Dramatis Personae:
Tilea Aervavil'A'Sum, the Wild Elf Circle of the Moon Druid Barbarian
Scritch, Tilea's Squirrel Animal Companion
Sachi Kno, the Vistani Weremonkey Thief
Belmont Von Richter, the mysterious Human who tends to show up just in the nick of time
Tabitha Marie Lennox, the Human White Witch of Mystra
Nikko, Tabitha's Flying Monkey familiar
Bruenar Shieldwall, the Shield Dwarf Shield Fighter the party hired
Comrades we have lost:
Pineck, Anvil's Horse- turned into soup by a cursed crate
Kithri "Quickshadow" Tealeaf, the Lightfoot Halfling Werebat Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter and Ruin Raider- left to become Archivist
Forgrotken Anvilrocker, the Blugrim Forge Cleric of Moradin- killed by the Talmot Wives
Lythana, the Human Werewolf Order of the Ghost Slayer Blood Hunter- captured by the Talmot Wives, then turned evil
Syndal Al'Vherin, the Four-year-old Human girl who Tilea released from an amulet- kidnapped by Strahd, now working with Talmot
Tilea Aervavil'A'Sum, the Wild Elf Circle of the Moon Druid Barbarian
Scritch, Tilea's Squirrel Animal Companion
Sachi Kno, the Vistani Weremonkey Thief
Belmont Von Richter, the mysterious Human who tends to show up just in the nick of time
Tabitha Marie Lennox, the Human White Witch of Mystra
Nikko, Tabitha's Flying Monkey familiar
Bruenar Shieldwall, the Shield Dwarf Shield Fighter the party hired
Comrades we have lost:
Pineck, Anvil's Horse- turned into soup by a cursed crate
Kithri "Quickshadow" Tealeaf, the Lightfoot Halfling Werebat Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter and Ruin Raider- left to become Archivist
Forgrotken Anvilrocker, the Blugrim Forge Cleric of Moradin- killed by the Talmot Wives
Lythana, the Human Werewolf Order of the Ghost Slayer Blood Hunter- captured by the Talmot Wives, then turned evil
Syndal Al'Vherin, the Four-year-old Human girl who Tilea released from an amulet- kidnapped by Strahd, now working with Talmot
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Tabitha's perspective, anything in italics is from a third party view, since the Witch can't be everywhere at once.
***** Hetedik Honap 18, 745 CY, Temple of Mystra
After cleaning the Temple I settled down to make it hallowed ground again, a ritual that would take a full day to perform. Tilea and Bruenar wandered off; I don't know where Sachi went.
A couple hours into the ritual, Tilea and Bruenar walked in with an unconscious minotaur. Apparently they'd encountered a dead body that they thought was mine and reincarnated what they thought was me into the minotaur... who they then had to beat unconscious. They hurt my brain. Tilea thought I was Agatha at first, but she quickly realized that wasn't the case. I kicked out the minotaur and resumed my ritual.
About fourteen hours into the ritual, Sachi emerged from the Temple's bathroom. I realized he'd been in there for fourteen hours... I sent my unseen servants in to clean up his mess. Sachi had made an amazing pooting (a painting with shit instead of paint) of Violet's wedding. The detail was incredible, but no one would ever see it except some unseen servants.
***** Hetedik Honap 19, Temple of Mystra
They came back as I finished my ritual to make it hallowed ground, and I told them I was going to expand the Temple, to give me space to take in the many orphans and help and protect anyone who wanted it. I wanted my Temple to be a safe space for every Barovian. I burned out several powerful items to do this, and it ended up being a five story building, with an open air market on the ground floor. Externally the Temple was only a ten by ten building, but inside it was huge and beautiful.
In the common areas was a permanent daylight. The second floor was housing and a dining hall, and all food was a hero's feast. The third floor was more housing, half of which belonged to me and my group, and was secured so only we could access it. The fourth floor was schooling, as was the fifth, but the fifth was for my witch training specifically. I summoned twenty flumphs to help teach the children. This was a sanctuary, and a home to all Barovians who were peaceful. All who decided to work in the Temple would be able to bring their families in. None would be charged to live or eat here, nor would any be denied medical attention.
