Read more of their adventures here!
Aurora Isilime, the valley elf bard, is five foot two, 122 pounds, with generous curves. Her hair and eyes change color with the season, as do all valley elves- the hair is so pale it is almost white on Midsummer, that darkens through the year, turning a rich golden at the height of winter. Her eyes are a pale amber in Midsummer, and they darken to gold in winter. Aurora is incapable of sitting still, she is always fidgeting with her instruments, or singing or humming something. Music is her entire world, everything is a song, even if only for a moment. She considers herself to be the best bard the Vale has ever produced, and there is no one to dispute that claim since not many leave the Vale. Aurora wants to be the stories and songs, not just sing those others have written. Her ultimate goal in life is to find out what happened to the One True King of the Vale; it is the only story she has never finished.
Aurora Isilime, the valley elf bard, is five foot two, 122 pounds, with generous curves. Her hair and eyes change color with the season, as do all valley elves- the hair is so pale it is almost white on Midsummer, that darkens through the year, turning a rich golden at the height of winter. Her eyes are a pale amber in Midsummer, and they darken to gold in winter. Aurora is incapable of sitting still, she is always fidgeting with her instruments, or singing or humming something. Music is her entire world, everything is a song, even if only for a moment. She considers herself to be the best bard the Vale has ever produced, and there is no one to dispute that claim since not many leave the Vale. Aurora wants to be the stories and songs, not just sing those others have written. Her ultimate goal in life is to find out what happened to the One True King of the Vale; it is the only story she has never finished.
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Skye Vindhalle, the air genasi druid, was brought to Oerth from the Elemental Plane of Air when she was an infant. Skye's memories of her childhood on that plane were wiped by her birth parents in order to protect her. She spent much of her childhood playing in the woods, as if nature itself were calling to her. She ended up becoming a druid because of the pull nature had on her. While she can be spacey at times, and enjoys staring at butterflies instead of paying attention to her surroundings, the druid can be formidable when pushed.
Willow Liadon, the eladrin rogue, grew up in the feywild, coming to Oerth much later in her life. The youngest of the Liadon clan, and the least magically inclined, she is the outcast in her family. She became a treasure hunter after gaining the attention of her God. Willow spent years hunting for the Sword of Kas after losing her best friend; he had had a paper in his possession with the words written on it- his final request. Determined, the eladrin set out on her own to find the sword, eventually catching the attention of Oryn Talus, the party's mysterious benefactor.
Pharin and Andolin Braz'Dracon are half-drow and half-brass dragons who have been permanently locked into their drow forms by their brass dragon mother. The pair shared the same egg, and they are two halves of a single soul. Originally from Toril, the twins came to Oerth after Ironfang Deep was taken over by the Ironfang Eight. Pharin is a self-centered wizard who thinks he is Lolth's gift to the world. Andolin, being the better half of their soul, is a fighter and ranger, who attempts to keep his brother in line, and rarely succeeds. Istus, the Goddess of Fate and Destiny, has made the prophesy that Pharin will be the harbinger of the destruction of Oerth.
Dervish is a Kasathe fighter from a distant planet. It is unknown to the party how he ended up on Oerth, and he has never given anyone his real name. Dervish connected with a mercenary band before being recruited by Oryn, and spent much time roaming the Dry Steppes with his crew. He is a secretive person, who is usually the first to notice when Pharin is lying or has done something to harm the group.
Nanu is half-orc and half-nightmare, the proper term for her kind being nightmorc; she is similar to a centaur, but reacts with rage when called that. She has spent her life in a nomadic tribe that roams the Plains of the Paynims; which has led to her having some social awkwardness. Nanu frequently says exactly what she is thinking, giving her the appearance of being crass, while really she just doesn't understand more civilized interactions. A gifted smith, she spends most of her free time working on custom armor for herself- since she can never find any that fits her in a shop.
Pimbin is a halfling shadow monk from the temple of Nerull. As an assassin, little is known about the halfling, and he rarely volunteers information. The halfling is most often seen following Pharin around, since the drow causes so much death and destruction, Pimbin is his loyal follower and seems smitten with him. When he is not with Pharin he is with Dervish, doing pretty much the same thing. All the party really knows of Pimbin, aside from his crushes on Pharin and Dervish, is that he is slow to trust and quick to jump into any fight.
Lan El'Mandragoran is another enigma to the party; he is very lawful, so they take care to keep him from spending much time with Pharin, lest he feel the urge to kill the wizard. Lan is a devoted paladin of Pelor, and refuses material goods unless his god allows him to take them. Always wanting to do the right thing, this holy man is an important agent of Oryn's, since only he has the holy power to counter many of the cult's defenses.
Lothar is a talented smith, and was a cleric of Moradin before he became the Guardian of the Book of Vile Darkness. The sovanni is always quick to offer himself as a sacrifice if it means helping the group defeat the cults. There is more to this feline than meets the eye, but the party knows little about him thus far.
Aeryn and Aerys Shayl are also secretive agents, who have spent little time with the party. They are both talented archers and rangers who work together with frightening synergy.
Oryn Talus is ancient, and has been present during major events that took place centuries ago. Little is known about the mysterious benefactor of the group, other than he is terrifyingly powerful and will do anything to keep Vecna from returning to the world. Oryn collects odd things, whether it be artifacts or people, and while he appears to be scatterbrained at times, that seems to be a cover for the formidable man who lies beneath the mask.
Jayce and Jarrid were the sons of the barbarian King and Queen. They were a powerful team, who would do anything to keep their people from harm. Jayce was a little slower than Jarrid, so he was easily manipulated into Pharin's schemes- part of the reason Jarrid turned on the group after Jayce's death. The death of Jayce gave his parents the martyr needed to rally the rest of the barbarian clans to join the war against the cults.
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