The Next Generation:
Xara is a half-orc half-drow, and calls herself a "Dorc." She was abandoned at a circus as an infant and has grown up being a circus freak; she knows nothing of her origins, and has always assumed that she was the product of rape. By most drow Xara is considered an abomination, and has grown up being called that; though it doesn't faze her at all. She looks like a tall, muscular drow, with a severe under bite.
The sight of 321 ghosts caused Xara to age 70 years, but since that would be detrimental to Xara, Dax was able to put her back to her normal age.
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Niss'RizDax Kenarn grew up in the best city in the Underdark in the Old World. For the first 80 years of her life she was nobility, the Kenarn family was of the Eighth House in the city, and Dax was a devoted priestess of Lolth. Then one day a priestess of Eilistraee came into the city, and began secretly spreading Eilistraee's Light. Dax was curious, since she hadn't known there was another drow goddess, and it was there she learned what the true love of a goddess was.
One day, while she was making plans to flee to the Surface with the priestess, a rival family took out her House. When Dax returned she discovered her entire family was dead, and that had it not been for Eilistraee, she would have been too. She took off for the Surface, and eventually reached the Temple of Eilistraee there. During her first prayer to Eilistraee under moonlight, she was given the title of The Moonlit Dancer; every Sword Dancer of Eilistraee has their own title, which is sometimes more known than their name. Dax lived there in piece for the next ninety years, working her way through the ranks, and relishing in the beauty and serenity the Surface offered.
A few years ago, Eilistraee appeared to Dax during prayer, and told her to go to the New World. The Dark Dancer told Dax that she was needed to spread her light and love to those there, and to establish a temple or shrine there when she found somewhere safe to do so. Eilistraee also said there was another purpose to Dax's journey, but that would be revealed in time.
Dax has spent the last few years in the New World, secretly preaching to other drow and gaining a few followers for her goddess. She has not yet set up a temple, because she hasn't found a place that feels completely holy and sacred to her yet.
Dax stands at 4'10, weighs about 90 pounds, and has glorious, silky smooth obsidian skin. Her silver hair is ankle length, and is usually tied back in a braid. She has lavender eyes, and a slim build with very generous curves.
Dax was granted a familiar from Eilistraee, in the form of a red Faerie Dragon. She named it Thea, which means gift of the moon goddess.
The sight of 321 ghosts caused Dax to age 90 years.
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KlikKlick BoomBoom exited the Underdark about a year ago, entering the New World through the rift in the Savage Lands. She met TickTick, her giant bat animal companion, after entering the surface, and together the pair made their way to Crossroads. KlikKlik now lives in the Alienage outside Crossroads, which she helped build when she stole a Lyre of Building.While Kibbik appreciated her help in building, he cut off her pinkie as punishment for the theft; she now wears it around her neck. KlikKlik idolizes Kibbik, and wants to be just like him.
KlikKlik's head exploded when she reached out for Apsu's aid and it ended up being too much for the kobold to handle. Apsu essentially reincarnated her as a small platinum dragonborn, though she doesn't know she's a dragonborn, and instead thinks she's a platinum kobold.
The sight of 321 ghosts caused KlikKlik to age 90 years.
Taryn Al'Maera came to the New World because she wanted to become a prominent member of the Assassin's Guild. She ended up being recruited by Ralliakkan to be her plant in the Guild, and has been chosen to eventually take up the Ralliakkan moniker, since the last one has essentially retired. She is snarky and secretive, not revealing much of herself to anyone.
Taryn created a Madame guise for her role in Cirque de Whoreleil, named Paerus Al'Kai.
The sight of 321 ghosts caused Taryn to age 90 years.
The Original Generation:
*****Kelani, the kitsune druid, is five foot two, 155 pounds, with a lithe body and five tails, each with a different color scheme- and she frequently grows a new tail. She is a red fox with golden eyes that are her most prominent feature, her fur is thick and luxurious. Shortly after she began walking the druidic path, Kelani came upon a velociraptor egg that was struggling to hatch; the other eggs in the nest had already been hatched, and the nest was abandoned. She helped the struggling raptor break out of her shell, and named the hatchling Arden; she has been Kelani's best friend ever since. Kelani came to the New World because she saw too many animals being brought back from it as trophies and "pets." She couldn't stand to think of so many innocent creatures being captured and brought across the sea, so she set out on this expedition. While she doesn't understand civilization, money, or social skills, she has a good heart and is always willing to help those in need- unless there's an animal in distress somewhere else. Kelani simply wants to make the New World a better place for nature, and she hopes to help prevent humans from completely taking over the natural parts of this world.
