The Battle of Blingdenstone Part One: Wading Through Oozes and Muck
Dramatis Personae:
Lady Claire Thundersword, the Human Wererat Swordcaptain of the Purple Dragon Knights
Riddle, Claire's baby Basilisk
Hans, Claire's Basalt Wolf Figurine
Urthstripe, Claire's Alabaster Badger Figurine
Mezzem, the Kobold Wererat Priestess of Bahamut who plots the murder of anyone who slights her
Lit, Mezzem's baby Basilisk
Rosebud Goldenrod Petunia, the Halfling/Shetland Pony "Centaur" Wererat Berserker, "The Destroyer;" who sees magic where there is none and collects things that aren't there
Lily Trillium Petunia, the Green Dragonborn Lore Bard, and Rosebud and Geophry's "Momma;" champion of the Living Dungeon
Vadania Nailaza, the Wild Elf Oakroot of Rillifane Rallathil
Barkbeak, Vadania's Hippogriff Steed
Thecker Powdercraft, the Deep Gnome Wererat Gunslinger and Inquisitor of Bahamut
Riddle, Claire's baby Basilisk
Hans, Claire's Basalt Wolf Figurine
Urthstripe, Claire's Alabaster Badger Figurine
Mezzem, the Kobold Wererat Priestess of Bahamut who plots the murder of anyone who slights her
Lit, Mezzem's baby Basilisk
Rosebud Goldenrod Petunia, the Halfling/Shetland Pony "Centaur" Wererat Berserker, "The Destroyer;" who sees magic where there is none and collects things that aren't there
Lily Trillium Petunia, the Green Dragonborn Lore Bard, and Rosebud and Geophry's "Momma;" champion of the Living Dungeon
Vadania Nailaza, the Wild Elf Oakroot of Rillifane Rallathil
Barkbeak, Vadania's Hippogriff Steed
Thecker Powdercraft, the Deep Gnome Wererat Gunslinger and Inquisitor of Bahamut
Seluna, the Moon Elf Drow Totem Warrior Circle of the Moon Druid and Silverstar of Selûne
Flimflam Pebblehead, the Deep Gnome Arcanist who has to collect everything he finds
Smoothpalm, the Deep Gnome Monk of Smoothhands
Niles Rubusthorn, the Moon Elf Shadow Dancer
Twyla Alderleaf, the Moon Elf Scout
Geophry Cherry Blossom Petunia, the chair that used to be a boy
Stool, the Myconid Child was raised from the grave by Mezzem
Galothel Nightbreeze, the Moon Elf Alchemist
Amin of Citadel Adbar, the Shield Dwarf Alchemist
Mithrilye, the Sun Elf Entertainer who will do anything to achieve her goals, and believes that anything that can bring her pleasure should be enjoyed immediately, not saved until later
Lith, the Bronze Dragonborn Scholar
Fitzzle, Lith's violet faerie dragon familiar
Topsy and Turvy Goldwhiskers, the Deep Gnome Wererat Rogue Twins
Flimflam Pebblehead, the Deep Gnome Arcanist who has to collect everything he finds
Smoothpalm, the Deep Gnome Monk of Smoothhands
Niles Rubusthorn, the Moon Elf Shadow Dancer
Twyla Alderleaf, the Moon Elf Scout
Geophry Cherry Blossom Petunia, the chair that used to be a boy
Stool, the Myconid Child was raised from the grave by Mezzem
Galothel Nightbreeze, the Moon Elf Alchemist
Amin of Citadel Adbar, the Shield Dwarf Alchemist
Mithrilye, the Sun Elf Entertainer who will do anything to achieve her goals, and believes that anything that can bring her pleasure should be enjoyed immediately, not saved until later
Lith, the Bronze Dragonborn Scholar
Fitzzle, Lith's violet faerie dragon familiar
Topsy and Turvy Goldwhiskers, the Deep Gnome Wererat Rogue Twins
Comrades we have lost:
Ront, the Orc Fighter- turned into hamburger by Pwent
Buppido, the Derro- smashed by Orvald
Eldeth Feldrun, the Shield Dwarf- killed during escape
Hera Adaar, the Abyssal Tiefling Wild Sorceress- swept away
Luna Trelawny, the Human Divination Wizard- skull caved in by rock thrown by Fidget, then finished off by black pudding
Sarith Zekarit, the Drow Scout- drowned
Phillip Johnson, the Human Cleric- in a seemingly irreversible coma, left in Hemeth's care