When I was finishing up the ritual, a cursed top popped up outside the Temple, where many were waiting to be officially brought inside, and it started making children go insane. By the time the others had everything subdued, forty children were dead. I created a massive 21-point circle that covered the entire building, while the others got the bodies inside. I took a sword of legend and a bunch of diamonds, and with a swirl of my hands, all of the children were brought back. Cheers erupted from the people watching through the doors. I walked up to the doors and announced the opening of my safe, neutral space. People began filing in quickly.
While I'd been working on these rituals, Bruenar had bought the inn and tavern, Sachi bought the guild hall, and Tilea bought Death House... This is what I get for leaving them alone for a day and a half. So after spending tons of hours working on rituals, we had to go clear out Death House.
Bruenar broke down the door to Death House since we didn't have a key. Tilea called out for servants, not getting exactly what Death House is. Sachi found a poison trap, by setting it off, and fell unconscious. Neither of my restoration spells worked, I had to use a much higher caliber healing spell to revive him. We used mage hand to open the door, and found another poison trap on the other side of the door, which Sachi disabled.
In the cloak room, Sachi found a top hat and tossed it to Tilea. She caught it and threw it back, and it landed right on his head. A ghost overlayed him as soon as the hat touched his head. I felt myself age a little. Tabitha aged thirty years, though it only looked like she'd aged three, thanks to Mystra; Bruenar aged 40 years, Nikko aged ten, and Scritch dropped dead from old age.
I used my protection candle and saw a ghost leave Sachi, but something lingered in him... a soul curse; I needed something stronger than I had with me to undo that. Tilea destroyed the ghost, and I reincarnated Scritch.
We went into the kitchen next, and it was surprisingly well stocked and clean. Tilea found a super cursed ring, and Sachi put it on before we could stop him. I quickly used my spell to remove curses, and a voice said we had to say the secret word. Tilea told it to get rid of the other thing in Sachi, and it instead tried to turn her to stone. Sachi stabbed himself and the voice said a ten year contract was required. I tried to banish the entity and nothing happened, so Tilea hit Sachi with her moon water chalice. Bruenar grabbed Sachi and dumped a bag of salt in his mouth. A ghostly visage popped out of Sachi and the cursed ring was gone.
The dining room was the next room we entered, and the table was already set. A piece of silverware moved on its own and Tilea hit it. Then the chandelier shook and she threatened it; so all of the chairs pulled out. We heard soft giggling and footsteps running out of the room. In the foyer was a soft breeze, and we heard footsteps in the one room we hadn't entered.
We walked into the den, which had two stuff wolves in it that Tilea took instant offence to; she wanted to try to bring them back to life later. There was a trap door in the room, but we couldn't figure out how to get it open; not Sachi or magic worked. It must only open from the other side. More giggling and footsteps were heard, and we followed them upstairs. This place is rather ridiculous.
The library/office was the first room we entered and I found a book with a blank spine, which opened up a hidden alcove when pulled. There were more shelves and books in there, along with a chest that had a satchel hanging out of it. Inside was a nasty note from Strahd to the people who now haunted this evil place.
We next went into the servant's quarters and Sachi found a small panel with a button that calls for the dumbwaiter. It took three minutes to get to us, and it was screeching eerily the entire way up. When it opened, a cloud of flies swarmed out, a pile of severed heads was sitting on the platform; but it vanished in a flash.
The music room was pretty much empty, so we went up to the third floor. A suit of platemail was on the landing and as Sachi neared it, it attacked him. It stumbled as it lunged and Sachi pushed it down the stairs.
The nursemaid's room was the first we entered and Sachi found a hidden door with cobweb filled stairs in it. We went up to the roof from there and Sachi tried to throw me off of it... luckily, I'm always on my broom, so that didn't yield the results he wanted. I shot him with a witch bolt for being a dick, and Tilea yelled there were ghosts to distract Sachi and I from going any further.
We went back inside and into the nursery. Sachi pulled back the curtain around the crib and Tilea whacked it with flowers, the flowers are like blessed or something. She whacked the small bundle in the crib as we heard a baby coo inside it. There was nothing in the bundle, and the crib was cursed. I was going to throw it off the roof, but a ghost baby appeared; Tilea killed it with a thorn whip.
