Sometimes, the party needs aid from the fae enough to make a huge deal with them. In these instances, you can grant your players a Mantle that makes them a Knight of a specific fae. These are the Mantles we've created.
This was created at The Homebrewery, an amazing resource for people who make their own content.
The adventures of the Ironfang Eight, Knights of the Cross(roads): the Next Generation, The Bane of Vecna, the Underdark Escapees, the Goblin Brigade, the Adventures of Critical Bumbersnoot: The Odd Company, and Shit Storm.
Misc. Info on current story
New chapters are released on Mondays at 8 am PST. Stay tuned for the next part of the journey!
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Monday, October 30, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017
Tales from Toril- The Adventures of Critical Bumbersnoot: the Odd Company: A Yawning Portal Novella, Chapter Nine
Troublesome Travels
Dramatis Personae:
Winry Steamgear, the Rock Gnome Alchemist Artificer
"Critical" Bumbersnoot, Winry's Dachshund Mechanimal Construct
Mara Quinn, the Water Genasi Werewolf Sea Sorceress
Steve, Quinn's Octopus familiar
Oskar Heartforge, the Shield Dwarf Werewolf Priest of Moradin
Jak Foostus, the Minotaur Monk
Carmina, the Human Woman-at-arms
Amara, the Human Noble
Sylvia, the Human Handmaiden
Gil, the Human Farm Boy
Carmina, the Human Woman-at-arms
Amara, the Human Noble
Sylvia, the Human Handmaiden
Gil, the Human Farm Boy
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Winry's perspective, anything in italics is from a third party view, since the artificer can't be everywhere at once.
***** Tarsakh 22, 1489 DR (The Year of the Warrior Princess), somewhere in the Crags
All of the damn oxen were killed by the giants, so Jak and Oskar had to pull the carts for us. The only person from the farm that was still alive was the boy- Gil, and after a little while he helped with the carts too. He'd lost his Uncle Fred in the fight with the giants, who was the only person he had left in the world; the rest of his family was killed when the giants first attacked his little community.
It was pretty late by the time we got back, and as we approached we heard shouts. I could make out calls of movement in the dark, before they realized it was us. A huge crowd gathered around us, asking what had happened- apparently the guy who had run away during the fight, made it back here in record time and told everyone we were all slaughtered- so not only did he abandon us, but he ensured no one would go out to try to find and help us.
The coward in question- Joe- started trying to slink away from us as the others repeated what he'd said, but Oskar saw him and grabbed him before he could get away. The moment Gil found him in the crowd, he snarled in rage and began to run at him, but Jak grabbed him before he could reach Joe. Oskar had two of the villagers grab Joe, while Jak pinned Gil for the next few minutes to calm him down. Once Gil was calmer, Oskar and I went with the villagers who had Joe, and we took him to the little shed he, Gil, and Gil's uncle had been living in. Oskar paid them to guard the place and I set some alarms so he couldn't escape unnoticed.
In the middle of the night, Wave and the hammer of warning woke us up again, for the second night in a row, and again there was nothing there. I was getting really fucking tired of this nonsense.
***** Tarsakh 23, farming village in the Crags
In the morning, Oskar asked Gil if he wanted Joe to undergo trial by combat, but after thinking about it for a bit, Gil decided he wanted Joe's punishment to be a lot longer lasting than that. He decided that Joe should revive the entire farm by himself; which is a hella worse punishment than Oskar's idea had been.
We packed ourselves up and hit the road not long after that. Gil came with us, he didn't really have anything left there, and couldn't stand the thought of sticking around. We were about 7 1/2 miles from River Mirar, which we could take to Luskan.
After about 3 hours, we spotted the river in the distance, along with some sort of outpost. There was a barge there, several guards wearing the insignia for Mirabar. When we arrived, there was a dwarf at the gate, and were allowed entrance to Mirabar's outpost. The girls all tried to hide themselves in the cowls of their cloaks, just in case any of the men hunting them were there. The last thing we needed was for them to get recognized here. We split up to find out how to gain passage on the barge.
Jak and I went to look for any merchants, Oskar went to find the quartermaster, Carmina and Amara hit the tavern, and Sylvia and Gil stayed at the wagon with our stuff; we did have some hella expensive gear in there. Jak and I were redirected to the inn where Quartermaster Jenkins was.
We reached the inn at about the same time that Carmina and Amara walked out, looking nervous. The men chasing them were here. Oskar had been told we couldn't get on the barge until tomorrow, so Jak and I went to bribe the asshole so we could leave on the barge that was about to head out. Quinn had taken a shine to the broken down barge at the docks, and managed to convince the owner, a guy named Steve, that agreed to take us to Luskan in his junk heap, if Quinn fixed it first.
We hurried to the barge, with Quinn telling us they'd meet us on the other side of the river after she fixed Steve's busted boat. As we hurried to get to the barge in time, the men who were chasing the girls came out and hollered to tell people to stop us- but they were too late. It took about an hour to get across the river, and about an hour after that we found Quinn and set sail for Luskan.
About three hours later Oskar spotted large carrion birds in the distance, in the direction we were traveling. Jak decided to go check it out, and came back to tell us he'd found a bunch of dead frost giants and humans. We decided to go check it all out together, and gave Steve a bottle of something to occupy himself while we were gone.
Jak and Oskar set to cutting off the giant toes, while I began identifying the magic on their skins and swords, and Quinn began gathering everything into a bundle to bring back with us. I'd just finished identifying the swords, but I couldn't quite tell what magic was in them, when we heard howls and hoof beats.
We saw a group of wolves and humans coming at us, Quinn squealed and dropped everything she'd gathered. Then the riders looking for the girls showed up. We were boxed in- barbarians and wolves to our left, humans on horses to our right- and our only hope was to get back to the barge before they converged on us, and that was a hella slim hope. I shrunk Quinn to put her on Bumbersnoot, since she was slowest, gave Gil and Amara expeditious retreat rabbits, and gave Sylvia a hummingbird to drink to boost her speed. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything for Carmina, four people was kinda my limit at the moment.
Amara yelled at Oskar to do something, so he summoned his spirit weapon and hit a barbarian. As he did, I noticed some of the barbarians were engaging the soldiers. Carmina stabbed one of the barbarians; I had Bumbersnoot trip one, I shot it with NATAS, and we ran to catch up to Amara and Sylvia- we would be sticking near them until they were safely on the ship, I hoped keeping us between the girls and our assailants would provide a decent target to divert attention from them. Quinn bitched that this isn't how you're supposed to run away, but those girls were the entire reason we were running, and protecting them was important. Jak began beating the shit out of a wolf, finishing it off with some encouragement from Amara.
The riders reached Oskar and Carmina then, and began helping fend off the barbarians. Oskar's spirit guardians killed a wolf, and his weapon another. I shot one of the barbarians, and suddenly NATAS announced in my head that she was at 75% functionality, the charged plasma bolt was available, and think F1 for manual. The battle raged on- with Quinn randomly attempting some mental attack on me- we were slowly falling back to the barge, keeping the barbarians at bay with help from the soldiers, who put themselves between the barbarians and us.
I decided to try that charged plasma bolt, and I managed to kill three of the four barbarians I hit with it. Then an alarm went off in my head and NATAS announced she'd overheated. Hopefully when she gets more functionality she'll stop overheating all the gods damned time. We were so close to the barge at this point, almost free. Quinn used that chaos bolt of hers, and hit Gil, Bumbersnoot, and I with acid bubbles. She's way too fucking reckless.
Gil set a sleet storm on a group of barbarians and jumped on the barge. Jak charged the wolves trying to surround Oskar, killing two in a single blow, then finishing off the third with a nasty punch. Oskar, now free of wolves, grabbed Carmina and began flying to the ship. Steve the captain had passed out, so I had Bumbersnoot jump onto the barge so Quinn could prepare us to leave as soon as everyone was on. One of the soldiers yelled at us to "protect the-" but died before he could finish his statement. Obviously one or all of those girls is noble in some way. Amara and Sylvia made it onto the barge, and Amara said we should try to wait for those soldiers. Quinn couldn't reach the soldiers with water walk, so she cast off anyway. We all sailed off, leaving those poor soldiers behind like fodder.
Oskar demanded an explanation from the girls, which they gave to him alone, and he refused to tell anyone else.
***** Tarsakh 26, Luskan
We reached Luskan unmolested, in record time, according to Quinn. Every single fucking night, right in the middle of the night, Wave and my hammer would wake us up to warn us of danger, when there was nothing present. I was getting hella sick of that shit. Wave's constant singing was also really grating on my nerves.
We were charged 100 gold for a trade permit, and taxed another 3600 for all of our magic gear. Captain Steve wasn't allowed in Luskan, apparently the drunkard had caused trouble before- it's got to be a fuck ton of trouble to be booted from fucking Luskan.
We went to One-Eyed Jax Inn, it was the most defensible, and debated our options for our next move. The girls were thinking we needed to head south next to Baldur's Gate, which is close enough to home for me that I could get us decent protection if we headed to the Friendly Arm Inn from there. We still needed to hit Neverwinter to turn in those stupid items- especially Wave- and get paid; and we needed to hit Waterdeep to give Jackass his balls. But getting the girls to safety was more important than that, we could always do that once they were safe.
We got three merchant class rooms, and put the girls in the middle, with Oskar and I in one end room, and Quinn, Jak, and Gil in the other- to get maximum distance on our weapons of warning. I put alarms on the girl's windows and door, to make sure no one could get in except us.
Again we were woken up in the middle of the fucking night. Oskar thinks it's got something to do with the girls- since this started after we met them. I planned to have detect magic on tomorrow night at this time, and watch the girl's room, to see if I see anything. Oskar was going to have detect evil up to see if that showed us anything either.
