A Rescue Required
Dramatis Personae:
Lady Claire Callalily Thundersword-Petunia, the Human Wererat Swordcaptain of the Purple Dragon Knights
Riddle, Claire's baby basilisk
Hans, Claire's Basalt Wolf Figurine
Urthstripe. Claire's Alabaster Badger Figurine
Rosebud Goldenrod Petunia, the Halftaur Wererat Berserker, "The Destroyer;" who sees magic where there is none and collects things that aren't there
Lily Trillium Petunia, the Green Dragonborn Lore Bard, and mother of the Petunia clan; champion of the Living Dungeon
Astrid Oleander Rockham-Petunia, the Longstrider Shifter Drow Evocation Wizard
Calipso, Astrid's Lizard Raven Familiar
Kazul, the Copper Platinum Dragonborn Shadow Monk of Bahamut who has fallen from grace
Kazul, the
Seluna, the Moon Elf Drow Totem Warrior Circle of the Moon Druid and Silverstar of Selûne
Flimflam Pebblehead-Petunia, the Deep Gnome Selkie Arcanist who has to collect everything he finds
Alfalfa Cover Petunia, the Halftaur "Crocling" Wererat Fighter, formerly Rosebud's other half who can't take anything seriously and thinks he's the greatest at everything
Shreya, the Githzeri Symbiote
Shreya, the Githzeri Symbiote
Comrades we have lost:
Ront, the Orc Fighter- turned into hamburger by Pwent
Buppido, the Derro- smashed by Orvald
Eldeth Feldrun, the Shield Dwarf- killed during escape
Hera Adaar, the Abyssal Tiefling Wild Sorceress- swept away
Luna Trelawny, the Human Divination Wizard- skull caved in by rock thrown by Fidget, then finished off by black pudding
Sarith Zekarit, the Drow Scout- drowned
Phillip Johnson, the Human Cleric- in a seemingly irreversible coma, left in Hemeth's care
Jim Jar, the Deep Gnome- eaten by grell
Prince Derendil, the Quaggoth- killed by sea troll
Shuushar, the "Awakened" Kuo-toa- turned into shuushi by sea troll
Hemeth, the Duergar Arms Dealer- parted with group in Gracklstugh met group briefly on route to Mantol Derith for trade
Thimblepwent Battlehammer, the Dwarven Battlerager Barbarian- turned into dog food
Orvald Abershaw, the Mousefolk Barbarian- became a squeaky toy last seen in Bahamutsville under Zin-carla attacked the party at a gateway they found
Zenit 'Dracon, the Drow Fighter- abandoned the party because Orvald died last seen in Bahamutsville attacked the party at a gateway they found
Lythana Belmyr, the Half-Drow Blood Hunter of Eilistraee- sacrificed to Demogorgon
Codsworth, the polite Flumph- shredded by crossbow
Zarrus, the Tiefling Favored Soul Sorcerer of Mephisto- vanished during gnoll fight
Ol' Sparky, the Deep Dragon- last seen thrown into a portal to the Abyss by a glabrezu
Aura, the Air Genasi Storm Sorceress- accidental self-vaporization (bitch blew herself up)
Kyri, the Minotaur Scout- vaporized by a jackass
Fidget Stonegear, the Deep Gnome Inventor- big badda boom
Miarielle, the Lythari Priestess of Corellon- bigger badda boom
Glabbagool, the Gelatinous Cube- stayed with the kobolds
Kara Reginleif, the Half-Valkyrie Wererat Champion from the Zhentarim- vorpaled to pieces by demon Easter bunnies
Rumpadump, the Myconid Child- frozen by demon Easter bunny was raised by Mezzem and went missing, it is believed that Stool ate him
Sajin Silvertongue, the Deep Gnome Wererat Assassin- got stoned and kissed a pretty Medusa
Yklwa, Tali's Deinonychus animal companion- devoured by corbies
Natali, the Tiger Therinthrope Beastmaster- wished herself home
Roswyn Darkshooter, the Deep Gnome Delver- grick kibble
Mezzem, the Kobold Wererat Priestess of Bahamut- stayed in Blingdenstone
Vadania Nailaza, the Wild Elf Oakroot of Rillifane Rallathil- dust in the wind
Thecker Powdercraft, the Deep Gnome Wererat Gunslinger and Inquisitor of Bahamut- retired in Blingdenstone
Stool, the Myconid Child- stayed in Blingdenstone
Galothel Nightbreeze, the Moon Elf Alchemist- MIA after the Battle of Blingdenstone