The linen closet had a broom that attacked us and Sachi destroyed it. This place is fucking ridiculous. If it wouldn't reappear tomorrow, I would just burn it down and be done with it.
We called the dumbwaiter when we got to the master bedroom, and thankfully there weren't any horrifying visions waiting for us in there. Sachi found a jewelry box and asked if it was cursed, and I jokingly told him it was; he believed me and I stuck it in a bag. A screech rang out behind us, it was a specter woman who we destroyed pretty much instantly.
From there we took the cobweb filled staircase up. The door at the top was locked, but Sachi took care of that with ease. The bedrooms of the children who are often seen luring people into the house were in this secret attic. I wanted to lay them to rest, I hoped it would help with the hauntings, and possibly the evil in this house. We wanted to keep exploring first, and hopefully find their bodies; putting them to rest would be difficult if we didn't have the bodies.
We found a storage room with the nurse's body inside; I'd need to lay her to rest too. Then a door suddenly appeared in the hall. I'd heard the house was alive, and I guess this was the proof. On the other side of the door was another cobweb filled staircase, this one was going down. An eerie chanting floated up the staircase making my blood freeze.
After cleaning the Temple I settled down to make it hallowed ground again, a ritual that would take a full day to perform. Tilea and Bruenar wandered off; I don't know where Sachi went.
A couple hours into the ritual, Tilea and Bruenar walked in with an unconscious minotaur. Apparently they'd encountered a dead body that they thought was mine and reincarnated what they thought was me into the minotaur... who they then had to beat unconscious. They hurt my brain. Tilea thought I was Agatha at first, but she quickly realized that wasn't the case. I kicked out the minotaur and resumed my ritual.
About fourteen hours into the ritual, Sachi emerged from the Temple's bathroom. I realized he'd been in there for fourteen hours... I sent my unseen servants in to clean up his mess. Sachi had made an amazing pooting (a painting with shit instead of paint) of Violet's wedding. The detail was incredible, but no one would ever see it except some unseen servants.
***** Hetedik Honap 19, Temple of Mystra
They came back as I finished my ritual to make it hallowed ground, and I told them I was going to expand the Temple, to give me space to take in the many orphans and help and protect anyone who wanted it. I wanted my Temple to be a safe space for every Barovian. I burned out several powerful items to do this, and it ended up being a five story building, with an open air market on the ground floor. Externally the Temple was only a ten by ten building, but inside it was huge and beautiful.
In the common areas was a permanent daylight. The second floor was housing and a dining hall, and all food was a hero's feast. The third floor was more housing, half of which belonged to me and my group, and was secured so only we could access it. The fourth floor was schooling, as was the fifth, but the fifth was for my witch training specifically. I summoned twenty flumphs to help teach the children. This was a sanctuary, and a home to all Barovians who were peaceful. All who decided to work in the Temple would be able to bring their families in. None would be charged to live or eat here, nor would any be denied medical attention.
When I was finishing up the ritual, a cursed top popped up outside the Temple, where many were waiting to be officially brought inside, and it started making children go insane. By the time the others had everything subdued, forty children were dead. I created a massive 21-point circle that covered the entire building, while the others got the bodies inside. I took a sword of legend and a bunch of diamonds, and with a swirl of my hands, all of the children were brought back. Cheers erupted from the people watching through the doors. I walked up to the doors and announced the opening of my safe, neutral space. People began filing in quickly.
While I'd been working on these rituals, Bruenar had bought the inn and tavern, Sachi bought the guild hall, and Tilea bought Death House... This is what I get for leaving them alone for a day and a half. So after spending tons of hours working on rituals, we had to go clear out Death House.
Bruenar broke down the door to Death House since we didn't have a key. Tilea called out for servants, not getting exactly what Death House is. Sachi found a poison trap, by setting it off, and fell unconscious. Neither of my restoration spells worked, I had to use a much higher caliber healing spell to revive him. We used mage hand to open the door, and found another poison trap on the other side of the door, which Sachi disabled.
In the cloak room, Sachi found a top hat and tossed it to Tilea. She caught it and threw it back, and it landed right on his head. A ghost overlayed him as soon as the hat touched his head. I felt myself age a little. Tabitha aged thirty years, though it only looked like she'd aged three, thanks to Mystra; Bruenar aged 40 years, Nikko aged ten, and Scritch dropped dead from old age.