***** Tarsakh 27, One-Eyed Jax, Luskan
In the morning there was an envelope in the girl's room from the Coldfire Initiative, saying that we could turn in our weapons to the man at the bar. Oskar and Jak were more than willing to give up their weapons, but Quinn was a bit more difficult. By a bit more, I mean we had to yell at her, remind her she'd signed a contract, and then Oskar and Jak had to carry Quinn in. The stupid trident told me it knows the location of Lantan. Big fucking deal, it's on the map. I hate that stupid trident.
Whelm kept returning to Oskar's hand when he placed it in the box the innkeep presented for them to put their weapons in. After a few tries, Oskar dumped some ale on the hammer, and he begrudgingly stayed in the box. Blackrazor had a very loud tantrum when Jak put him in the box, it was hella funny. All that was left was Wave... which we literally forced out of Quinn's hands. We were each handed a bag of money and a box. Once the innkeep locked the box with the weapons in it, all of our boxes unlocked- except for Quinn's.
Jak got some rings that help him do more damage or something. Oskar got a dwarven thrower. I got lenses the size of Bumbersnoot's eye lenses, which would function like a lantern of revealing when installed, and I got the lightning components for a javelin of lightning... THIS IS GOING TO BE HELLA COOL!!!! I couldn't wait to get Bumbersnoot's new upgrades installed! At about this point, Quinn said her box hadn't opened yet, and the innkeep banged on the lid of the box he was carrying, winked at her, and the box opened. A sea shanty filled the air... fucking Wave was fucking back! I hate that annoying trident.
We all went shopping... except for Quinn, who had to go preach at the docks to appease her stupid trident.
When we got back, there was another message from the Coldfire Initiative, saying they'd booked us passage to Baldur's Gate, with a layover in Waterdeep, leaving at 12 tomorrow. I was a bit creeped out.
That night, shortly before the exact middle of the night, Oskar and I got up and cast our planned spells. I watched the girl's room, and detected absolutely no magic from there when the moment passed. Oskar said he got a tiny blip of evil, but couldn't determine exactly where or what it was.
All of the damn oxen were killed by the giants, so Jak and Oskar had to pull the carts for us. The only person from the farm that was still alive was the boy- Gil, and after a little while he helped with the carts too. He'd lost his Uncle Fred in the fight with the giants, who was the only person he had left in the world; the rest of his family was killed when the giants first attacked his little community.
It was pretty late by the time we got back, and as we approached we heard shouts. I could make out calls of movement in the dark, before they realized it was us. A huge crowd gathered around us, asking what had happened- apparently the guy who had run away during the fight, made it back here in record time and told everyone we were all slaughtered- so not only did he abandon us, but he ensured no one would go out to try to find and help us.
The coward in question- Joe- started trying to slink away from us as the others repeated what he'd said, but Oskar saw him and grabbed him before he could get away. The moment Gil found him in the crowd, he snarled in rage and began to run at him, but Jak grabbed him before he could reach Joe. Oskar had two of the villagers grab Joe, while Jak pinned Gil for the next few minutes to calm him down. Once Gil was calmer, Oskar and I went with the villagers who had Joe, and we took him to the little shed he, Gil, and Gil's uncle had been living in. Oskar paid them to guard the place and I set some alarms so he couldn't escape unnoticed.
In the middle of the night, Wave and the hammer of warning woke us up again, for the second night in a row, and again there was nothing there. I was getting really fucking tired of this nonsense.
***** Tarsakh 23, farming village in the Crags
In the morning, Oskar asked Gil if he wanted Joe to undergo trial by combat, but after thinking about it for a bit, Gil decided he wanted Joe's punishment to be a lot longer lasting than that. He decided that Joe should revive the entire farm by himself; which is a hella worse punishment than Oskar's idea had been.
We packed ourselves up and hit the road not long after that. Gil came with us, he didn't really have anything left there, and couldn't stand the thought of sticking around. We were about 7 1/2 miles from River Mirar, which we could take to Luskan.
After about 3 hours, we spotted the river in the distance, along with some sort of outpost. There was a barge there, several guards wearing the insignia for Mirabar. When we arrived, there was a dwarf at the gate, and were allowed entrance to Mirabar's outpost. The girls all tried to hide themselves in the cowls of their cloaks, just in case any of the men hunting them were there. The last thing we needed was for them to get recognized here. We split up to find out how to gain passage on the barge.
Jak and I went to look for any merchants, Oskar went to find the quartermaster, Carmina and Amara hit the tavern, and Sylvia and Gil stayed at the wagon with our stuff; we did have some hella expensive gear in there. Jak and I were redirected to the inn where Quartermaster Jenkins was.
We reached the inn at about the same time that Carmina and Amara walked out, looking nervous. The men chasing them were here. Oskar had been told we couldn't get on the barge until tomorrow, so Jak and I went to bribe the asshole so we could leave on the barge that was about to head out. Quinn had taken a shine to the broken down barge at the docks, and managed to convince the owner, a guy named Steve, that agreed to take us to Luskan in his junk heap, if Quinn fixed it first.
We hurried to the barge, with Quinn telling us they'd meet us on the other side of the river after she fixed Steve's busted boat. As we hurried to get to the barge in time, the men who were chasing the girls came out and hollered to tell people to stop us- but they were too late. It took about an hour to get across the river, and about an hour after that we found Quinn and set sail for Luskan.
About three hours later Oskar spotted large carrion birds in the distance, in the direction we were traveling. Jak decided to go check it out, and came back to tell us he'd found a bunch of dead frost giants and humans. We decided to go check it all out together, and gave Steve a bottle of something to occupy himself while we were gone.
Jak and Oskar set to cutting off the giant toes, while I began identifying the magic on their skins and swords, and Quinn began gathering everything into a bundle to bring back with us. I'd just finished identifying the swords, but I couldn't quite tell what magic was in them, when we heard howls and hoof beats.
We saw a group of wolves and humans coming at us, Quinn squealed and dropped everything she'd gathered. Then the riders looking for the girls showed up. We were boxed in- barbarians and wolves to our left, humans on horses to our right- and our only hope was to get back to the barge before they converged on us, and that was a hella slim hope. I shrunk Quinn to put her on Bumbersnoot, since she was slowest, gave Gil and Amara expeditious retreat rabbits, and gave Sylvia a hummingbird to drink to boost her speed. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything for Carmina, four people was kinda my limit at the moment.
Amara yelled at Oskar to do something, so he summoned his spirit weapon and hit a barbarian. As he did, I noticed some of the barbarians were engaging the soldiers. Carmina stabbed one of the barbarians; I had Bumbersnoot trip one, I shot it with NATAS, and we ran to catch up to Amara and Sylvia- we would be sticking near them until they were safely on the ship, I hoped keeping us between the girls and our assailants would provide a decent target to divert attention from them. Quinn bitched that this isn't how you're supposed to run away, but those girls were the entire reason we were running, and protecting them was important. Jak began beating the shit out of a wolf, finishing it off with some encouragement from Amara.
The riders reached Oskar and Carmina then, and began helping fend off the barbarians. Oskar's spirit guardians killed a wolf, and his weapon another. I shot one of the barbarians, and suddenly NATAS announced in my head that she was at 75% functionality, the charged plasma bolt was available, and think F1 for manual. The battle raged on- with Quinn randomly attempting some mental attack on me- we were slowly falling back to the barge, keeping the barbarians at bay with help from the soldiers, who put themselves between the barbarians and us.
I decided to try that charged plasma bolt, and I managed to kill three of the four barbarians I hit with it. Then an alarm went off in my head and NATAS announced she'd overheated. Hopefully when she gets more functionality she'll stop overheating all the gods damned time. We were so close to the barge at this point, almost free. Quinn used that chaos bolt of hers, and hit Gil, Bumbersnoot, and I with acid bubbles. She's way too fucking reckless.
Gil set a sleet storm on a group of barbarians and jumped on the barge. Jak charged the wolves trying to surround Oskar, killing two in a single blow, then finishing off the third with a nasty punch. Oskar, now free of wolves, grabbed Carmina and began flying to the ship. Steve the captain had passed out, so I had Bumbersnoot jump onto the barge so Quinn could prepare us to leave as soon as everyone was on. One of the soldiers yelled at us to "protect the-" but died before he could finish his statement. Obviously one or all of those girls is noble in some way. Amara and Sylvia made it onto the barge, and Amara said we should try to wait for those soldiers. Quinn couldn't reach the soldiers with water walk, so she cast off anyway. We all sailed off, leaving those poor soldiers behind like fodder.
Oskar demanded an explanation from the girls, which they gave to him alone, and he refused to tell anyone else.
***** Tarsakh 26, Luskan
We reached Luskan unmolested, in record time, according to Quinn. Every single fucking night, right in the middle of the night, Wave and my hammer would wake us up to warn us of danger, when there was nothing present. I was getting hella sick of that shit. Wave's constant singing was also really grating on my nerves.
We were charged 100 gold for a trade permit, and taxed another 3600 for all of our magic gear. Captain Steve wasn't allowed in Luskan, apparently the drunkard had caused trouble before- it's got to be a fuck ton of trouble to be booted from fucking Luskan.
We went to One-Eyed Jax Inn, it was the most defensible, and debated our options for our next move. The girls were thinking we needed to head south next to Baldur's Gate, which is close enough to home for me that I could get us decent protection if we headed to the Friendly Arm Inn from there. We still needed to hit Neverwinter to turn in those stupid items- especially Wave- and get paid; and we needed to hit Waterdeep to give Jackass his balls. But getting the girls to safety was more important than that, we could always do that once they were safe.