Topsy and Turvy Goldwhiskers, the Deep Gnome Wererat Rogue Twins- stayed in Blingdenstone
Twyla Alderleaf, the Moon Elf Scout- MIA after Astrid's wish
Mithrilye, the Sun Elf Entertainer who will do anything to achieve her goals, and believes that anything that can bring her pleasure should be enjoyed immediately, not saved until later- MIA after Astrid's wish, believed to be trapped in the Abyss
Niles Rubusthorn, the Moon Elf Shadow Dancer- stayed on the Material Plane
Niles Rubusthorn, the Moon Elf Shadow Dancer- stayed on the Material Plane
Amin of Citadel Adbar, the Shield Dwarf Alchemist- stayed on the Material Plane
Lith, the Bronze Dragonborn Scholar- stayed on the Material Plane
Fitzzle, Lith's violet faerie dragon familiar- stayed on the Material Plane
Arwenel, the Elf Scholar- victim of Geophry's tantrum
Geophry Cherry Blossom Petunia, the chair that used to be a boy
Arwenel, the Elf Scholar- victim of Geophry's tantrum
Geophry Cherry Blossom Petunia, the chair that used to be a boy
Friendly Fire: 298
NOTE: Things will be mostly from Claire's perspective, anything with italics is from a third party, since the knight can't be everywhere at once.
***** Nightal 10, 1489 DR (The Year of the Warrior Princess), Astral Sea aboard Abyssal Kestral
Momma began flying around to see if he could find Alfie and Astrid, and he sent Rosebud to see if the owlbear was in the room Olos'nah had last seen him in. The owlbear was dead, so he grabbed the corpse to feed it to the ship. On his way to do that though, my brother fell overboard- thankfully in the Astral Sea there's no ground for him to hit. Momma saw him and went to grab him, but they fumbled and slammed into the side of the ship; it was kind of funny to watch. After a few moments they finally made it back on board. Olos'nah didn't seem to care much about the dead owlbear, only the circlet he'd been wearing. Momma realized that the circlet contained the soul of the brother, and the owlbear was just possessed by him.
Astrid and Alfie found each other, right before getting picked up by a different ship in the Astral Sea and being taken prisoner aboard that boat. The friendly voice of a woman came to Astrid, introducing herself as Shreya, and she told Astrid she wanted to help her get free. Astrid told her to find Momma, that Momma could rescue her if she knew where they were.
Olos'nah said he couldn't get us back to the Abyss right now, that he needed to use the energy his ship had to repair it. If we wanted to get back to the Abyss we'd need to get him some souls.
Lily suddenly found himself to be in a mental battle with some entity. The being slipped through his mental defenses and asked if he was "Omma," saying she had a message from Astrid; she showed him the direction Astrid and Alfie were in. Lily was skeptical and asked who this person in his head was.
Suddenly a woman appeared on the deck next to Momma. She introduced herself as Shreya and said she could help us find Astrid and Alfie. They had been taken captive by a geth raiding party and she knew exactly where they were at.
I went to find Flimflam to see if he could help us in finding our missing siblings. He was in the room we'd been given, and when I came in he told me that "my lizard" was creeping him out; she'd been meditating all this time, but to him she was just staring blankly at the walls. I told him she wasn't my lizard, and asked if he would help us locate our missing siblings. Flimflam not only told me no, he turned into a seal, slapped me with his flipper, and walked out. I rolled my eyes, threw a blanket over Not-Kazul, and donned my armor.
Lily began to formulate a plan to find his children, and Shreya told him she knew where he could get souls to fix the ship with: the geth on the ship who had taken Astrid and Alfie prisoner would provide fuel for the Abyssal Kestral.