Jim Jar, the Deep Gnome- eaten by grell
Prince Derendil, the Quaggoth- killed by sea troll
Shuushar, the "Awakened" Kuo-toa- turned into shuushi by sea troll
Hemeth, the Duergar Arms Dealer- parted with group in Gracklstugh met group briefly on route to Mantol Derith for trade
Thimblepwent Battlehammer, the Dwarven Battlerager Barbarian- turned into dog food
Orvald Abershaw, the Mousefolk Barbarian-became a squeaky toy last seen in Bahamutsville under Zin-carla
Zenit 'Dracon, the Drow Fighter-abandoned the party because Orvald died last seen in Bahamutsville
Lythana Belmyr, the Half-Drow Blood Hunter of Eilistraee- sacrificed to Demogorgon
Codsworth, the polite Flumph- shredded by crossbow
Zarrus, the Tiefling Favored Soul Sorcerer of Mephisto- vanished during gnoll fight
Ol' Sparky, the Deep Dragon- last seen thrown into a portal to the Abyss by a glabrezu
Aura, the Air Genasi Storm Sorceress- accidental self-vaporization (bitch blew herself up)
Kyri, the Minotaur Scout- vaporized by a jackass
Thimblepwent Battlehammer, the Dwarven Battlerager Barbarian- turned into dog food
Orvald Abershaw, the Mousefolk Barbarian-
Zenit 'Dracon, the Drow Fighter-
Lythana Belmyr, the Half-Drow Blood Hunter of Eilistraee- sacrificed to Demogorgon
Codsworth, the polite Flumph- shredded by crossbow
Zarrus, the Tiefling Favored Soul Sorcerer of Mephisto- vanished during gnoll fight
Ol' Sparky, the Deep Dragon- last seen thrown into a portal to the Abyss by a glabrezu
Aura, the Air Genasi Storm Sorceress- accidental self-vaporization (bitch blew herself up)
Kyri, the Minotaur Scout- vaporized by a jackass
Fidget Stonegear, the Deep Gnome Inventor- big badda boom
Miarielle, the Lythari Priestess of Corellon- bigger badda boom
Kazul, the Copper Dragonborn Shadow Monk of Bahamut- skull caved in by another rock from Fidget
Glabbagool, the Gelatinous Cube- stayed with the kobolds
Kara Reginleif, the Half-Valkyrie Wererat Champion from the Zhentarim- vorpaled to pieces by demon Easter bunnies
Kazul, the Copper Dragonborn Shadow Monk of Bahamut- skull caved in by another rock from Fidget
Glabbagool, the Gelatinous Cube- stayed with the kobolds
Kara Reginleif, the Half-Valkyrie Wererat Champion from the Zhentarim- vorpaled to pieces by demon Easter bunnies
Rumpadump, the Myconid Child- frozen by demon Easter bunny was raised by Mezzem and went missing, it is believed that Stool ate him
Sajin Silvertongue, the Deep Gnome Wererat Assassin- got stoned and kissed a pretty Medusa
Yklwa, Tali's Deinonychus animal companion- devoured by corbies
Natali, the Tiger Therinthrope Beastmaster- wished herself home
Roswyn Darkshooter, the Deep Gnome Delver from the Miner's Guild- grick kibble
Friendly Fire: 207
Party members killed: 23
Overall party members lost: 30
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Claire's perspective, anything with italics is from a third party, since the knight can't be everywhere at once.
***** Marpenoth 25, 1489 DR (The Year of the Warrior Princess), Blingdenstone
After we got settled back in at Blingdenstone, we met with the Goldwhiskers, Diggermattocks, the Miner's Guild, the Stoneheart Enclave, the Burrow Wardens, and the ghosts to find out what had happened in our absence and to come up with a plan of attack. We would need a tenday to get everything together,
We were told that the ooze attacks had escalated, they were attacking more often, and as a result the svirfneblin had to collapse two tunnels to keep them out. We would have access to one greater earth elemental from the Stoneheart Enclave, and ranged artillery support; the ghosts would be attacking from above and below.
