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Monday, May 28, 2018

Adventures in Oerth- The Bane of Vecna: Book Two, Chapter Fifteen

The Spear of Destiny

Dramatis Personae:
Aurora Isilime, the Valley Elf Bard of Valor, Bae'qeshel and Champion of Lolth, Lore Wizard, the Silver Tongued Siren, Knight of Summer
Charlotte, Aurora's violet Faerie Dragon familiar
Dervish, the Kasathe Brass Dragon Fighter and Dragon Blood Sorcerer, Knight of the Erl King
"Shadewing" Corvis Cairunis Umbrusalarim, the Shadow Elf Hexblade Warlock of the Raven Queen
Cloak, Shadewing's Empty Cloak familiar
Alfred, Shadewing's Raven familiar 
Zorack, the Elftaur Ranger Bounty Hunter and Knight of Winter
Gewnter, the Falcon Monk and Zorack's companion
Alucard, the ancient all powerful wizard; formerly Oryn Talus, the ancient and mysterious halfling who has employed the party; also know as Cinder, the ancient power that is said to destroy every world
Lan El'Mandragoran, the Human Paladin of Pelor
Aerathema, the Wood Elf Druid
Narg, there's really no way to describe Narg, Narg is just Narg
Sil'ilos'anon Braz'Dracon, the "Drow" Warlock Blood Mage of Lolth, and the new DEATH
Ralliakkan, the Drow Rogue, Knight of Fall
Mara Nemestk, the Human Champion who serves as Aurora's Knight

Comrades we have lost:
Elder Vish, Dervish's friend and mentor from his world, Knight of Spring- soul taken by the Knight of Y'Chuk
Ceidil Rein, the Human Champion who serves as Eurydice's Knight- taken by the outside, then killed by party
Eurydice, the Faerie Dragon Feylock, formerly Aurora's familiar- taken by the outside, then killed by party
Pharin Braz'Dracon, the Brass Dragon-Drow Conjurationist Wizard and Priest of Lolth- returned to Faerun
Andolin Braz'Dracon, the Brass Dragon-Drow Fighter/Beast Master- returned to Faerun
Lothar, the Sovani Smith and semi-Cleric of Moradin, High Priest of Lolth, Cleric of Istus, forced Cleric of Asmodeus; Kas Reincarnated - sacrificed to ressurect Alucard
Oryn Talus, the ancient and mysterious halfling who has employed the party- fractured himself into 4 parts to prevent cult from taking his soul
Willow Liadon, the Eladrin Arcane Trickster- sent to Elysium through a trap and was never heard from again

NOTE: Things will be mostly from Aurora's perspective. Anything in italics is from a third person, since the bard can't be everywhere at once.

***** Diamondice 17, CY 711, Feywild, Stone Table

       Early in the morning, Zorack appeared back at the Table, though there was still no sign of the Queens. 

       As we were beginning to mill about, a random series of chirps was heard of the communication items, like a tonal code of sorts. Then we heard Ralliakkan yell "shit" through them, and Narg- who had apparently appeared in the night- began getting ready to go after her. We began getting ready when Zorack produced an arrow that could kill anything once- like that sword we found forever ago- but this one only had four runes on it. Hopefully it would do us some good. 

       Shadewing had a theory to get us to Ralliakkan, but first he wanted to hide the Stone Table to keep it from being risked any further; it was too badly damaged to leave unprotected I guess. So Shade shrunk it down, put it in a little box, and Narg took us to another dimension- a giant fucking vault. Shade stuck the Table in slot #504, we hoped it would stay safe there.

       When we returned to the Feywild, we saw there was a little bit of pulsing, black goo- the seed of corruption. The reason the Queens were all in hiding. It was a good thing we'd gotten that fucking Table out of there. None of us really knew how to deal with the corruption, but Shade suggested we activate a Rod of Security on it to get it away. Narg tried, and it ended up getting corrupted instead. Frustrated, we gave up and decided to go find Ralliakkan.

       Shadewing harnessed the power of my Staff of the Magi to get us to Ralliakkan. We found ourselves on a spiral staircase and Ralliakkan running down it, with a stream of purple flame coming down it toward us. I jumped on Zorack's back- since he's way faster than me- and we all began running away from whatever the fuck was producing the flame. 