When I was finally done getting my armor back on and gathering my weapons, I discovered that Flimflam had locked me in the room. That little shit! I started banging on the door, hoping both that Momma would hear me, and that Not-Kazul wouldn't.
Lily heard Claire banging on the door, and learned that Flimflam had locked her in the room. But he hadn't used a normal lock to do so, he'd put an arcane lock on a chair and shoved it under the doorknob. Lily told him to go let Claire out, so Flimflam moved the chair, and placed it so it was now completely blocking Claire from getting up the stairs.
I stumbled as the door finally opened, but there was an oddly positioned chair blocking my way now, and I couldn't move it. I began hacking at it with my sword, until Momma heard me, and made Flimflam give me the password that would allow me to move the chair. Whether adopted or biological, brothers are pains in the ass. Once the stupid chair was moved, Momma woke up Not-Kazul- I was a little disappointed, I really didn't want to interact with her at all right now. Or ever. Tempted as I was, I knew Momma wouldn't let me leave her in the Astral Sea.
We spent the rest of the day traveling, and eventually caught up to the ship my siblings were on. Olos'nah told us he could get us right in front of the other ship, but only if we could get him souls; that maneuver would use up all of the remaining power the ship had, and it would go dark. The entire universe seemed to lurch as the ship was unstitched from reality, and then restitched to be right behind a rock that was in front of the other ship; the move made me sick.
Momma did a spell to try to get us all some extra armor, but it didn't work on me for some reason. Then Momma and Flimflam used that dimension spell to get to the other ship. Seluna turned Not-Kazul and I into squirrels, and herself into a cat, and we all rode over to the other ship on an invisible Rosebud.
Lily and Flimflam appeared right outside of the cells Astrid and Alfie were in, and Flimflam summoned two Hands to open the doors. It didn't work though, they were magically reinforced. Lily used the knock spell and both cells sprang open.
As Rosebud landed on the deck, he hit the shield of one of the crew members. They all jumped and looked around, confused; their confusion was even worse when two squirrels and a cat appeared and began attacking them. Their mage ended Rosebud's invisibility, and he used the mist step that Flimflam uses all the time to get away from Not-Kazul's sharp little nails. I tore into the captain with my razor-sharp nails, and the ass threw me onto the deck of the ship, turning me back into myself before he stabbed me.
Rosebud threw his hammer at the mage, caving in his skull. Guess we won't have to worry about too much magic- I hope. Lily opened up the doors to the brig so that Flimflam could send his Hands through, they killed one guy each. Bolts of gray energy came swarming out of the doors behind Flimflam's Hands, slamming into a guy- who seemed to shrug it off; that's worrisome. Momma sent a volley of magic darts at him, and those hurt the guy.
The geth began to swarm me, at least a dozen of them, and a couple hit me really hard, breaking a couple of ribs. I shook it off, got up and killed their captain and one of the guys who had just hit me. I saw a few of them hit Flimflam; the attacks Flimflam received were enough to break his fragile mind, he can no longer take anything seriously. Rosebud, Seluna, Not-Kazul, and I were exchanging blows with them, dropping them all methodically, but taking some heavy hits in return, Momma used dragon breath to kill the ones who were hitting Flimflam, and Astrid dropped a fireball on us. But it somehow didn't hurt me, Rosebud, Seluna, or Not-Kazul. Flimflam could really learn something from her.
One of the few geth left went for Astrid, and Alfie came out to gnaw on him- killing that geth. I wiped out the last three on me, and Rosebud killed the last one on him. We had done it. Astrid and Alfie were safe, and we were able to collect a lot of souls for Olos'nah to repair the ship.
In exchange for help rescuing my siblings, Momma had agreed to help Shreya rescue her friend who had been taken to a geth outpost. It would take us about two days to get there, and in the meantime we'd doctor up the ship we'd just taken to make it look like it had been in a heavy battle. When we got closer Astrid would animate the corpses on board to make the crew size look normal. We'd all be on board and could sail straight into their base.