I used my protection candle and saw a ghost leave Sachi, but something lingered in him... a soul curse; I needed something stronger than I had with me to undo that. Tilea destroyed the ghost, and I reincarnated Scritch.
We went into the kitchen next, and it was surprisingly well stocked and clean. Tilea found a super cursed ring, and Sachi put it on before we could stop him. I quickly used my spell to remove curses, and a voice said we had to say the secret word. Tilea told it to get rid of the other thing in Sachi, and it instead tried to turn her to stone. Sachi stabbed himself and the voice said a ten year contract was required. I tried to banish the entity and nothing happened, so Tilea hit Sachi with her moon water chalice. Bruenar grabbed Sachi and dumped a bag of salt in his mouth. A ghostly visage popped out of Sachi and the cursed ring was gone.
The dining room was the next room we entered, and the table was already set. A piece of silverware moved on its own and Tilea hit it. Then the chandelier shook and she threatened it; so all of the chairs pulled out. We heard soft giggling and footsteps running out of the room. In the foyer was a soft breeze, and we heard footsteps in the one room we hadn't entered.
We walked into the den, which had two stuff wolves in it that Tilea took instant offence to; she wanted to try to bring them back to life later. There was a trap door in the room, but we couldn't figure out how to get it open; not Sachi or magic worked. It must only open from the other side. More giggling and footsteps were heard, and we followed them upstairs. This place is rather ridiculous.
The library/office was the first room we entered and I found a book with a blank spine, which opened up a hidden alcove when pulled. There were more shelves and books in there, along with a chest that had a satchel hanging out of it. Inside was a nasty note from Strahd to the people who now haunted this evil place.
We next went into the servant's quarters and Sachi found a small panel with a button that calls for the dumbwaiter. It took three minutes to get to us, and it was screeching eerily the entire way up. When it opened, a cloud of flies swarmed out, a pile of severed heads was sitting on the platform; but it vanished in a flash.
The music room was pretty much empty, so we went up to the third floor. A suit of platemail was on the landing and as Sachi neared it, it attacked him. It stumbled as it lunged and Sachi pushed it down the stairs.
The nursemaid's room was the first we entered and Sachi found a hidden door with cobweb filled stairs in it. We went up to the roof from there and Sachi tried to throw me off of it... luckily, I'm always on my broom, so that didn't yield the results he wanted. I shot him with a witch bolt for being a dick, and Tilea yelled there were ghosts to distract Sachi and I from going any further.
We went back inside and into the nursery. Sachi pulled back the curtain around the crib and Tilea whacked it with flowers, the flowers are like blessed or something. She whacked the small bundle in the crib as we heard a baby coo inside it. There was nothing in the bundle, and the crib was cursed. I was going to throw it off the roof, but a ghost baby appeared; Tilea killed it with a thorn whip.
The linen closet had a broom that attacked us and Sachi destroyed it. This place is fucking ridiculous. If it wouldn't reappear tomorrow, I would just burn it down and be done with it.
We called the dumbwaiter when we got to the master bedroom, and thankfully there weren't any horrifying visions waiting for us in there. Sachi found a jewelry box and asked if it was cursed, and I jokingly told him it was; he believed me and I stuck it in a bag. A screech rang out behind us, it was a specter woman who we destroyed pretty much instantly.
From there we took the cobweb filled staircase up. The door at the top was locked, but Sachi took care of that with ease. The bedrooms of the children who are often seen luring people into the house were in this secret attic. I wanted to lay them to rest, I hoped it would help with the hauntings, and possibly the evil in this house. We wanted to keep exploring first, and hopefully find their bodies; putting them to rest would be difficult if we didn't have the bodies.
We found a storage room with the nurse's body inside; I'd need to lay her to rest too. Then a door suddenly appeared in the hall. I'd heard the house was alive, and I guess this was the proof. On the other side of the door was another cobweb filled staircase, this one was going down. An eerie chanting floated up the staircase making my blood freeze.
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Maps from the Curse of Strahd adventure module by Wizards of the Coast |
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