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Monday, April 24, 2017

Pathfinders of the New World- Knights of the Cross(roads), the Next Generation: Book Two, Chapter Four

Taking Out the Roaming Hoardes

Dramatis Personae:
KlikKlick BoomBoom, the Kobold Beastmaster
TickTick, KlikKlik's Giant Bat animal companion
Sonitri, the Samsaran Arcane Prodigy Sorcerer
Taryn Al'Maera, the Drow Assassin and future Ralliakkan
Niss'RizDax Kenarn, the Drow Sword Dancer Priestess of Eilistraee, "the Moonlit Dancer"
Xara, the Dorc Circus Eldritch Knight

Comrades we have lost:
Nyneve, the Water Genasi Druid of the Fountain- eaten by zombies

NOTE: Things will be mostly from Dax's perspective, anything in italics is from a third party view, since the priestess can't be everywhere at once.

***** Astron 7, 480, Crossroads

       We spent the morning doing some shopping before we needed to report in. Xara attempted to join the Mage's Guild, but she came back and said she'd lost miserably; she'd had to face ghouls and it hadn't gone well.

       When we reported in, our orders were to head to the Gnoll Hills to hunt the roaming hoardes. They said there was still at least one large hoarde there that had a cyclops. Great. We were leaving in the morning.

***** Astron 8, Gnoll Hills

       Once we reached the hills KlikKlik went to scout for the cyclops, and found it right away. We decided that KlikKlik, Taryn, Xara, and I would deal with the cyclops and Pinkerton, Seipora, Luth, Zashieda, and Silifrey would deal with the other undead. KlikKlik was going to try to draw the cyclops away from the other undead to make all of our jobs a little easier.

       She got the cyclops's attention pretty fast and shot at it as she flew toward us to keep it from losing interest. Unfortunately for us we also got the attention of two ghouls, a couple skeletons, and a couple zombies who followed the cyclops toward us; I dropped a moonbeam on the cyclops when it got closer to us. I noticed Taryn had grabbed the cyclops's leg and seemed to be trying to climb the fucking thing- that was going to be interesting, especially since it seemed oblivious to her presence.

       KlikKlik and TickTick took out one of the ghouls right before the cyclops reached Xara and I. She slashed at it right before its fist smashed into both of us. Stars swam in my vision momentarily and I lost concentration on my moonbeam. Then the beast lurched forward as Taryn dealt it the killing blow.

       The remaining ghoul was right in my face, and I knew I couldn't take another blow, so I dashed away from it... and it fucking followed me, so I killed it. If I'd known I could just kill it I wouldn't have bolted, but those things aren't exactly easy to kill. KlikKlik and TickTick took care of two of the skeletons, and Taryn finished off the last one. Xara slashed at the final zombie, but it wouldn't go down, so I dropped my moonbeam on it to finish it off.

       We met back up with the others and took a brief rest while we debated on what to do next. There were a couple of caves that undead could be hiding in, so we decided to take one cave each, splitting up like we had earlier.

       Since Xara and I aren't the best at sneaking, KlikKlik and Taryn decided to scout the cave on their own, and told us to wait for their signal- without specifying what the damned signal was. After a little bit, a platinum glow was emanating from inside the cave- I recognized it as the light of Apsu, and assumed that was the signal.

       KlikKlik and Taryn snuck through the tunnel into the cave, and reached a Y in the path. KlikKlik reached out to Apsu, asking for him to aid her in determining which direction to go in... and Apsu's wisdom was too much for her brain to handle. The kobold's head exploded, and a large platinum egg appeared where she had been standing. The platinum light of Apsu began to glow from the egg, filling the tunnel.

       We reached Taryn and TickTick quickly, and found the source of the light to be an egg. All we got from Taryn was that KlikKlik was probably in it, before we heard the all too familiar growling of ghouls, coming from both sides of the Y in the tunnel. It seemed that Apsu's light had altered the undead to our presence. Great.

       Undead came pouring out of the tunnels, coming right for us; Taryn told us to protect the egg right before dropping one of the ghouls. As we began exchanging fire with the undead, I noticed a couple of them looked weird... but couldn't think much of it since we were quickly getting surrounded. Xara got paralyzed from a ghoul's claws, and I reached for Eilistraee's aid, hoping to make the fuckers run or dust, but I only scared off two of the damned things. I sent out healing to the group, and saw Taryn drop a bomb... that didn't go off. In the next breath Taryn went down. Great.

       TickTick began clawing at the egg, trying to help it hatch, and I got Xara up and moving again, then healed all of us. Taryn got up and attacked the egg instead of the ghouls... Xara took out two more of the ghouls, right before Taryn went down again. Before I could react, I felt the burn of a ghoul's claw and felt myself tumble into darkness.

       In that moment, KlikKlik's egg hatched, and she emerged a platinum dragonborn with wings. The burst of her egg hit Xara enough to drop her, and the few ghouls who remained. She revived the group quickly.

       KlikKlik was taller, and platinum... and had wings. What in the Nine did we miss? Taryn told us that KlikKlik's head had exploded, and apparently Apsu had decided to fix KlikKlik by changing her. Fucking weird.

       We checked the rest of the cave, and found no more undead. The little bit of treasure in the cave was disgusting, but we took it anyway. KlikKlik sent Pinkerton a message that we'd taken care of our cave and would meet her at the lake.

       On our way we saw a group of ghouls heading toward the lake, but we were badly beaten and didn't think we could take them right now. Since town was way closer to the lake, we headed back there to find Pinkerton.

       Once we got the others we all went to take out the group of ghouls. KlikKlik was enjoying her new flight abilities and she zoomed off ahead of us.

       KlikKlik found a group of farmers walking into an ambush by the ghouls, and dropped a bomb on the undead. It didn't kill any of them, so she began shooting them while she waited for the rest of the group to catch up.

       Finding KlikKlik was easy enough, all we had to do was follow the gunfire. With the aid of the others we took out the ghouls quite easily. We spent the night in Riverside.

***** Astron 9, Riverside

       We decided to check a few more caves this morning, and went to the local mine owner's house, thinking we could get some info from the guards. One of them really wanted to bone Xara, and she agreed, getting the information afterward. She said he was a horrible lay.

       The first cave we checked out was empty, and on our way to the second one, KlikKlik looted some abandoned boats that had washed ashore. The second cave had a Y in the tunnel again, and thankfully KlikKlik didn't decide to ask Apsu for directions this time. Taryn rigged an acid trap in the tunnel so that if the anything tried to come up behind us we'd be alerted. Eventually the tunnel opened up into a chamber, with five ghouls and one ghast inside. We took them out with ease.

       As we came back toward the Y, we heard a group of ghouls coming toward us, so we hid and ambushed them. They went down really fast too. We seem to be getting good at this.

       When we got back to Crossroads, we were told to come back in the morning for our next assignment.

***** Astron 10, Crossroads

       The next morning we were told that they didn't have a plan yet, apparently some of the scouts hadn't reported in. They told us to come back again tomorrow.

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