***** Nightal 12, Astral Sea aboard Abyssal Kestral
Our plan for the geth outpost was pretty solid. I would ride over to them on Rosebud, who would be invisible, then Alfie, Seluna, and Not-Kazul would follow us as flying snakes. Flimflam and Astrid would stay on the ghost ship for ranged crowd control, and Momma said he'd make his own way over to us. Shreya told us that about two-thirds of the outpost would be below deck, so Flimflam could easily take them out with a fireball. When the doors opened Astrid and Flimflam would unleash hell on them. It sounded like a pretty solid plan.
When we got there, the ship at the outpost was asking why we were back so early. Momma pretended to be the captain and told them we'd been attacked by raiders and were badly in need of repairs. The others went to get their commander while the rest of us got into position. Flimflam put two delayed-blast fireballs in a glass bottle and popped over to the other ship, opening the doors and tossing in the fireballs right as they were about to go off. The explosion was incredible!
Astrid unleashed chain lightning on the cluster on the deck killing two of them. The rest of us polished them off before they could even attempt to defend themselves. It was incredible. Then we just had to deal with the people in the building, which I hoped would go as smoothly as this had.
Flimflam dropped two Hands on the outpost, using one to block the doors the guard should be coming out of, and the other to swat one of the guards who was outside. Then he began moving the ship up to the outpost deck so we could unleash Astrid's zombies on them. Flimflam followed the zombies while riding a bear- I don't know where he got the bear, and I'm pretty sure I do not want to.
There were two sets of doors on the little deck of the outpost, one that Flimflam was blocking, and another set. Momma opened up those doors, allowing Flimflam to unleash fire breath, right before Astrid tossed a fireball into the room, dropping poor Flimflam. Since I was still riding Rosebud, we continued working in concert to smash anyone who came near us. Not-Kazul had gone into the little room, making every single guard inside go for her, it was not a surprise when she went down. We were making quick work of the guys over here when a green ray punched through the wall and hit Astrid; she seemed very disoriented by the spell, but didn't go down.
Astrid's zombies began attacking, but it was hard to tell how they were faring. Seluna revived Flimflam, and he tossed into the other room a massive chain lightning, then set them on fire. Astrid screamed into the room, and then was hit by a bunch of the guards as she moved out of the doorway; she went down. Momma put a wall of wind up to block the doorway, so the only way the guards in the other room could get to us was through the small opening they'd created in the wall. After exchanging more blows with the guards, finally there was only a tiny amount left. Flimflam dropped an ice storm on them, and I used the whip function on my Rod to go for the one who seemed to be in charge. We all finished them off very quickly.
We found the body of Shreya's friend in a little cell, but before we could actually break the news to her, Momma discovered one of the strange circular gates like the one we'd accidentally called Graz'zt through. The runes began to light up on it, reinforcements were coming. Momma did the only thing he could think of and dialed out on the gate; the problem was the only gate address he knew was the one in that cavern. I hoped Graz'zt wasn't still in that chamber.
*Author's note: Many of the events, locations and characters that occur in this story are from the Out of the Abyss Adventure Module by Wizards of the Coast. Anything with an asterisk next to it is a quote from the book.
Momma began flying around to see if he could find Alfie and Astrid, and he sent Rosebud to see if the owlbear was in the room Olos'nah had last seen him in. The owlbear was dead, so he grabbed the corpse to feed it to the ship. On his way to do that though, my brother fell overboard- thankfully in the Astral Sea there's no ground for him to hit. Momma saw him and went to grab him, but they fumbled and slammed into the side of the ship; it was kind of funny to watch. After a few moments they finally made it back on board. Olos'nah didn't seem to care much about the dead owlbear, only the circlet he'd been wearing. Momma realized that the circlet contained the soul of the brother, and the owlbear was just possessed by him.
Astrid and Alfie found each other, right before getting picked up by a different ship in the Astral Sea and being taken prisoner aboard that boat. The friendly voice of a woman came to Astrid, introducing herself as Shreya, and she told Astrid she wanted to help her get free. Astrid told her to find Momma, that Momma could rescue her if she knew where they were.
Olos'nah said he couldn't get us back to the Abyss right now, that he needed to use the energy his ship had to repair it. If we wanted to get back to the Abyss we'd need to get him some souls.