Kib-bik-kin-nik, the kobold paladin of Apsu, is a different color scheme than most of his kind- his scales are purple, and he has small wings, though he can't fly. Raised by dwarves, the kobold has always been different from your average kobold. He has a deep reverence in Apsu, and decided to spread the word of the maker to those on a new continent. The paladin's dream of spreading the light of Apsu to all has recently begun to come true; he is building a huge temple right outside of Crossroads, and has begun getting a growing clergy. Kibbik tries to be intimidating, but no one ever believes that they need to surrender to him- until it's too late. He has what he believes to be the best interest of the world at heart.
Ralliakkan is a drow rogue who hates magic, and the party doesn't completely understand why. While she will accept healing now from Kelani and Kibbik, because their magic comes from their gods, she refuses to touch anything arcane; she says it is too unstable and likely to blow up in her face. The drow's goal seems to be owning as much of Crossroads as she can get her hands on- a plan that is well underway with her recent acquisition of the Underhearth. She steals regularly, but always manages to keep Kibbik from finding out, it would break his heart to think his angel was nothing more than a criminal- though she has had some close calls.
Maggie is not the gnome's real name, but a shortening of a nickname: Magpie. No one knows what the gnome's true name is, but she has guarded that secret so well that the party thinks her name truly is Maggie. The gnome is obnoxious, never stops talking, has no respect for nature (which has brought tension between her and Kelani), and always kills someone the moment Kibbik offers them mercy (which led to Kibbik refusing to heal her for a while, he thought Apsu would revoke his powers if he kept using them on her). Maggie did not choose to come to the New World, she was thrown in a barrel and put on board the ship; she had recently offended the wrong person enough to have them send her to the other side of the world. She despises goblins, thinking them all vermin and on a personal crusade to commit genocide- which has become a point of tension with the rest of the group since the addition of Gabtar. The party has never found out the reason for Maggie's hatred for goblins, but she has made it abundantly clear that she is not completely sane.
Gabtar Ratbag was rescued from Maggie during the party's first big fight with the goblins. Kibbik sensed that Gabtar wasn't evil, and decided to give him mercy, hiding him in Kelani's wagon for the duration of their trip through the Goblin Hills. He has been converted to the Church of Apsu, and has become Kibbik's right hand. The party has protected him from Maggie since she discovered his existence, and they have made it clear that they will kill her if she attacks him. Gabtar has become a valued member of the party, and an important person in a prominent church- his life is much better than it had been with the other goblins.
The dead and/or gone:
Sonitri didn't wish to remain in the military, so she returned to her life in Riverside.
Sonitri is a samsaran, an ancient race that does not have a linear existence of life to death, but instead they reincarnate each time they die. They are not born in the traditional manner, they just appear, usually looking like an eight-year-old child. Samsarans can recall parts of their past lives, but each incarnation is a different person, though the goal is always the same: to live a life of enlightenment and balance so they can continue their cycle.
Sonitri's last incarnation veered away from the traditional samsaran way, and she was a fence- a criminal. She left her society a couple years ago for the New World because she wanted to get a fresh start; too many people there remembered how she used to be, and judged her.
She joined the Mage Guild when she arrived in the New World, and bought a house in River Glenn. Sonitri lives a quiet life of magic and contemplation with her cat.
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Nyneve was killed in Seaside when a group of ghouls ripped her to pieces.
Nyneve was born in a magical community on a remote island, that is largely comprised of water genasi. Her community has the sacred duty of guarding and concealing the Fountain of Youth. The druids there have learned how to harness the power within the waters and can use them to repair and rejuvenate both nature and the body.
Struck with wanderlust, Nyneve left the Fountain three years ago for the New World. She wanted to see more of nature than she could in her isolated and magically concealed home. Nyneve joined the local druid grove, and was put in charge of protecting and caring for the river west of Crossroads. She has a hut on the river outside of the small farming community, and has made friends with the local wildlife. A duck she's named Phillip pretty much lives with her, and his family comes over for food every morning. A beaver named Sofia comes in and snuggles with her at night, and a family of deer visit her often.
Nyneve hates the mines in Silverton because they are constantly polluting her river. She hasn't come up with a good way to sabotage their operation yet, but once she was able to dump a load of their gems into the river, taking up three days of their work.
Nyneve is 5'5, 155 lbs, with stream-blue skin that has darker spots that run from the top of her head to the tips of her toes; the spots are her gills. Her hair the ocean blue, and her large, blue-black eyes have no whites or pupils. She has a toned, swimmer's body with a somewhat generous, albeit annoying, chest and minimal curve. Nyneve is beautiful, but her appearance is somewhat unnerving to people.
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Photo courtesy of Zoberraz on Pintrest |
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