The majority of the Goldwhiskers and Diggermattocks would be on the front lines, keeping the oozes distracted so we could find the king. In addition to those factions, Amin, Galothel, Lith, Mithrilye, Lily, Medic, and Terrik would be part of the frontal assault.
Flimflam, Rosebud, Vadania, Mezzem, and I would be taking a greater elemental and doing the infiltration, hopefully reaching and killing the Pudding King. We also made two small surgical strike teams that could be merged into a second infiltration team if we failed. The first would be Topsy, Thecker, and Seluna along with twelve Goldwhiskers; the second would have Turvy, Smoothpalm, Twyla, Niles, and twelve more Goldwhiskers. I hoped we wouldn't need to use the second strike team. We were not bringing Geophry with us, we didn't want to put the chair in harm's way.
Once we had figured out on the maps where exactly everyone would be going, we all settled in to prepare for this fight.
***** Uktar 5, Blingdenstone
Today we fight the Pudding King and hopefully save Blingdenstone. I had polished my armor, and said a quick pre-battle prayer to Torm. The letter to my mother was rewritten to tell her that if she was reading that I had died trying to save Blingdenstone. I hoped no one would need to send it. I made sure the others knew where it was, to make sure it would get to her. I also asked Mezzem to look after Riddle if I died. It was time for me to fight in another war against a seemingly endless army to save a good city from falling. I felt like it was the year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls all over again, when I was in the war against the Sembia and the Shadovar.
We began our journey through the winding tunnel, hoping it was a backdoor that would bring us to the Pudding King faster. Rosebud and Mezzem were kind of scouting ahead, but not too far- we couldn't afford to lose sight of them. Rosebud came upon a puddle and splashed his maul into it, it splashed slime back at him. Turns out it wasn't an ooze, just a puddle of goo. Flimflam polymorphed him into an air elemental to get rid of the slime, which resulted in a bunch of slime balls whirling in the air around Mezzem. Rosebud tried to throw a slime ball at Flimflam and missed horribly.
A little bit later we ran into a white pudding that pummeled Flimflam and he got stuck; I hate those ones. Then a black spiny one dropped down next to Mezzem, and two more whites dropped down, one grabbing Vadania and the other failing to grab Rosebud; a gray one followed them and took a swipe at our elemental. Mezzem and Rosebud each took a swipe at the spiny one, and it literally exploded in fire, hitting all of us. Vadania managed to break free of the white that was holding her, but poor Flimflam went down, and fell in the white on him even further.
Rosebud hit one with his maul and it split, bludgeoning doesn't usually split them- he still killed both halves though. I decided to try a slashing blade on the next one, thinking since bludgeoning split one maybe slashing wouldn't, and that didn't work- it split, and then split again on the second swipe of my blade. Rosebud went for the one that had swallowed Flimflam, and though he hit it, he got stuck by it; Mezzem went for that one too, and she tried to move it to see Flimflam so she could heal him- which didn't work.
Our elemental made short work of the gray that was on it, while I finished off the split pieces on me. Rosebud and Vadania kept working at the ooze that had swallowed Flimflam, before Mezzem decided to take a huge risk and reach into the ooze to attempt to revive the svirfneblin. We couldn't tell if it worked, but Mezzem's arm was now stuck in the fucking thing. I hate oozes. Flimflam was revived, but the horror of coming to inside an ooze broke his fragile mind, and he is now a hoarder.
Vadania pulled Mezzem out of it, and just in time- Flimflam dropped a fireball on himself inside of it, the ooze was gone, and Flimflam was lying unconscious on the ground with his hands glowing brilliant colors. The explosion killed poor Barkbeak again- that insane gnome was really good at killing that hippogriff.
A little while later we came across a huge puddle of slime that we couldn't get around, so Flimflam decided to freeze it. He began using the spell that makes a beam of frost come from his hands, but got annoyed with how long it was taking, and ended up using his dragon ice breath, which covered the entire tunnel in ice- and he suddenly seemed a little thinner.