Lily suddenly found himself to be in a mental battle with some entity. The being slipped through his mental defenses and asked if he was "Omma," saying she had a message from Astrid; she showed him the direction Astrid and Alfie were in. Lily was skeptical and asked who this person in his head was.
Suddenly a woman appeared on the deck next to Momma. She introduced herself as Shreya and said she could help us find Astrid and Alfie. They had been taken captive by a geth raiding party and she knew exactly where they were at.
I went to find Flimflam to see if he could help us in finding our missing siblings. He was in the room we'd been given, and when I came in he told me that "my lizard" was creeping him out; she'd been meditating all this time, but to him she was just staring blankly at the walls. I told him she wasn't my lizard, and asked if he would help us locate our missing siblings. Flimflam not only told me no, he turned into a seal, slapped me with his flipper, and walked out. I rolled my eyes, threw a blanket over Not-Kazul, and donned my armor.
Lily began to formulate a plan to find his children, and Shreya told him she knew where he could get souls to fix the ship with: the geth on the ship who had taken Astrid and Alfie prisoner would provide fuel for the Abyssal Kestral.
When I was finally done getting my armor back on and gathering my weapons, I discovered that Flimflam had locked me in the room. That little shit! I started banging on the door, hoping both that Momma would hear me, and that Not-Kazul wouldn't.
Lily heard Claire banging on the door, and learned that Flimflam had locked her in the room. But he hadn't used a normal lock to do so, he'd put an arcane lock on a chair and shoved it under the doorknob. Lily told him to go let Claire out, so Flimflam moved the chair, and placed it so it was now completely blocking Claire from getting up the stairs.
I stumbled as the door finally opened, but there was an oddly positioned chair blocking my way now, and I couldn't move it. I began hacking at it with my sword, until Momma heard me, and made Flimflam give me the password that would allow me to move the chair. Whether adopted or biological, brothers are pains in the ass. Once the stupid chair was moved, Momma woke up Not-Kazul- I was a little disappointed, I really didn't want to interact with her at all right now. Or ever. Tempted as I was, I knew Momma wouldn't let me leave her in the Astral Sea.
We spent the rest of the day traveling, and eventually caught up to the ship my siblings were on. Olos'nah told us he could get us right in front of the other ship, but only if we could get him souls; that maneuver would use up all of the remaining power the ship had, and it would go dark. The entire universe seemed to lurch as the ship was unstitched from reality, and then restitched to be right behind a rock that was in front of the other ship; the move made me sick.
Momma did a spell to try to get us all some extra armor, but it didn't work on me for some reason. Then Momma and Flimflam used that dimension spell to get to the other ship. Seluna turned Not-Kazul and I into squirrels, and herself into a cat, and we all rode over to the other ship on an invisible Rosebud.
Lily and Flimflam appeared right outside of the cells Astrid and Alfie were in, and Flimflam summoned two Hands to open the doors. It didn't work though, they were magically reinforced. Lily used the knock spell and both cells sprang open.
As Rosebud landed on the deck, he hit the shield of one of the crew members. They all jumped and looked around, confused; their confusion was even worse when two squirrels and a cat appeared and began attacking them. Their mage ended Rosebud's invisibility, and he used the mist step that Flimflam uses all the time to get away from Not-Kazul's sharp little nails. I tore into the captain with my razor-sharp nails, and the ass threw me onto the deck of the ship, turning me back into myself before he stabbed me.
Rosebud threw his hammer at the mage, caving in his skull. Guess we won't have to worry about too much magic- I hope. Lily opened up the doors to the brig so that Flimflam could send his Hands through, they killed one guy each. Bolts of gray energy came swarming out of the doors behind Flimflam's Hands, slamming into a guy- who seemed to shrug it off; that's worrisome. Momma sent a volley of magic darts at him, and those hurt the guy.
The geth began to swarm me, at least a dozen of them, and a couple hit me really hard, breaking a couple of ribs. I shook it off, got up and killed their captain and one of the guys who had just hit me. I saw a few of them hit Flimflam; the attacks Flimflam received were enough to break his fragile mind, he can no longer take anything seriously. Rosebud, Seluna, Not-Kazul, and I were exchanging blows with them, dropping them all methodically, but taking some heavy hits in return, Momma used dragon breath to kill the ones who were hitting Flimflam, and Astrid dropped a fireball on us. But it somehow didn't hurt me, Rosebud, Seluna, or Not-Kazul. Flimflam could really learn something from her.