We got three merchant class rooms, and put the girls in the middle, with Oskar and I in one end room, and Quinn, Jak, and Gil in the other- to get maximum distance on our weapons of warning. I put alarms on the girl's windows and door, to make sure no one could get in except us.
Again we were woken up in the middle of the fucking night. Oskar thinks it's got something to do with the girls- since this started after we met them. I planned to have detect magic on tomorrow night at this time, and watch the girl's room, to see if I see anything. Oskar was going to have detect evil up to see if that showed us anything either.
***** Tarsakh 27, One-Eyed Jax, Luskan
In the morning there was an envelope in the girl's room from the Coldfire Initiative, saying that we could turn in our weapons to the man at the bar. Oskar and Jak were more than willing to give up their weapons, but Quinn was a bit more difficult. By a bit more, I mean we had to yell at her, remind her she'd signed a contract, and then Oskar and Jak had to carry Quinn in. The stupid trident told me it knows the location of Lantan. Big fucking deal, it's on the map. I hate that stupid trident.
Whelm kept returning to Oskar's hand when he placed it in the box the innkeep presented for them to put their weapons in. After a few tries, Oskar dumped some ale on the hammer, and he begrudgingly stayed in the box. Blackrazor had a very loud tantrum when Jak put him in the box, it was hella funny. All that was left was Wave... which we literally forced out of Quinn's hands. We were each handed a bag of money and a box. Once the innkeep locked the box with the weapons in it, all of our boxes unlocked- except for Quinn's.
Jak got some rings that help him do more damage or something. Oskar got a dwarven thrower. I got lenses the size of Bumbersnoot's eye lenses, which would function like a lantern of revealing when installed, and I got the lightning components for a javelin of lightning... THIS IS GOING TO BE HELLA COOL!!!! I couldn't wait to get Bumbersnoot's new upgrades installed! At about this point, Quinn said her box hadn't opened yet, and the innkeep banged on the lid of the box he was carrying, winked at her, and the box opened. A sea shanty filled the air... fucking Wave was fucking back! I hate that annoying trident.
We all went shopping... except for Quinn, who had to go preach at the docks to appease her stupid trident.
When we got back, there was another message from the Coldfire Initiative, saying they'd booked us passage to Baldur's Gate, with a layover in Waterdeep, leaving at 12 tomorrow. I was a bit creeped out.
That night, shortly before the exact middle of the night, Oskar and I got up and cast our planned spells. I watched the girl's room, and detected absolutely no magic from there when the moment passed. Oskar said he got a tiny blip of evil, but couldn't determine exactly where or what it was.
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This map is by Wizards of the Coast |
Monday, October 16, 2017
Tales from Toril- The Adventures of Critical Bumbersnoot: the Odd Company: A Yawning Portal Novella, Chapter Eight
A Giant Problem
Dramatis Personae:
Winry Steamgear, the Rock Gnome Alchemist Artificer
"Critical" Bumbersnoot, Winry's Dachshund Mechanimal Construct
Mara Quinn, the Water Genasi Werewolf Sea Sorceress
Steve, Quinn's Octopus familiar
Oskar Heartforge, the Shield Dwarf Werewolf Priest of Moradin
Jak Foostus, the Minotaur Monk
Carmina, the Human Woman-at-arms
Amara, the Human Noble
Sylvia, the Human Handmaiden
Carmina, the Human Woman-at-arms
Amara, the Human Noble
Sylvia, the Human Handmaiden
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Winry's perspective, anything in italics is from a third party view, since the artificer can't be everywhere at once.
***** Tarsakh 21, 1489 DR (The Year of the Warrior Princess), somewhere in the Crags
In the morning Oskar was spazzing out about "falling" up- the sight of the sky was terrifying him for some weird ass reason.
Over breakfast we tried to get more information from the girls about who they were- Oskar thought one of them was a princess or something- but Amara insisted that she wasn't and that she didn't know why they were being hunted. She seemed pretty honest about it, and we decided to help them get to Luskan.
We noticed as we prepared to head out that there were about five carrion birds circling something on the hill we were getting ready to climb. When we drew closer we could tell they were circling a large boulder, and some of them seemed to be going for something just on the other side of it. Eventually we arrived at the scene and found the remains of a humanoid that had been crushed under the boulder. Oskar said the boulder was worked stone and was definitely not natural to this area, and wandered away to investigate. Jak noticed a stick under the boulder, that should be been crushed, so we figured it was probably magic. Carmina dug it out and I figured out what it was. By the time I was done, Oskar had returned and told us that a hill giant had killed this guy. The tracks left by the hill giant were in the direction we needed to travel anyway, so we continued on our path, keeping a sharp eye out for more giants.
Eventually we came to a trashed area that the giants probably used for garbage. Somehow we were able to pick out the correct tracks for them, and we continued on. About five hours later, we saw smoke in the distance and figured we should check it out. An hour or so after that we found a small farming community, or what was left of it anyway.
Several of the buildings had been reduced to smoldering ruins. We saw a little white figure go running out of a building, and a boulder followed it. The goat cried out in pain as a giant retrieved it. We had to go deal with those, so we decided to leave the girls in the treeline while we went out to battle. Stealth was not an option thanks to Whelm, who unleashed a war cry as we started forward. Two giants ran out of a building, and the heads of three others appeared out of holes in the ceiling of a building. Quinn climbed on Jak's back and sent out a chaos bolt, just as a boulder missed them. A horn sounded from somewhere in the tiny village- Oskar called out that more giants were coming as he hurled Whelm at one of them.
I pulled a hummingbird out of my alchemy satchel and handed it to Oskar- it was my newer concoction that helped someone move faster- then had Bumbersnoot surge us forward. A boulder narrowing missed Bumbersnoot and I. Fucking giants. Then another boulder smacked into me from a different direction. We kept inching our way forward, I attempted to hit one with my crossbow, since that was the only thing I could use at this distance, and missed completely. I saw another rock smack into Jak, but he barely seemed to notice it as he charged right into them, knocking a giant over. Quinn misty stepped off of him, and got hit by a rock from another giant- she was now the closest target, so of course they would concentrate their fire on her.
I decided to try the semi-auto mode on my weird gun, and hit once before it shorted out on me, a warning ringing through my head that it overheated. Apparently the disembodied voice in my head was that gun, NATAS. Jak was flanked by two giants now, and they were dishing out some nasty blows; of course he returned the favor. A rock smacked hella hard into me, my vision doubled briefly after that hit, and I felt a little woozy. As I took aim with my stupid crossbow, since NATAS had overheated- again- and missed. I don't know why I even keep that stupid thing around, apparently crossbows are worthless for me. Another fucking rock smacked me.
Jak was still getting a serious beating from those giants- and giving one in the process. I saw Oskar's spirit weapon appear and smack a different giant, and Whelm followed- then Oskar took a boulder to the face for his efforts. I was trying to get some of the heat off of Jak, so I shot one of the giants he had been fighting. Quinn- who had been blinking this entire time, and not actually doing anything- was hit by two rocks when she reappeared. She hit one with ice bolts before vanishing again.
Jak killed one of the giants on him, as Bumbersnoot and I approached to help him... that was a bad fucking idea. Bumbersnoot bit the giant, and attempted to trip it, and instead it flicked him off of it and stepped on us. I sent a beetle at it, and it fucking deflected it right back at me. Then Bumbersnoot was hit by a boulder. I fucking hate giants. Quinn reappeared and sent another icy spell at a giant before vanishing again. Jak began beating on the other giant by him, and I felt my flesh knit together as Oskar healed me. I shot the giant with NATAS and killed it with my daring sir; I really do love my daring sir.
Quinn reappeared, got hit by a rock, and blinked out again. She really wasn't being terribly useful in this fight. Jak charged toward the other giants, and Oskar ran into one of the buildings. He reappeared a moment later, as a giant with a huge flail came at him; another followed with a belly flop at him, that also missed badly. I shot the giant with the flail, since it seemed to be the bigger threat to Oskar at the moment.
Another giant ran right up to be and hit me hella hard- I saw stars for a second. Amara shouted encouragement at me, and I felt better somehow... interesting. An icy spell shot past the giant in front of me, and I heard Quinn squeak in annoyance as her blink didn't work. Jak charged the giant on me, and failed to trip it- it was his turn to get stomped on like Bumbersnoot had been earlier.
Oskar's spirit weapon vanished and his guardians activated, killing the giant who'd attempted to belly flop on him. Another giant missed Oskar and attempted to run from him, but the dwarf killed it.
Bumbersnoot bit the giant looming over us, but didn't try to trip it- we'd learned that lesson- and I shot it with my daring sir. There were only two giants left at this point. The one in front of me and the one with the flail. Quinn hit the giant in front of me and Jak pounded on it. I healed Bumbersnoot and Critical Bumbersnoot savagely ripped into the giant's leg. Quinn's chaos spell and Jak finished it off.
The one with the flail ran from Oskar, and when he pursued the giant jumped on the roof of one of the few intact buildings. It hit Oskar and his spirit guardians vanished. Quinn used her chaos spell, and Jak charged the building the giant was on- hoping the make the roof cave in, I think. Oskar flew up to the giant, and it wrapped the flail around him, and yanked him into Jak. It got a couple of good hits in before the building collapsed. Quinn finished it off with her chaos spell.
After searching the farm, we decided to rest there for the night.
I finished up the new feet I've been working on for Bumbersnoot, so now he's faster, he can climb, and he can swim. I'm a little closer to my goal of making him an all terrain puppy.