Shortly after that Rosebud rounded a corner, and saw what he described as "a shiny... magical... lump of death!" and charged forward, straight into a gelatinous cube. As we came up behind him a white ball came bouncing in, smacking Vadania and bouncing off of her into Mezzem. If it wasn't war, this would have been rather amusing to watch.
Rosebud had broken free of the cube, and was now being attacked by three crystal-looking things. Flimflam used the spell that shoots a beam of frost out of his palm on the bouncy ball, and it seemed to shudder on impact. Mezzem whacked the ball with her sword, only to have it bounce back and hit her... I couldn't suppress a chuckle at that, it was just too funny watching her sword rebound right into her. Her rebounded hit seemed to kill that ball though, so we could turn our attention to the cube and crystals attacking Rosebud.
Vadania and I went for the cube, and took it out in only a couple of hits. The metallic lump of death came up and began attacking Rosebud in the meantime- these oozes didn't seem to like the halftaur. He of course retaliated, but his maul barely seemed to chip one of the crystals. Flimflam used a lightning spell on one of the crystals- it exploded and paralyzed him. He's good at accidentally hurting himself while killing an enemy. Lucky for him Vadania fixed him before an ooze got to him.
Both the elemental and I seemed to be barely able to touch the fucking crystals, and the elemental randomly burrowed into the ground after its attack. Flimflam unleashed a lightning bolt at all of them, killing all but one crystal and the metallic. Mezzem sent her pillar of radiance at the crystal, but it didn't drop- instead it paralyzed Rosebud.
Vadania and I finished off the metallic, and Flimflam used more lightning on the remaining crystal. The elemental popped up too late to do anything. We gathered ourselves and continued our search for the King.
We came up on another huge puddle of slime we couldn't get around. Mezzem tried to use the spell that cleans things, but it didn't do anything, so Flimflam froze the slime again. After we crossed the frozen tunnel, we saw the Pudding King. "The insane, slime-covered deep gnome pointed at us and cackled, 'Devour them, my precious children! Make your father proud!' He then bolted."*
Rosebud fired an arrow in a direction where he thought one of them was, and we saw a metallic shimmer where the arrow landed. He then began to shake as if he was being attacked, but none of us could see anything great now we have invisible oozes. In his head, Rosebud heard a voice say "what's soft and gooey and red all over? You in about two seconds." He was being attacked by invisible tendrils. Flimflam blindly sent out a wave of thunder, and we saw a flash of light as the spell went off- we could briefly see the tentacles flailing about, but a second later they were gone. Flimflam could now hear mad giggling in his head.
Rosebud was hit with a psychic attack so nasty his brain hurt- then the metallic slammed into Rosebud and spat at him, the spit sticking to him somehow. I shot at the wall where Rosebud had just shot, and in response tentacles whipped out, hitting both Flimflam and I. Mezzem did something to illuminate one of the oozes, and Flimflam froze the area; we could see a red metallic, that just missed me with spit.
I chucked my javelin at the red, and followed up with my crossbow- it spat at me again. I fucking hate oozes. Our elemental walked up the wall toward it and slammed into the thing, I think it hurt the ooze but it's hard to tell against something like that. Flimflam shot fire at that one, but that didn't seem to do anything to it at all.
Rosebud and Mezzem went for the one with whips, which did not spit when it was hit. Horrible pain coursed through my brain as one of the oozes targeted me with something; I shot at the red again. The ooze with the whips dropped poor Flimflam, and as Vadania retaliated something happened and I was blinded. I wish I still had Dawnbringer, she could have cured the blindness.
The elemental kept pounding away at the red ooze, and Mezzem revived Flimflam. Flimflam climbed on Rosebud's back and shot a lightning bolt at the red ooze. I got my sight back right before Flimflam used that misty step thing into the air, hurling a lightning bolt killing the whip and a red; we could see now there was more than one red.
