me that made me feel much better, and Momma attempted to turn a vrock into a mouse; instead, poison came out of it, poisoning Alfie and Geophry. The rumbling had been getting louder and louder during all of this, and suddenly a minotaur looking thing came charging in, spearing Momma on his horn, and punching him off. Momma didn't die, but he didn't look too god either. Momma told us later that this thing was a goristro called Orwantz who acted as border patrol for Graz'zt.
I finished off the vrock and went for Orwantz, hitting him once with my blade. Flimflam used the plane shift on Orwantz, hoping to send him to the Celestial Plane as well. We collected ourselves, and about a minute passed before Orwantz returned; we'd hoped since the vrock hadn't come back that he wouldn't either. He speared Flimflam, and my brother crumpled in his seat- he seemed to be dying. Shit.
I ran up to it and channeled my anger at it through my blade, hitting it with several vicious attacks and bashing it with Demon's Mirror, my shield. Seluna slashed at it with her blade, and even though it somehow- magically- drew no blood, the demon screamed in pain from her assault. Rosebud blew his horn and summoned his gargoyles, who instantly surrounded the beast. Astrid screamed at it, and Alfie- having been given back his Robe of Stars because of the Geas- tossed two stars at it. Orwantz slammed his foot into the ground, causing tremors to ripple out around us; they fucking hurt, and Astrid went down.
Seluna, Rosebud, and I continued beating him, and it seemed to be hurting him, but he didn't seem to be injured enough yet to start wavering. As I felt my injuries knit closed from Momma's healing magic, it stomped its foot again, making us all stumble back. That quake must have messed up my balance a little bit, because my next series of strikes pinged off his armor; except my shield, but it doesn't do much damage on its own. Seluna hurried to revive Astrid, and Orwantz slashed her as she moved away, I retaliated with a strike of my own on him,
As we continued slashing at it, it moved like it was going to charge Seluna, but instead went for Momma, hitting both him and Chairy with a nasty blow. Geophry toppled over and Momma was thrown about twenty feet away. Then the fucker went to stab behind Alfie. I followed it and began another series of strikes against it; between my strikes and Rosebud's- which were fueled by pure hatred at the sight of what this thing had done to our family- it was bleeding profusely and swaying on its feet. It shoved me aside and went for Seluna and Astrid, both of them dropped from the attack. Momma revived both of them, and after a bunch more blows, it finally went down. We saw its soul fly off, but knew it would be back eventually.
Flimflam was completely dead, so Seluna had to reincarnate him. He turned into a selkie, which Momma said are elves that turn into seals; his new forms were peculiar.
We only traveled for another hour, to get some distance between us and Orwantz, before Momma set up the Hut so we could get some rest; that had been an exhausting battle.
Geophry offered Alfie a draw from the Deck of Many Things, and he chose two cards. The first one he drew was Ruin, luckily for him he didn't really have anything. Alfie's second draw was the Moon, and he got two wishes. First he wished for normal sized arms, and suddenly he had halfing-looking arms that were super buff. His second wish was beneficial to all of us: "I wish the demons couldn't hurt all of us, like all the time, as much." Hopefully that would make the demons unable to hurt us as easily.
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Photo owned by Wizards of the Coast, artwork by Jared Blando. |
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