***** Tarsakh 22, farming village in the Crags
In the morning we headed out, and eventually came upon another farming town. A warning shot was fired at Oskar's feet as we approached, and after a brief exchange with the guards, they agreed to speak with us, as long as we left our weapons behind. Oskar, Carmina, Amara, and I went to them, everyone else stayed back with the wagon we'd taken from the destroyed village. The guards told us that the giants had been systematically wiping out all of the other villages in the area, and that the wagons full of provisions we'd found at the other farm were all that was left of their harvest. This was the only village left that hadn't been touched, and they were afraid they wouldn't survive much longer. We offered to escort them back to the other farm to get the remaining provisions that had been left behind. They said we hadn't killed all of the giants, there had been a lot more sighted than what we'd seen thus far.
We got to the other farm with no issues, and got everything loaded up without being attacked. Unfortunately, our luck ran out on the way back to the farmstead. During our journey back, a dark cloud began moving toward us, and we were suddenly enveloped in fog. I could barely make out Bumbersnoot, and I could only make out vague shapes of the others around us. This didn't sound good. Suddenly, I was hit by something big and hella heavy, and it fucking hurt.
Oskar tried to fly above the fog, but was also struck by the rock that hit Winry and killed three of the oxen. Quinn attempted to destroy to water in the fog, but it only lasted a couple of seconds before the fog filled back in. Another boulder struck Carmina and Sylvia- Sylvia went down, but Amara quickly revived her- another oxen was smashed as well.
Suddenly a fucking net with fucking weights on it landed on Bumbersnoot and I. I began hacking at the stupid thing, and Bumbersnoot tried to help, but he bit me instead. I seriously despise nets. Then a fucking boulder ran over us, hurting us hella bad. I cut at the net again, but I don't think I actually did any good. I told Bumbersnoot not to help, his attempts to help with nets always end up working badly for me.
Oskar found Sylvia and healed her, then instructed Amara and Carmina to protect her. He flew back into the air, but couldn't get out of the fog. Jak ran out of the fog and found a giant to beat up. Quinn attempted to cast haste on herself, but set herself on fire instead; her second attempt to do so made every small thing near her begin shaking. Jak was thrown by the giant he found.
The fog vanished and we discovered there were three hill giants, two stone giants, and one frost giant attacking us. And I'm trapped in a fucking net. Fanfuckingtastic.
One of the villagers was mashed into paste by a boulder from one of the giants. Another one had a broken leg, so his nephew picked up a bow and attempted to defend him; another man ran in terror instead of even attempting to fight or protect those with the group. Jak charged the frost giant, but it sidestepped him. Quinn had reappeared from blinking out, and attempted to twin ice bolt, but one fizzled out in a shower of golden sparks, the other worked and a group of lizards appeared at her feet. Then Quinn used the lightning bolt on her Neptunian Trident and vanished again. The giant she'd hit was pissed- especially since she'd vanished right after injuring him, so he picked up Jak and threw him right into Oskar.
The three girls were trying to take shelter in some bushes, but Amara picked up a bow and started firing at one of the giants. The frost giant raised its ax and a series of runes lit up on it as a cone of cold was cast.
Bumbersnoot and I were hit by a cold spell, and I was severely injured, if I didn't get out of this net soon I would probably die. I used my modest healing magic to keep myself alive, and used my quickrazor to attempt to get out of the net. Since I was in such bad shape, I had Bumbersnoot bite at the net again- he missed, but at least he didn't hit me this time. I was beyond relieved when Jak appeared and freed us from that stupid net. I'm so setting that thing on fucking fire.
Oskar killed one of the giants near him, then yelled out, with Whelm's aid, a nasty insult at the giants in their tongue, all but the frost giant turned toward the priest in anger. The giants started throwing oxen at the dwarf... and managed to hit him once.
Quinn appeared and stabbed at one giant, misty stepped away from it, and used her chaos spell on two of the giants before vanishing again. I had Bumbersnoot run the fuck out of melee with these giants, healing him as we went. I saw Oskar hit the frost giant right in the face with his hammer. A stone giant narrowly missed hitting me with a rock- thank gods, it might have killed me.
Amara sunk an arrow into the frost giant. A hill giant went for Jak, attempting a belly flop, and missing horribly. Jak responded by stabbing the crap out of it with Blackrazor.
Quinn reappeared again, cast something at the stone giant near me, and in the process blinded both Bumbersnoot and I. These random things that keep happening when she casts spells are getting hella annoying. Something hit poor Bumbersnoot, but thanks to Quinn we couldn't see what and couldn't defend ourselves. We turned around and bolted, hoping that we were going away from the fight. I hated having to do that, but I didn't see any other option, if we'd stayed put at least one of us would have died. Bumbersnoot and I took a few moments to breathe and heal before turning back to rejoin the fray.
When Bumbersnoot and I got back, the farmer boy was killing the last stone giant, and Oskar had banished the frost giant. We had about thirty seconds to prep before it came back. As soon as it reappeared, an arrow sank deep into its chest- Amara killed it.
In the morning Oskar was spazzing out about "falling" up- the sight of the sky was terrifying him for some weird ass reason.
Over breakfast we tried to get more information from the girls about who they were- Oskar thought one of them was a princess or something- but Amara insisted that she wasn't and that she didn't know why they were being hunted. She seemed pretty honest about it, and we decided to help them get to Luskan.
We noticed as we prepared to head out that there were about five carrion birds circling something on the hill we were getting ready to climb. When we drew closer we could tell they were circling a large boulder, and some of them seemed to be going for something just on the other side of it. Eventually we arrived at the scene and found the remains of a humanoid that had been crushed under the boulder. Oskar said the boulder was worked stone and was definitely not natural to this area, and wandered away to investigate. Jak noticed a stick under the boulder, that should be been crushed, so we figured it was probably magic. Carmina dug it out and I figured out what it was. By the time I was done, Oskar had returned and told us that a hill giant had killed this guy. The tracks left by the hill giant were in the direction we needed to travel anyway, so we continued on our path, keeping a sharp eye out for more giants.
Eventually we came to a trashed area that the giants probably used for garbage. Somehow we were able to pick out the correct tracks for them, and we continued on. About five hours later, we saw smoke in the distance and figured we should check it out. An hour or so after that we found a small farming community, or what was left of it anyway.
Several of the buildings had been reduced to smoldering ruins. We saw a little white figure go running out of a building, and a boulder followed it. The goat cried out in pain as a giant retrieved it. We had to go deal with those, so we decided to leave the girls in the treeline while we went out to battle. Stealth was not an option thanks to Whelm, who unleashed a war cry as we started forward. Two giants ran out of a building, and the heads of three others appeared out of holes in the ceiling of a building. Quinn climbed on Jak's back and sent out a chaos bolt, just as a boulder missed them. A horn sounded from somewhere in the tiny village- Oskar called out that more giants were coming as he hurled Whelm at one of them.
I pulled a hummingbird out of my alchemy satchel and handed it to Oskar- it was my newer concoction that helped someone move faster- then had Bumbersnoot surge us forward. A boulder narrowing missed Bumbersnoot and I. Fucking giants. Then another boulder smacked into me from a different direction. We kept inching our way forward, I attempted to hit one with my crossbow, since that was the only thing I could use at this distance, and missed completely. I saw another rock smack into Jak, but he barely seemed to notice it as he charged right into them, knocking a giant over. Quinn misty stepped off of him, and got hit by a rock from another giant- she was now the closest target, so of course they would concentrate their fire on her.
I decided to try the semi-auto mode on my weird gun, and hit once before it shorted out on me, a warning ringing through my head that it overheated. Apparently the disembodied voice in my head was that gun, NATAS. Jak was flanked by two giants now, and they were dishing out some nasty blows; of course he returned the favor. A rock smacked hella hard into me, my vision doubled briefly after that hit, and I felt a little woozy. As I took aim with my stupid crossbow, since NATAS had overheated- again- and missed. I don't know why I even keep that stupid thing around, apparently crossbows are worthless for me. Another fucking rock smacked me.
Jak was still getting a serious beating from those giants- and giving one in the process. I saw Oskar's spirit weapon appear and smack a different giant, and Whelm followed- then Oskar took a boulder to the face for his efforts. I was trying to get some of the heat off of Jak, so I shot one of the giants he had been fighting. Quinn- who had been blinking this entire time, and not actually doing anything- was hit by two rocks when she reappeared. She hit one with ice bolts before vanishing again.
Jak killed one of the giants on him, as Bumbersnoot and I approached to help him... that was a bad fucking idea. Bumbersnoot bit the giant, and attempted to trip it, and instead it flicked him off of it and stepped on us. I sent a beetle at it, and it fucking deflected it right back at me. Then Bumbersnoot was hit by a boulder. I fucking hate giants. Quinn reappeared and sent another icy spell at a giant before vanishing again. Jak began beating on the other giant by him, and I felt my flesh knit together as Oskar healed me. I shot the giant with NATAS and killed it with my daring sir; I really do love my daring sir.
Quinn reappeared, got hit by a rock, and blinked out again. She really wasn't being terribly useful in this fight. Jak charged toward the other giants, and Oskar ran into one of the buildings. He reappeared a moment later, as a giant with a huge flail came at him; another followed with a belly flop at him, that also missed badly. I shot the giant with the flail, since it seemed to be the bigger threat to Oskar at the moment.
Another giant ran right up to be and hit me hella hard- I saw stars for a second. Amara shouted encouragement at me, and I felt better somehow... interesting. An icy spell shot past the giant in front of me, and I heard Quinn squeak in annoyance as her blink didn't work. Jak charged the giant on me, and failed to trip it- it was his turn to get stomped on like Bumbersnoot had been earlier.