One of the few geth left went for Astrid, and Alfie came out to gnaw on him- killing that geth. I wiped out the last three on me, and Rosebud killed the last one on him. We had done it. Astrid and Alfie were safe, and we were able to collect a lot of souls for Olos'nah to repair the ship.
In exchange for help rescuing my siblings, Momma had agreed to help Shreya rescue her friend who had been taken to a geth outpost. It would take us about two days to get there, and in the meantime we'd doctor up the ship we'd just taken to make it look like it had been in a heavy battle. When we got closer Astrid would animate the corpses on board to make the crew size look normal. We'd all be on board and could sail straight into their base.
***** Nightal 12, Astral Sea aboard Abyssal Kestral
Our plan for the geth outpost was pretty solid. I would ride over to them on Rosebud, who would be invisible, then Alfie, Seluna, and Not-Kazul would follow us as flying snakes. Flimflam and Astrid would stay on the ghost ship for ranged crowd control, and Momma said he'd make his own way over to us. Shreya told us that about two-thirds of the outpost would be below deck, so Flimflam could easily take them out with a fireball. When the doors opened Astrid and Flimflam would unleash hell on them. It sounded like a pretty solid plan.
When we got there, the ship at the outpost was asking why we were back so early. Momma pretended to be the captain and told them we'd been attacked by raiders and were badly in need of repairs. The others went to get their commander while the rest of us got into position. Flimflam put two delayed-blast fireballs in a glass bottle and popped over to the other ship, opening the doors and tossing in the fireballs right as they were about to go off. The explosion was incredible!
Astrid unleashed chain lightning on the cluster on the deck killing two of them. The rest of us polished them off before they could even attempt to defend themselves. It was incredible. Then we just had to deal with the people in the building, which I hoped would go as smoothly as this had.
Flimflam dropped two Hands on the outpost, using one to block the doors the guard should be coming out of, and the other to swat one of the guards who was outside. Then he began moving the ship up to the outpost deck so we could unleash Astrid's zombies on them. Flimflam followed the zombies while riding a bear- I don't know where he got the bear, and I'm pretty sure I do not want to.
There were two sets of doors on the little deck of the outpost, one that Flimflam was blocking, and another set. Momma opened up those doors, allowing Flimflam to unleash fire breath, right before Astrid tossed a fireball into the room, dropping poor Flimflam. Since I was still riding Rosebud, we continued working in concert to smash anyone who came near us. Not-Kazul had gone into the little room, making every single guard inside go for her, it was not a surprise when she went down. We were making quick work of the guys over here when a green ray punched through the wall and hit Astrid; she seemed very disoriented by the spell, but didn't go down.
Astrid's zombies began attacking, but it was hard to tell how they were faring. Seluna revived Flimflam, and he tossed into the other room a massive chain lightning, then set them on fire. Astrid screamed into the room, and then was hit by a bunch of the guards as she moved out of the doorway; she went down. Momma put a wall of wind up to block the doorway, so the only way the guards in the other room could get to us was through the small opening they'd created in the wall. After exchanging more blows with the guards, finally there was only a tiny amount left. Flimflam dropped an ice storm on them, and I used the whip function on my Rod to go for the one who seemed to be in charge. We all finished them off very quickly.
We found the body of Shreya's friend in a little cell, but before we could actually break the news to her, Momma discovered one of the strange circular gates like the one we'd accidentally called Graz'zt through. The runes began to light up on it, reinforcements were coming. Momma did the only thing he could think of and dialed out on the gate; the problem was the only gate address he knew was the one in that cavern. I hoped Graz'zt wasn't still in that chamber.
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Photo owned by Wizards of the Coast |
*Author's note: Many of the events, locations and characters that occur in this story are from the Out of the Abyss Adventure Module by Wizards of the Coast. Anything with an asterisk next to it is a quote from the book.
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