Now we had a new problem, the spit balls the red had been throwing at us were very acidic and stuck to us. I doused myself in water, but that did nothing to get the goo off of me. Our elemental seemed to be in even worse shape, it was covered in the spit balls and seemed to be very badly hurt. Thankfully Mezzem sent out a burst of healing at that moment; while it didn't get the spitballs off of us, it at least knit some of our injured flesh back together.
Flimflam sent another bolt of lightning at the red, causing it to split into two- I hate that oozes fucking split. It felt like a hammer hit me upside the brain as another mental attack got me. The ooze started spitting at us again, but it only hit Flimflam this time. I worked to get one of the globs off of myself so it would quit trying to destroy my armor, the poor elemental peeled one of the globs off, and I saw Vadania toss a glob off to the side. Flimflam kept chucking lightning bolts at the red, getting hit with more and more of that horrible spit.
I shot at it with my crossbow, but the headache it had given me must have distracted me, I missed my shot completely. Mezzem used her pillar of radiance on it, and it was dead; now there was only one red left. Throughout all of this Mezzem kept sending out healing bursts, which was the only reason we were able to keep going in this fight.
We then had a few seconds where all of were missing this damned ooze, I don't know how, it was right there, but it eventually Rosebud shot the fucking thing. Rosebud and Mezzem finished that one off, while the rest of us frantically worked to get the goo off of us. When they had finished it off, Rosebud announced there was another one further down the tunnel. None of us could see it, but Flimflam was hit with a mental attack, which backed up Rosebud's thoughts on there being yet another one.
*Author's note: Many of the events, locations and characters that occur in this story are from the Out of the Abyss Adventure Module by Wizards of the Coast. Anything with an asterisk next to it is a quote from the book.
Sajin Silvertongue, the Deep Gnome Wererat Assassin- got stoned and kissed a pretty Medusa
Yklwa, Tali's Deinonychus animal companion- devoured by corbies
Natali, the Tiger Therinthrope Beastmaster- wished herself home
Roswyn Darkshooter, the Deep Gnome Delver from the Miner's Guild- grick kibble
Friendly Fire: 207
Party members killed: 23
Overall party members lost: 30
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Claire's perspective, anything with italics is from a third party, since the knight can't be everywhere at once.
***** Marpenoth 25, 1489 DR (The Year of the Warrior Princess), Blingdenstone
After we got settled back in at Blingdenstone, we met with the Goldwhiskers, Diggermattocks, the Miner's Guild, the Stoneheart Enclave, the Burrow Wardens, and the ghosts to find out what had happened in our absence and to come up with a plan of attack. We would need a tenday to get everything together,
We were told that the ooze attacks had escalated, they were attacking more often, and as a result the svirfneblin had to collapse two tunnels to keep them out. We would have access to one greater earth elemental from the Stoneheart Enclave, and ranged artillery support; the ghosts would be attacking from above and below.
The majority of the Goldwhiskers and Diggermattocks would be on the front lines, keeping the oozes distracted so we could find the king. In addition to those factions, Amin, Galothel, Lith, Mithrilye, Lily, Medic, and Terrik would be part of the frontal assault.
Flimflam, Rosebud, Vadania, Mezzem, and I would be taking a greater elemental and doing the infiltration, hopefully reaching and killing the Pudding King. We also made two small surgical strike teams that could be merged into a second infiltration team if we failed. The first would be Topsy, Thecker, and Seluna along with twelve Goldwhiskers; the second would have Turvy, Smoothpalm, Twyla, Niles, and twelve more Goldwhiskers. I hoped we wouldn't need to use the second strike team. We were not bringing Geophry with us, we didn't want to put the chair in harm's way.
Once we had figured out on the maps where exactly everyone would be going, we all settled in to prepare for this fight.
***** Uktar 5, Blingdenstone
Today we fight the Pudding King and hopefully save Blingdenstone. I had polished my armor, and said a quick pre-battle prayer to Torm. The letter to my mother was rewritten to tell her that if she was reading that I had died trying to save Blingdenstone. I hoped no one would need to send it. I made sure the others knew where it was, to make sure it would get to her. I also asked Mezzem to look after Riddle if I died. It was time for me to fight in another war against a seemingly endless army to save a good city from falling. I felt like it was the year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls all over again, when I was in the war against the Sembia and the Shadovar.