Oskar's spirit weapon vanished and his guardians activated, killing the giant who'd attempted to belly flop on him. Another giant missed Oskar and attempted to run from him, but the dwarf killed it.
Bumbersnoot bit the giant looming over us, but didn't try to trip it- we'd learned that lesson- and I shot it with my daring sir. There were only two giants left at this point. The one in front of me and the one with the flail. Quinn hit the giant in front of me and Jak pounded on it. I healed Bumbersnoot and Critical Bumbersnoot savagely ripped into the giant's leg. Quinn's chaos spell and Jak finished it off.
The one with the flail ran from Oskar, and when he pursued the giant jumped on the roof of one of the few intact buildings. It hit Oskar and his spirit guardians vanished. Quinn used her chaos spell, and Jak charged the building the giant was on- hoping the make the roof cave in, I think. Oskar flew up to the giant, and it wrapped the flail around him, and yanked him into Jak. It got a couple of good hits in before the building collapsed. Quinn finished it off with her chaos spell.
After searching the farm, we decided to rest there for the night.
I finished up the new feet I've been working on for Bumbersnoot, so now he's faster, he can climb, and he can swim. I'm a little closer to my goal of making him an all terrain puppy.
***** Tarsakh 22, farming village in the Crags
In the morning we headed out, and eventually came upon another farming town. A warning shot was fired at Oskar's feet as we approached, and after a brief exchange with the guards, they agreed to speak with us, as long as we left our weapons behind. Oskar, Carmina, Amara, and I went to them, everyone else stayed back with the wagon we'd taken from the destroyed village. The guards told us that the giants had been systematically wiping out all of the other villages in the area, and that the wagons full of provisions we'd found at the other farm were all that was left of their harvest. This was the only village left that hadn't been touched, and they were afraid they wouldn't survive much longer. We offered to escort them back to the other farm to get the remaining provisions that had been left behind. They said we hadn't killed all of the giants, there had been a lot more sighted than what we'd seen thus far.
We got to the other farm with no issues, and got everything loaded up without being attacked. Unfortunately, our luck ran out on the way back to the farmstead. During our journey back, a dark cloud began moving toward us, and we were suddenly enveloped in fog. I could barely make out Bumbersnoot, and I could only make out vague shapes of the others around us. This didn't sound good. Suddenly, I was hit by something big and hella heavy, and it fucking hurt.
Oskar tried to fly above the fog, but was also struck by the rock that hit Winry and killed three of the oxen. Quinn attempted to destroy to water in the fog, but it only lasted a couple of seconds before the fog filled back in. Another boulder struck Carmina and Sylvia- Sylvia went down, but Amara quickly revived her- another oxen was smashed as well.
Suddenly a fucking net with fucking weights on it landed on Bumbersnoot and I. I began hacking at the stupid thing, and Bumbersnoot tried to help, but he bit me instead. I seriously despise nets. Then a fucking boulder ran over us, hurting us hella bad. I cut at the net again, but I don't think I actually did any good. I told Bumbersnoot not to help, his attempts to help with nets always end up working badly for me.
Oskar found Sylvia and healed her, then instructed Amara and Carmina to protect her. He flew back into the air, but couldn't get out of the fog. Jak ran out of the fog and found a giant to beat up. Quinn attempted to cast haste on herself, but set herself on fire instead; her second attempt to do so made every small thing near her begin shaking. Jak was thrown by the giant he found.
The fog vanished and we discovered there were three hill giants, two stone giants, and one frost giant attacking us. And I'm trapped in a fucking net. Fanfuckingtastic.
One of the villagers was mashed into paste by a boulder from one of the giants. Another one had a broken leg, so his nephew picked up a bow and attempted to defend him; another man ran in terror instead of even attempting to fight or protect those with the group. Jak charged the frost giant, but it sidestepped him. Quinn had reappeared from blinking out, and attempted to twin ice bolt, but one fizzled out in a shower of golden sparks, the other worked and a group of lizards appeared at her feet. Then Quinn used the lightning bolt on her Neptunian Trident and vanished again. The giant she'd hit was pissed- especially since she'd vanished right after injuring him, so he picked up Jak and threw him right into Oskar.
The three girls were trying to take shelter in some bushes, but Amara picked up a bow and started firing at one of the giants. The frost giant raised its ax and a series of runes lit up on it as a cone of cold was cast.
Bumbersnoot and I were hit by a cold spell, and I was severely injured, if I didn't get out of this net soon I would probably die. I used my modest healing magic to keep myself alive, and used my quickrazor to attempt to get out of the net. Since I was in such bad shape, I had Bumbersnoot bite at the net again- he missed, but at least he didn't hit me this time. I was beyond relieved when Jak appeared and freed us from that stupid net. I'm so setting that thing on fucking fire.
Oskar killed one of the giants near him, then yelled out, with Whelm's aid, a nasty insult at the giants in their tongue, all but the frost giant turned toward the priest in anger. The giants started throwing oxen at the dwarf... and managed to hit him once.
Quinn appeared and stabbed at one giant, misty stepped away from it, and used her chaos spell on two of the giants before vanishing again. I had Bumbersnoot run the fuck out of melee with these giants, healing him as we went. I saw Oskar hit the frost giant right in the face with his hammer. A stone giant narrowly missed hitting me with a rock- thank gods, it might have killed me.
Amara sunk an arrow into the frost giant. A hill giant went for Jak, attempting a belly flop, and missing horribly. Jak responded by stabbing the crap out of it with Blackrazor.
Quinn reappeared again, cast something at the stone giant near me, and in the process blinded both Bumbersnoot and I. These random things that keep happening when she casts spells are getting hella annoying. Something hit poor Bumbersnoot, but thanks to Quinn we couldn't see what and couldn't defend ourselves. We turned around and bolted, hoping that we were going away from the fight. I hated having to do that, but I didn't see any other option, if we'd stayed put at least one of us would have died. Bumbersnoot and I took a few moments to breathe and heal before turning back to rejoin the fray.
When Bumbersnoot and I got back, the farmer boy was killing the last stone giant, and Oskar had banished the frost giant. We had about thirty seconds to prep before it came back. As soon as it reappeared, an arrow sank deep into its chest- Amara killed it.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Tales from Toril- The Adventures of Critical Bumbersnoot: the Odd Company: A Yawning Portal Novella, Chapter Seven
A Tale of Two Steves
Dramatis Personae:
Winry Steamgear, the Rock Gnome Alchemist Artificer
"Critical" Bumbersnoot, Winry's Dachshund Mechanimal Construct
Mara Quinn, the Water Genasi Werewolf Sea Sorceress
Steve, Quinn's Octopus familiar
Oskar Heartforge, the Shield Dwarf Werewolf Priest of Moradin
Jak Foostus, the Minotaur Monk
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Winry's perspective, anything in italics is from a third party view, since the artificer can't be everywhere at once.
***** Tarsahk 20, 1489 DR (The Year of the Warrior Princess), White Plume Mountain
When we woke up from our rest, a voice in my head said "Neural Assist Tactical Arms System neural link established. NATAS systems at 25%, semi-automatic mode enabled." It felt almost like I was thinking that, but I had no idea what the Hells any of that was about. I was hella confused and spazzed out a little bit.
NATAS is the odd energy gun Winry acquired in the ship at the top of the mountain; it has an artificial intelligence that links with its owner. It hadn't been able to connect with Winry earlier because it had to repair her when the chest bursters were in her, thus preventing it from repairing itself.
It seems that this morning was the day for freak outs. Oskar started hitting himself over and over while laughing manically. Apparently the armor he'd taken from Sir Balto gave him regeneration powers, and he was testing them out. On top of all of that, Wave was still fucking singing sea shanties. The stupid trident hadn't stopped singing since we found Blackrazor.
Eventually we headed back out to go find the warhammer- the final item the Coldfire Initiative had hired us to acquire. When we got back to the stupid fucking frictionless hallway and started discussing going back through it, I remembered that Wave has a cube of force, that we could use to get across with ease. Would have been nice if Quinn had remembered it the first time we went through here- you know, when we wouldn't have had to spend five fucking hours trying to cross that stupid thing, with Quinn and Jak taking a nasty beating in the process. So, she set up her cube of force, piled in, and started sliding across. Bumbersnoot tumbled a bit, hurting himself and Jak in the process; and Quinn tripped when we went over the second pit and hurt herself pretty bad.
Next we had to get through the heated hallway again. I got Quinn to empty her bag of holding so we could do this quicker; of course she was pissed, how dare we want her to use her bag for something other than her stupid octopus. I stripped and stuck Bumbersnoot in my bag, then went across with Jak so we could guard us as he made all the trips across. About halfway through the hallway, I felt like I was burning- as if there was metal in my body. I jumped in my bag for the rest of the way, since I didn't want to get hurt.
Winry was heating up because part of her bond with NATAS includes her being injected with nanites- while they hadn't affected Winry before, because NATAS hadn't fully linked with her yet, but now that it had repaired enough to connect, there were enough nanites in the gnome for the heated hallway to cause her pain.
When we got back to the cross path again, where we'd encountered the gynosphinx before, and we realized we couldn't take all of our loot into that submerged path again. We decided to stash it in the gynosphinx's lair- but there was a hella heavy stone slab on it. So we used my lift system, and combined with Jak and Oskar's strength, we were able to move the slab.
