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Monday, July 9, 2018

Adventures in Oerth- The Bane of Vecna: Book Two, Epilogue


Dramatis Personae:
Aurora Isilime, the Valley Elf Bard of Valor, Maestro, Bae'qeshel and former Champion of Lolth, Lore Wizard, the Silver Tongued Siren, Knight of Summer
Charlotte, Aurora's violet Faerie Dragon familiar
Dervish, the Kasathe Dullahan Brass Dragon Fighter and Dragon Blood Sorcerer, Knight of the Erl King
"Shadewing" Corvis Cairunis Umbrusalarim, the Shadow Elf Dullahan Hexblade Warlock of the Raven Queen
Cloak, Shadewing's Empty Cloak familiar
Alfred, Shadewing's Raven familiar 
Zorack, the Elftaur Dullahan Ranger Bounty Hunter  Knight of Winter
Alucard, the ancient all powerful wizard; formerly Oryn Talus, the ancient and mysterious halfling who has employed the party; also know as Cinder, the ancient power that is said to destroy every world
Lan El'Mandragoran, the Human Paladin of Pelor
Aerathema, the Wood Elf Druid
Sil'ilos'anon Braz'Dracon, the "Drow" Warlock Blood Mage of Lolth, and the new DEATH
Elder Vish, Dervish's friend and mentor from his world, Knight of Spring

Comrades we have lost:
Gewnter, the Falcon Dullahan Monk and Zorack's companion- spontaneous combustion
Narg, there's really no way to describe Narg, Narg is just Narg- sacrificed himself to aid the party
Ralliakkan, the Drow Rogue- killed by Lyathfikash
Mara Nemestk, the Human Champion- killed by the outside
Ceidil Rein, the Human Champion- taken by the outside, then killed by party
Eurydice, the Faerie Dragon Feylock- taken by the outside, then killed by party
Pharin Braz'Dracon, the Brass Dragon-Drow Conjurationist Wizard and Priest of Lolth- returned to Faerun
Andolin Braz'Dracon, the Brass Dragon-Drow Fighter/Beast Master- returned to Faerun
Lothar, the Sovani Smith and semi-Cleric of Moradin, High Priest of Lolth, Cleric of Istus, forced Cleric of Asmodeus; Kas Reincarnated - sacrificed to ressurect Alucard
Oryn Talus, the ancient and mysterious halfling who has employed the party- fractured himself into 4 parts to prevent cult from taking his soul
Willow Liadon, the Eladrin Arcane Trickster- sent to Elysium through a trap and was never heard from again

NOTE: Things will be mostly from Aurora's perspective. Anything in italics is from a third person, since the bard can't be everywhere at once.


       In the years after we defeated Vecna, Dervish began exploring the multiverse with his people, searching for their paradise planet. Since so many of his people were still in Oerth, he did make trip back regularly, so I unfortunately saw him more than I would have liked to.

       Zorack resumed bounty hunting as if nothing had changed.

       Shadewing resumed his service to the Raven Queen.

       I resurrected the puppy and named him Jayce, so he'd always be with me in a way. There was no way I could return him to life. After the puppy was a bit older, I awakened him and trained him to be a bard; he was always afraid of mandolins though. I took my place as the Battle Bard of Potidaea, Gabrielle's old position, and Briisa and I made our College flourish and become renowned. Aerathema had used the creation magic the boys were throwing around to heal the Vale, so my home was restored. With our numbers so severely diminished, I invited Vish to help us repopulate. I returned to the ancient city in the desert and made the land flourish again. I set up escape routes and backup libraries between Potidaea, the Vale, and the City, which I named the Alcove of the Bard. Alucard let me copy his library to help us rebuild what Pharin had destroyed. 

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