We began our journey through the winding tunnel, hoping it was a backdoor that would bring us to the Pudding King faster. Rosebud and Mezzem were kind of scouting ahead, but not too far- we couldn't afford to lose sight of them. Rosebud came upon a puddle and splashed his maul into it, it splashed slime back at him. Turns out it wasn't an ooze, just a puddle of goo. Flimflam polymorphed him into an air elemental to get rid of the slime, which resulted in a bunch of slime balls whirling in the air around Mezzem. Rosebud tried to throw a slime ball at Flimflam and missed horribly.
A little bit later we ran into a white pudding that pummeled Flimflam and he got stuck; I hate those ones. Then a black spiny one dropped down next to Mezzem, and two more whites dropped down, one grabbing Vadania and the other failing to grab Rosebud; a gray one followed them and took a swipe at our elemental. Mezzem and Rosebud each took a swipe at the spiny one, and it literally exploded in fire, hitting all of us. Vadania managed to break free of the white that was holding her, but poor Flimflam went down, and fell in the white on him even further.
Rosebud hit one with his maul and it split, bludgeoning doesn't usually split them- he still killed both halves though. I decided to try a slashing blade on the next one, thinking since bludgeoning split one maybe slashing wouldn't, and that didn't work- it split, and then split again on the second swipe of my blade. Rosebud went for the one that had swallowed Flimflam, and though he hit it, he got stuck by it; Mezzem went for that one too, and she tried to move it to see Flimflam so she could heal him- which didn't work.
Our elemental made short work of the gray that was on it, while I finished off the split pieces on me. Rosebud and Vadania kept working at the ooze that had swallowed Flimflam, before Mezzem decided to take a huge risk and reach into the ooze to attempt to revive the svirfneblin. We couldn't tell if it worked, but Mezzem's arm was now stuck in the fucking thing. I hate oozes. Flimflam was revived, but the horror of coming to inside an ooze broke his fragile mind, and he is now a hoarder.
Vadania pulled Mezzem out of it, and just in time- Flimflam dropped a fireball on himself inside of it, the ooze was gone, and Flimflam was lying unconscious on the ground with his hands glowing brilliant colors. The explosion killed poor Barkbeak again- that insane gnome was really good at killing that hippogriff.
A little while later we came across a huge puddle of slime that we couldn't get around, so Flimflam decided to freeze it. He began using the spell that makes a beam of frost come from his hands, but got annoyed with how long it was taking, and ended up using his dragon ice breath, which covered the entire tunnel in ice- and he suddenly seemed a little thinner.
Shortly after that Rosebud rounded a corner, and saw what he described as "a shiny... magical... lump of death!" and charged forward, straight into a gelatinous cube. As we came up behind him a white ball came bouncing in, smacking Vadania and bouncing off of her into Mezzem. If it wasn't war, this would have been rather amusing to watch.
Rosebud had broken free of the cube, and was now being attacked by three crystal-looking things. Flimflam used the spell that shoots a beam of frost out of his palm on the bouncy ball, and it seemed to shudder on impact. Mezzem whacked the ball with her sword, only to have it bounce back and hit her... I couldn't suppress a chuckle at that, it was just too funny watching her sword rebound right into her. Her rebounded hit seemed to kill that ball though, so we could turn our attention to the cube and crystals attacking Rosebud.
Vadania and I went for the cube, and took it out in only a couple of hits. The metallic lump of death came up and began attacking Rosebud in the meantime- these oozes didn't seem to like the halftaur. He of course retaliated, but his maul barely seemed to chip one of the crystals. Flimflam used a lightning spell on one of the crystals- it exploded and paralyzed him. He's good at accidentally hurting himself while killing an enemy. Lucky for him Vadania fixed him before an ooze got to him.
Both the elemental and I seemed to be barely able to touch the fucking crystals, and the elemental randomly burrowed into the ground after its attack. Flimflam unleashed a lightning bolt at all of them, killing all but one crystal and the metallic. Mezzem sent her pillar of radiance at the crystal, but it didn't drop- instead it paralyzed Rosebud.