Once our stuff was stashed, Quinn gave us all water breathing, and deactivated water walk, so we could actually walk into the submerged hall. After a few feet, Blackrazor announced to us that Jak had been hit with acid. Oskar had us all back up, and once we were out of the water we saw that Jak was covered in green slime. Quinn helped clear the slime off of Jak, and stormed off, bitching that we're all useless in water; as if that should be fucking surprising. She cleared the slime by freezing it, then came back and got us.
After a bit, the hallway branched off into two paths. We chose the path on the right, and eventually came upon a door- just a normal looking wooden door that was bound in iron, and swollen from the water. As we reached it, Jak stepped on a loose floor tile, and he spazzed out and attacked the door. He hacked at it for a little bit before getting it open, and as soon as it opened all of the water in the hall behind us whooshed past us and into the room, where it drained out. As soon as we walked into the room the door reassembled itself, slammed shut, and locked. That was just fanfuckingtastic. In the room were nine silvered glass spheres suspended by chains. As we began deliberating our options for dealing with the spheres, Oskar chucked him hammer at one of them, shattering it. Jewelry and gold rained down upon us, as a mini tornado emerged from the globe, and went right for us- it was a hella pissed air elemental.
The elemental took a vaguely humanoid form and swung at Oskar. Oskar responded by activating his spirit weapon and spirit guardians. Quinn blinked, of course, and Bumbersnoot bit it- though he couldn't really trip it. I missed with my energy gun, and right after Jak pounded on it- which was a little weird, since he was basically beating the crap out of air- it created a whirlwind that hit Bumbersnoot, Jak, and I, and in its swirling rage it hit the release valve on Bumbersnoot's saddle, sending me flying. Oskar hit it with his spirit weapon and his regular weapon, and Jak finished it off. I hoped there weren't eight more of those in those globes. Bumbersnoot fished a key that had fallen from the globe out of the muck that covered the floor of the room- but it wasn't the right key.
Oskar hurled his hammer at another globe, and a ring and a key fell out, but thankfully, there was no angry elemental this time. However, a voice rang out in all of our heads ""Stop before you put me on. I confer the following powers upon my wearer: invisibility, haste, immunity to charms, fly once per day, detect magic, and one wish. I also provide the benefits of protection and spell turning. The only drawback is that once a year I permanently eat a small part of your life. I must be worn before I can leave this room; merely carrying me away is not possible. If ever I am removed from my wearer's finger, however, all my powers are lost. So you must decide right now who will wear me forever."*
I was curious about this ring, but the others just shrugged and went back to breaking globes. The ring said it could make Bumbersnoot fly too, and it seemed pretty cool, so I put it on. It said its name was Steve, which annoyed Quinn- apparently the bubble head thinks that Steve is a ridiculous name for anything except her octopus. As another random thing dropped in the muck, Quinn flipped out and decided to destroy the water in the floor- turning the muddy ground into hard packed dirt, that we were all now stuck in. Bumbersnoot hurt his leg when he tried to get out, so I had to help him get out. Quinn flipped out even more because her feet were stuck in the dirt and set off a thunderwave... hitting Bumbersnoot and I, and it didn't even break her free. Fucking hell, she's losing her gods damned mind. Once we'd gotten her free, having broken all of the globes, we found the proper key. I grabbed Steve the ring, who was hella cool, and we continued on our path.
We eventually reached another bloated wooden door, and as usual we had Jak bust it open. In this room were five flesh golems that were clustered together against a wall. They each had a number on their chest: 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. Number five announced "One of us does not belong with the others. If you can pick it out, it will serve you, and the others will allow you passage. If you pick the wrong one, we will kill you. You have sixty seconds." Jak spouted out the answer before I could- number 9 was the odd one, because unlike the others, it wasn't a prime number. We now had golem number 9 following us to aid us in this area.
We continued on our way with our new golem following us, and after going down a short flight of stairs we came upon a turnstile, which was kinda annoying, because it wasn't easy to fit Bumbersnoot or the golem in it, but we all made it through. After another short hallway, we came to another door, which opened onto a stone platform in a large cave. On the opposite side in the distance was another stone platform, and standing between us and it was a series of wooden disks that were suspended from the ceiling by massive steel chains. Under the disks was a pool of boiling mud. Fuck. I tried to activate fly on Steve the ring, but nothing happened. He didn't even respond to me. Maybe this room has another issue like the frictionless hallway that suppresses magical means of crossing.
The best option we had for getting across these stupid disks was using my zipline to support us as we crossed. Jak decided he'd take it across, since he would have the easiest time with it. We had the golem hold the end on this side to keep it secure, and Jak began bouncing across the way. The disks and chains were slippery, because this place was designed by a giant douche nozzle. When Jak was about halfway across, a geyser of boiling mud exploded near him; another one followed before he reached the other side.
Quinn went next, and like most things, this didn't go well for her. She fell when she was almost there, and Jak- deciding to be helpful- tossed a ball of Sir Balto goo into the mud to try to cushion Quinn's fall. She misty stepped back onto the disk, and then fell again, this time activating a cube of force before plummeting into the scalding mud.
Oskar went after Quinn, and slipped when he was almost there, so he banished himself. Jak got a rope to Quinn and pulled her out of the muck. I shrunk Bumbersnoot and stuck him in my satchel of holding and jumped across the platforms- thankfully, my new boots helped me get over there without much trouble- I slipped a couple of times, but I caught myself, except for the very last platform, but Jak caught me that time. After I got situated, Oskar reappeared and got himself the rest of the way across those stupid disks. I tied the rope off with pitons on this side, and we left the golem on the other side holding the rope.
We busted through the bloated door on this side, and found a long hallway on the other side. At the end of the hallway was yet another door, and it opened into complete darkness. Oskar cast a daylight spell to cancel the darkness, and we saw a stone coffin in the room. Bumbersnoot drug the lid off the coffin, and found it empty, except for a single stone pillow. Then the darkness returned.
Bats began fluttering around us, attacking us viciously. I was hurt badly almost right away, and I couldn't see anything. I heard the distinct crack of thunder that signified Quinn's thunderwave spell- Jak called out that she missed. When Quinn cast thunderwave her wild magic went off, casting darkness again- the room now had two darkness spells overlapping it, which would prove difficult for the party to regain their sight in the room. Oskar called out that he was dispelling the darkness, but nothing happened; the vampire must have made it a stronger spell than Oskar could handle.
Oskar smashed the coffin and found the treasure underneath it, grabbed Whelm- the warhammer they'd been hired to find, a dwarven artifact. Bumbersnoot snapped blindly at the air, getting some of the bats, but it was hard for him to be terribly effective when we couldn't see. We backed up to the door, trying to get out of the darkness, but the fucking door was shut and the door was locked. I was able to get it picked blindly, and we all piled out of the room. Apparently Quinn had gone down at some point in the chaos, but Oskar managed to find her and revive her. Oskar said he'd scared the vampire away, which would give us a moment to regroup.
I chucked a couple of my exploding mice into the room, but Oskar and Jak had come to the conclusion that the vampire was gone. Oskar sent him a taunting sending, but he didn't come back. Badly injured, we shut ourselves into the hallway to rest. First Oskar got rid of the darkness in the room so we could claim the treasure in it, and I relocked the door.
When we were rested, we headed back across the disks dangling over the boiling mud. I didn't want to leave behind my rope, it was the weird rope I'd gotten from the ship in the mountain. We all made it back across with ease this time, and since Oskar couple apparently now fly, he was able to collect my rope once we'd all crossed.
We made it back to the cross path unmolested, but once we got there we were locked into the intersection by a wall of force, and a voice rang out: "Not thinking of leaving, are you? You've been so very entertaining. I just couldn't think of letting you go, especially with those little items of mine. And since you've eliminated all of their guardians, why, you'll simply have to stay... to take their places. I'll have to ask you to leave all of your ridiculous weapons behind and let Nix and Nox escort you to the Indoctrination Center. I'll be most disappointed if you cause me any trouble and Nix and Nox have to eliminate you. Don't worry- you'll like it here."* Two efreet approached us, one slightly bigger than the other.
The smaller one took a swipe at Bumbersnoot, but it thankfully missed. The bigger one hit Jak, and then when it swiped at him again, it stumbled, allowing Bumbersnoot and I to hit it. Bumbersnoot scored another bite on it, and I missed with my gun; Quinn blinked away, and Jak grappled the big efreet. Oskar's spirit guardians activated just before two walls of fire sprang up- one of which hurt me hella bad. Bumbersnoot bit the big efreet again, and I hit once with my gun, and missed a couple more times; then the wall of fire hit me again.
Quinn reappeared and shot ice bolts at them, and then was suddenly covered in thorns... That was fucking weird. Then, because Quinn covered in thorns wasn't weird enough, Jak suddenly impaled himself with Blackrazor, stabbing the big efreet in the process, and Jak went down. Oskar healed my wounds and revived Jak, and then he got rid of the walls of force and fire, so we weren't as pinned down. Bumbersnoot was in bad shape too, so I had him back out of attack range of the efreets so I could give him a butterfly to heal him a little bit.
Oskar gently got Blackrazor off of Jak so he could heal him, while Quinn shot more ice bolts. Then the asshole efreets summoned fire elementals. Jak dropped again, so I had Bumbersnoot run us up to him, I revived him, and had Bumbersnoot retreat to safety. My puppy was way too hurt for me to have him right in melee range, especially with these fuckers. I really need to come up with a way to heal him. Quinn dumped a bunch of water on the elementals, which did absolutely nothing. Jak took out one of the elementals and the smaller efreet.
The remaining elemental walked through Jak, Oskar, Bumbersnoot, and I- it hurt hella bad. The big efreet turned into smoke and attempted to flow into Jak, I'm not entirely sure it it worked. Bumbersnoot bit the elemental, and I shot it a couple times with my gun, then scored an awesome hit with my daring sir. Oskar banished Jak and the efreet, while I shot the Hells out of the elemental, finishing it off. When Oskar canceled the banishment spell, Jak returned without the efreet.
Mad cackling echoed throughout the entire dungeon, then war cries rang out, coming from all directions. We hurried up to the gynosphinx's lair to get our stuff, and found two gargoyles waiting for us. A metal clanking sound came from somewhere in the dungeon, and we heard water flowing. That didn't sound good, but we weren't leaving that stuff behind, we just had to kill those two gargoyles. We killed them with ease.
The water in the tunnels below us was rising rapidly, so we decided to get out while we still could. We made it out before the water completely filled the area. We were all in bad shape, and I really needed to repair Bumbersnoot. We decided to return to the captain's quarters, but when we got close we discovered a campfire inside it. Oskar flew into it and scared the crap out of them. There was a human woman, and two younger girls- teens- with her, along with an older man who was sick and dying. Of course Oskar wanted to help them man, and the girls accepted, though they were definitely uncomfortable with it.
We heard hunting horns ring out from outside, and the girls became terrified. They said they were being hunted, but they didn't know why. Jak and I went out to scout the hunters while Oskar and Quinn figured out what the Hells to do. There were about three score out there, and we were in no shape to deal with them. The girls told Oskar that they needed to get to Luskan, and their father told them the needed to run. We prepped the bundle of loot Jak had been dragging, and set up a way to attached the father to it, but before we finished we heard a wail of anguish from inside the room- the man had died. Oskar revivified the father, and he instantly cried out in pain, then passed out. I healed him to ease his pain and we got him set up. Oskar said he'd distract the hunters while we got the girls out of there- and he didn't really give us a choice in the matter. I gave him a humming bird to boost his speed when he was ready to catch up with us.
The hunters demanded the girls from Oskar, but before he could really respond, a black dragon flew over the crowd, and breathed a yellowish cloud at the hunters. It was a xenomorph dragon, it turns out some of them had escaped when the group blew up the ship. With the hunters distracted by the xenomorph, Oskar was able to flee and catch up to the party.
After a couple hours of travel we came across the remains of the red dragon, with a hole in its chest... just like the hole in Quinn's chest from the snake thingy back in the ship. Well, at least we didn't have to worry about it taking our loot. I caught it in a bottle, thinking Professor Jackass would like to study the affects up close.
When we stopped to make camp, the girl's father was dead again. Oskar said he'd died from exhaustion. Oskar and I slipped away to talk about this weird ass situation we'd found ourselves in, and we spoke in dwarvish so the girls couldn't understand us. I had found a Harper pin on the father, which could be important. Oskar said he thought the girls were nobles of some sort, based on the dress of the hunters and their horses. We decided to keep everyone away from the body for the night and Oskar would take a better look at it in the morning before everyone got up.
We learned the girl's names were Carmina, Amara, and Sylvia. They asked for our aid to get them to Luskan.
I took third watch and Oskar took fourth so we could proceed with Oskar's plan. About an hour and a half into my watch- shortly before sunrise- the girls got up and said they had to bury their father with the dawn. I told Bumbersnoot in gnomish to get Oskar, but Amara insisted we should just go do it, and I couldn't say no to her. We got him buried as the sun rose.
*This content is a quote from the White Plume Mountain adventure in "Tales from the Yawning Portal" by Wizards of the Coast.
When we woke up from our rest, a voice in my head said "Neural Assist Tactical Arms System neural link established. NATAS systems at 25%, semi-automatic mode enabled." It felt almost like I was thinking that, but I had no idea what the Hells any of that was about. I was hella confused and spazzed out a little bit.
NATAS is the odd energy gun Winry acquired in the ship at the top of the mountain; it has an artificial intelligence that links with its owner. It hadn't been able to connect with Winry earlier because it had to repair her when the chest bursters were in her, thus preventing it from repairing itself.
It seems that this morning was the day for freak outs. Oskar started hitting himself over and over while laughing manically. Apparently the armor he'd taken from Sir Balto gave him regeneration powers, and he was testing them out. On top of all of that, Wave was still fucking singing sea shanties. The stupid trident hadn't stopped singing since we found Blackrazor.
Eventually we headed back out to go find the warhammer- the final item the Coldfire Initiative had hired us to acquire. When we got back to the stupid fucking frictionless hallway and started discussing going back through it, I remembered that Wave has a cube of force, that we could use to get across with ease. Would have been nice if Quinn had remembered it the first time we went through here- you know, when we wouldn't have had to spend five fucking hours trying to cross that stupid thing, with Quinn and Jak taking a nasty beating in the process. So, she set up her cube of force, piled in, and started sliding across. Bumbersnoot tumbled a bit, hurting himself and Jak in the process; and Quinn tripped when we went over the second pit and hurt herself pretty bad.
Next we had to get through the heated hallway again. I got Quinn to empty her bag of holding so we could do this quicker; of course she was pissed, how dare we want her to use her bag for something other than her stupid octopus. I stripped and stuck Bumbersnoot in my bag, then went across with Jak so we could guard us as he made all the trips across. About halfway through the hallway, I felt like I was burning- as if there was metal in my body. I jumped in my bag for the rest of the way, since I didn't want to get hurt.
Winry was heating up because part of her bond with NATAS includes her being injected with nanites- while they hadn't affected Winry before, because NATAS hadn't fully linked with her yet, but now that it had repaired enough to connect, there were enough nanites in the gnome for the heated hallway to cause her pain.
When we got back to the cross path again, where we'd encountered the gynosphinx before, and we realized we couldn't take all of our loot into that submerged path again. We decided to stash it in the gynosphinx's lair- but there was a hella heavy stone slab on it. So we used my lift system, and combined with Jak and Oskar's strength, we were able to move the slab.
Once our stuff was stashed, Quinn gave us all water breathing, and deactivated water walk, so we could actually walk into the submerged hall. After a few feet, Blackrazor announced to us that Jak had been hit with acid. Oskar had us all back up, and once we were out of the water we saw that Jak was covered in green slime. Quinn helped clear the slime off of Jak, and stormed off, bitching that we're all useless in water; as if that should be fucking surprising. She cleared the slime by freezing it, then came back and got us.
After a bit, the hallway branched off into two paths. We chose the path on the right, and eventually came upon a door- just a normal looking wooden door that was bound in iron, and swollen from the water. As we reached it, Jak stepped on a loose floor tile, and he spazzed out and attacked the door. He hacked at it for a little bit before getting it open, and as soon as it opened all of the water in the hall behind us whooshed past us and into the room, where it drained out. As soon as we walked into the room the door reassembled itself, slammed shut, and locked. That was just fanfuckingtastic. In the room were nine silvered glass spheres suspended by chains. As we began deliberating our options for dealing with the spheres, Oskar chucked him hammer at one of them, shattering it. Jewelry and gold rained down upon us, as a mini tornado emerged from the globe, and went right for us- it was a hella pissed air elemental.
The elemental took a vaguely humanoid form and swung at Oskar. Oskar responded by activating his spirit weapon and spirit guardians. Quinn blinked, of course, and Bumbersnoot bit it- though he couldn't really trip it. I missed with my energy gun, and right after Jak pounded on it- which was a little weird, since he was basically beating the crap out of air- it created a whirlwind that hit Bumbersnoot, Jak, and I, and in its swirling rage it hit the release valve on Bumbersnoot's saddle, sending me flying. Oskar hit it with his spirit weapon and his regular weapon, and Jak finished it off. I hoped there weren't eight more of those in those globes. Bumbersnoot fished a key that had fallen from the globe out of the muck that covered the floor of the room- but it wasn't the right key.
Oskar hurled his hammer at another globe, and a ring and a key fell out, but thankfully, there was no angry elemental this time. However, a voice rang out in all of our heads ""Stop before you put me on. I confer the following powers upon my wearer: invisibility, haste, immunity to charms, fly once per day, detect magic, and one wish. I also provide the benefits of protection and spell turning. The only drawback is that once a year I permanently eat a small part of your life. I must be worn before I can leave this room; merely carrying me away is not possible. If ever I am removed from my wearer's finger, however, all my powers are lost. So you must decide right now who will wear me forever."*
I was curious about this ring, but the others just shrugged and went back to breaking globes. The ring said it could make Bumbersnoot fly too, and it seemed pretty cool, so I put it on. It said its name was Steve, which annoyed Quinn- apparently the bubble head thinks that Steve is a ridiculous name for anything except her octopus. As another random thing dropped in the muck, Quinn flipped out and decided to destroy the water in the floor- turning the muddy ground into hard packed dirt, that we were all now stuck in. Bumbersnoot hurt his leg when he tried to get out, so I had to help him get out. Quinn flipped out even more because her feet were stuck in the dirt and set off a thunderwave... hitting Bumbersnoot and I, and it didn't even break her free. Fucking hell, she's losing her gods damned mind. Once we'd gotten her free, having broken all of the globes, we found the proper key. I grabbed Steve the ring, who was hella cool, and we continued on our path.
We eventually reached another bloated wooden door, and as usual we had Jak bust it open. In this room were five flesh golems that were clustered together against a wall. They each had a number on their chest: 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. Number five announced "One of us does not belong with the others. If you can pick it out, it will serve you, and the others will allow you passage. If you pick the wrong one, we will kill you. You have sixty seconds." Jak spouted out the answer before I could- number 9 was the odd one, because unlike the others, it wasn't a prime number. We now had golem number 9 following us to aid us in this area.