Vadania and I finished off the metallic, and Flimflam used more lightning on the remaining crystal. The elemental popped up too late to do anything. We gathered ourselves and continued our search for the King.
We came up on another huge puddle of slime we couldn't get around. Mezzem tried to use the spell that cleans things, but it didn't do anything, so Flimflam froze the slime again. After we crossed the frozen tunnel, we saw the Pudding King. "The insane, slime-covered deep gnome pointed at us and cackled, 'Devour them, my precious children! Make your father proud!' He then bolted."*
Rosebud fired an arrow in a direction where he thought one of them was, and we saw a metallic shimmer where the arrow landed. He then began to shake as if he was being attacked, but none of us could see anything great now we have invisible oozes. In his head, Rosebud heard a voice say "what's soft and gooey and red all over? You in about two seconds." He was being attacked by invisible tendrils. Flimflam blindly sent out a wave of thunder, and we saw a flash of light as the spell went off- we could briefly see the tentacles flailing about, but a second later they were gone. Flimflam could now hear mad giggling in his head.
Rosebud was hit with a psychic attack so nasty his brain hurt- then the metallic slammed into Rosebud and spat at him, the spit sticking to him somehow. I shot at the wall where Rosebud had just shot, and in response tentacles whipped out, hitting both Flimflam and I. Mezzem did something to illuminate one of the oozes, and Flimflam froze the area; we could see a red metallic, that just missed me with spit.
I chucked my javelin at the red, and followed up with my crossbow- it spat at me again. I fucking hate oozes. Our elemental walked up the wall toward it and slammed into the thing, I think it hurt the ooze but it's hard to tell against something like that. Flimflam shot fire at that one, but that didn't seem to do anything to it at all.
Rosebud and Mezzem went for the one with whips, which did not spit when it was hit. Horrible pain coursed through my brain as one of the oozes targeted me with something; I shot at the red again. The ooze with the whips dropped poor Flimflam, and as Vadania retaliated something happened and I was blinded. I wish I still had Dawnbringer, she could have cured the blindness.
The elemental kept pounding away at the red ooze, and Mezzem revived Flimflam. Flimflam climbed on Rosebud's back and shot a lightning bolt at the red ooze. I got my sight back right before Flimflam used that misty step thing into the air, hurling a lightning bolt killing the whip and a red; we could see now there was more than one red.
Now we had a new problem, the spit balls the red had been throwing at us were very acidic and stuck to us. I doused myself in water, but that did nothing to get the goo off of me. Our elemental seemed to be in even worse shape, it was covered in the spit balls and seemed to be very badly hurt. Thankfully Mezzem sent out a burst of healing at that moment; while it didn't get the spitballs off of us, it at least knit some of our injured flesh back together.
Flimflam sent another bolt of lightning at the red, causing it to split into two- I hate that oozes fucking split. It felt like a hammer hit me upside the brain as another mental attack got me. The ooze started spitting at us again, but it only hit Flimflam this time. I worked to get one of the globs off of myself so it would quit trying to destroy my armor, the poor elemental peeled one of the globs off, and I saw Vadania toss a glob off to the side. Flimflam kept chucking lightning bolts at the red, getting hit with more and more of that horrible spit.
I shot at it with my crossbow, but the headache it had given me must have distracted me, I missed my shot completely. Mezzem used her pillar of radiance on it, and it was dead; now there was only one red left. Throughout all of this Mezzem kept sending out healing bursts, which was the only reason we were able to keep going in this fight.
We then had a few seconds where all of were missing this damned ooze, I don't know how, it was right there, but it eventually Rosebud shot the fucking thing. Rosebud and Mezzem finished that one off, while the rest of us frantically worked to get the goo off of us. When they had finished it off, Rosebud announced there was another one further down the tunnel. None of us could see it, but Flimflam was hit with a mental attack, which backed up Rosebud's thoughts on there being yet another one.
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*Author's note: Many of the events, locations and characters that occur in this story are from the Out of the Abyss Adventure Module by Wizards of the Coast. Anything with an asterisk next to it is a quote from the book.
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