We continued on our way with our new golem following us, and after going down a short flight of stairs we came upon a turnstile, which was kinda annoying, because it wasn't easy to fit Bumbersnoot or the golem in it, but we all made it through. After another short hallway, we came to another door, which opened onto a stone platform in a large cave. On the opposite side in the distance was another stone platform, and standing between us and it was a series of wooden disks that were suspended from the ceiling by massive steel chains. Under the disks was a pool of boiling mud. Fuck. I tried to activate fly on Steve the ring, but nothing happened. He didn't even respond to me. Maybe this room has another issue like the frictionless hallway that suppresses magical means of crossing.
The best option we had for getting across these stupid disks was using my zipline to support us as we crossed. Jak decided he'd take it across, since he would have the easiest time with it. We had the golem hold the end on this side to keep it secure, and Jak began bouncing across the way. The disks and chains were slippery, because this place was designed by a giant douche nozzle. When Jak was about halfway across, a geyser of boiling mud exploded near him; another one followed before he reached the other side.
Quinn went next, and like most things, this didn't go well for her. She fell when she was almost there, and Jak- deciding to be helpful- tossed a ball of Sir Balto goo into the mud to try to cushion Quinn's fall. She misty stepped back onto the disk, and then fell again, this time activating a cube of force before plummeting into the scalding mud.
Oskar went after Quinn, and slipped when he was almost there, so he banished himself. Jak got a rope to Quinn and pulled her out of the muck. I shrunk Bumbersnoot and stuck him in my satchel of holding and jumped across the platforms- thankfully, my new boots helped me get over there without much trouble- I slipped a couple of times, but I caught myself, except for the very last platform, but Jak caught me that time. After I got situated, Oskar reappeared and got himself the rest of the way across those stupid disks. I tied the rope off with pitons on this side, and we left the golem on the other side holding the rope.
We busted through the bloated door on this side, and found a long hallway on the other side. At the end of the hallway was yet another door, and it opened into complete darkness. Oskar cast a daylight spell to cancel the darkness, and we saw a stone coffin in the room. Bumbersnoot drug the lid off the coffin, and found it empty, except for a single stone pillow. Then the darkness returned.
Bats began fluttering around us, attacking us viciously. I was hurt badly almost right away, and I couldn't see anything. I heard the distinct crack of thunder that signified Quinn's thunderwave spell- Jak called out that she missed. When Quinn cast thunderwave her wild magic went off, casting darkness again- the room now had two darkness spells overlapping it, which would prove difficult for the party to regain their sight in the room. Oskar called out that he was dispelling the darkness, but nothing happened; the vampire must have made it a stronger spell than Oskar could handle.
Oskar smashed the coffin and found the treasure underneath it, grabbed Whelm- the warhammer they'd been hired to find, a dwarven artifact. Bumbersnoot snapped blindly at the air, getting some of the bats, but it was hard for him to be terribly effective when we couldn't see. We backed up to the door, trying to get out of the darkness, but the fucking door was shut and the door was locked. I was able to get it picked blindly, and we all piled out of the room. Apparently Quinn had gone down at some point in the chaos, but Oskar managed to find her and revive her. Oskar said he'd scared the vampire away, which would give us a moment to regroup.
I chucked a couple of my exploding mice into the room, but Oskar and Jak had come to the conclusion that the vampire was gone. Oskar sent him a taunting sending, but he didn't come back. Badly injured, we shut ourselves into the hallway to rest. First Oskar got rid of the darkness in the room so we could claim the treasure in it, and I relocked the door.
When we were rested, we headed back across the disks dangling over the boiling mud. I didn't want to leave behind my rope, it was the weird rope I'd gotten from the ship in the mountain. We all made it back across with ease this time, and since Oskar couple apparently now fly, he was able to collect my rope once we'd all crossed.
We made it back to the cross path unmolested, but once we got there we were locked into the intersection by a wall of force, and a voice rang out: "Not thinking of leaving, are you? You've been so very entertaining. I just couldn't think of letting you go, especially with those little items of mine. And since you've eliminated all of their guardians, why, you'll simply have to stay... to take their places. I'll have to ask you to leave all of your ridiculous weapons behind and let Nix and Nox escort you to the Indoctrination Center. I'll be most disappointed if you cause me any trouble and Nix and Nox have to eliminate you. Don't worry- you'll like it here."* Two efreet approached us, one slightly bigger than the other.
The smaller one took a swipe at Bumbersnoot, but it thankfully missed. The bigger one hit Jak, and then when it swiped at him again, it stumbled, allowing Bumbersnoot and I to hit it. Bumbersnoot scored another bite on it, and I missed with my gun; Quinn blinked away, and Jak grappled the big efreet. Oskar's spirit guardians activated just before two walls of fire sprang up- one of which hurt me hella bad. Bumbersnoot bit the big efreet again, and I hit once with my gun, and missed a couple more times; then the wall of fire hit me again.
Quinn reappeared and shot ice bolts at them, and then was suddenly covered in thorns... That was fucking weird. Then, because Quinn covered in thorns wasn't weird enough, Jak suddenly impaled himself with Blackrazor, stabbing the big efreet in the process, and Jak went down. Oskar healed my wounds and revived Jak, and then he got rid of the walls of force and fire, so we weren't as pinned down. Bumbersnoot was in bad shape too, so I had him back out of attack range of the efreets so I could give him a butterfly to heal him a little bit.
Oskar gently got Blackrazor off of Jak so he could heal him, while Quinn shot more ice bolts. Then the asshole efreets summoned fire elementals. Jak dropped again, so I had Bumbersnoot run us up to him, I revived him, and had Bumbersnoot retreat to safety. My puppy was way too hurt for me to have him right in melee range, especially with these fuckers. I really need to come up with a way to heal him. Quinn dumped a bunch of water on the elementals, which did absolutely nothing. Jak took out one of the elementals and the smaller efreet.
The remaining elemental walked through Jak, Oskar, Bumbersnoot, and I- it hurt hella bad. The big efreet turned into smoke and attempted to flow into Jak, I'm not entirely sure it it worked. Bumbersnoot bit the elemental, and I shot it a couple times with my gun, then scored an awesome hit with my daring sir. Oskar banished Jak and the efreet, while I shot the Hells out of the elemental, finishing it off. When Oskar canceled the banishment spell, Jak returned without the efreet.
Mad cackling echoed throughout the entire dungeon, then war cries rang out, coming from all directions. We hurried up to the gynosphinx's lair to get our stuff, and found two gargoyles waiting for us. A metal clanking sound came from somewhere in the dungeon, and we heard water flowing. That didn't sound good, but we weren't leaving that stuff behind, we just had to kill those two gargoyles. We killed them with ease.
The water in the tunnels below us was rising rapidly, so we decided to get out while we still could. We made it out before the water completely filled the area. We were all in bad shape, and I really needed to repair Bumbersnoot. We decided to return to the captain's quarters, but when we got close we discovered a campfire inside it. Oskar flew into it and scared the crap out of them. There was a human woman, and two younger girls- teens- with her, along with an older man who was sick and dying. Of course Oskar wanted to help them man, and the girls accepted, though they were definitely uncomfortable with it.
We heard hunting horns ring out from outside, and the girls became terrified. They said they were being hunted, but they didn't know why. Jak and I went out to scout the hunters while Oskar and Quinn figured out what the Hells to do. There were about three score out there, and we were in no shape to deal with them. The girls told Oskar that they needed to get to Luskan, and their father told them the needed to run. We prepped the bundle of loot Jak had been dragging, and set up a way to attached the father to it, but before we finished we heard a wail of anguish from inside the room- the man had died. Oskar revivified the father, and he instantly cried out in pain, then passed out. I healed him to ease his pain and we got him set up. Oskar said he'd distract the hunters while we got the girls out of there- and he didn't really give us a choice in the matter. I gave him a humming bird to boost his speed when he was ready to catch up with us.
The hunters demanded the girls from Oskar, but before he could really respond, a black dragon flew over the crowd, and breathed a yellowish cloud at the hunters. It was a xenomorph dragon, it turns out some of them had escaped when the group blew up the ship. With the hunters distracted by the xenomorph, Oskar was able to flee and catch up to the party.
After a couple hours of travel we came across the remains of the red dragon, with a hole in its chest... just like the hole in Quinn's chest from the snake thingy back in the ship. Well, at least we didn't have to worry about it taking our loot. I caught it in a bottle, thinking Professor Jackass would like to study the affects up close.
When we stopped to make camp, the girl's father was dead again. Oskar said he'd died from exhaustion. Oskar and I slipped away to talk about this weird ass situation we'd found ourselves in, and we spoke in dwarvish so the girls couldn't understand us. I had found a Harper pin on the father, which could be important. Oskar said he thought the girls were nobles of some sort, based on the dress of the hunters and their horses. We decided to keep everyone away from the body for the night and Oskar would take a better look at it in the morning before everyone got up.
We learned the girl's names were Carmina, Amara, and Sylvia. They asked for our aid to get them to Luskan.
I took third watch and Oskar took fourth so we could proceed with Oskar's plan. About an hour and a half into my watch- shortly before sunrise- the girls got up and said they had to bury their father with the dawn. I told Bumbersnoot in gnomish to get Oskar, but Amara insisted we should just go do it, and I couldn't say no to her. We got him buried as the sun rose.
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Map from "Tales from the Yawning Portal" by Wizards of the Coast |
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Map from "Tales from the Yawning Portal" by Wizards of the Coast |
Monday, October 2, 2017
New Feats for 5th Edition
If you have your own feats that you think would be a good addition to ours, let us know in the comments; you may see yours in this sheet the next time we update this!
This page was created at The Homebrewery, an amazing resource for people who make their own content.
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