       The staircase was ridiculously long, so we ran for a while before it finally opened up to a garden, at which point Ralliakkan took off at super speed. Ralliakkan told us that was fucking Y'Chuk chasing us, and we couldn't plane shift with him up our asses. Zorack pulled out the arrow, thinking he could try to kill Y'Chuk with it, which would really make our lives easier, but we couldn't see him through the purple flames that were chasing us, and we couldn't risk that arrow being destroyed in the fire.

       After running for a couple more minutes, Zorack decided to drop me off and go back for Dervish, since he was fucking slow. In the process, he got hit by some of the purple flame, but it didn't drop him. Then a screech so loud it shook my very bones reverberated all around us. At that point, I decided to risk attempting to plane shift us home.

       We were in a black void, with little flecks of light all around us. It was still and silent, and a peacefulness washed over me as we stood there; it had a beauty to it, and I knew I'd be writing a song about it soon. Then we noticed a purple star in the distance, and it was getting bigger. At that point, we realized Ralliakkan wasn't with us. Dervish attempted, and failed, to plane shift us out of here. Shade came up with an idea, and we were suddenly in a different kind of void, as the stars around us faded away. From there we were able to return to Greyhawk.

       I decided to attempt a spell to locate the stupid fucking scroll we needed to find for Alucard, then we'd be going after the Star. They were actually going after Vecna first, but because Aurora had used the Tome of the Stilled Tongue- a spellbook of Vecna's that allows him to spy on people through it- they had told the bard the opposite to hopefully catch Vecna off guard. 

       I got a shitload of hits for the scroll's location- there was some sort of redirection magic going on. Ralliakkan thought that meant Lyathfikash had to scroll, and said she had an idea; she was going to go collect a favor from Asmodeus. A few minutes later, she was back, with the sword the Knight of Y'Chuk had been wielding, and missing her left hand.

       We were taking a Shadow Road to find Lyathfikash, but Ralliakkan would be hanging back a bit, apparently he'd flip if he saw her right now. When we reached our destination, Shade couldn't open the door to get us out, so he had to shift it a little bit. I wasn't expecting to be bitched-slapped by an insidious cold that felt like it frozen my blood the moment I came into contact with it. There was an odd flash from Lyathfikash and both Dumbass and Shade were paralyzed. What. The. Fuck. I thought Lyathfikash was on our fucking side. He told us he didn't have the scroll, but the thing in the box could find it. Problem was, nobody knew how to open the fucking thing. Lyathfikash wouldn't give us the box, and made it abundantly clear that we'd have to take it from him. I remembered him reducing Nanu to ash in a single strike, and decided we shouldn't push the issue.

       For some fucking reason, the others decided we needed to go to the Frost King's castle that was nearbyish, I guess. I wasn't paying attention to the idiot brigade, I didn't really fucking care what we did, I just wanted to go kill something. Zorack had a contact there or something, and I guess he thought it could help us. We couldn't use the Shadow Roads to get there. So, instead of just letting me teleport us there, Zorack and Shade spent the next ten fucking minutes arguing over our best method of travel. I interjected several times that I could just fucking teleport us, but they ignored me. I was getting bored, and was about to just teleport myself there, when they finally fucking realized that I could get us there. I hate these fuckholes.

       I cast teleport, and we got to where we needed to be, but there were some small explosions around us upon arrival- transportation magic was still being fucky. Dervish decided to make a snide comment about it, so I viciously mocked him for it, taking pleasure in his hand flying to his forehead in pain. While I was berating Dumbass, Shade said something to piss off Ralliakkan and was rewarded by getting stabbed.

       We were brought by the guards to the Frost King, who wanted to kill us instead of helping us with whatever the fuck we were here for. I suppose I probably should have paid attention, but paying attention to those fucking idiots for too long makes the urge to kill them grow. I guess we were there to get Shade's sword reforged, and the Frost King told us to go see some people on the edge of his lands. The asshats escorted us out of the city and promptly locked the gates.

       The idiots actually asked me to teleport us this time, and there were no mishaps. We were at this ridge that overlooked a mountain, and we had to wait there for Zorack's contact to show. It took fucking hours. I was so fucking bored, but once his contact showed up, the boredom was well made up for.

       The giant who met us tried to rip off Dervish, wanting as much gold and arrows as he could carry or some such nonsense. I really didn't care enough to pay attention... until things got interesting. Shade called in Narg, since they needed super strength. That pissed the giant off, and the idiot swung at Narg, stumbled, and fell over. The Shade blew his leg off and killed him. We couldn't get any useful information from speak with dead, so I revivified him. He was a little bitch, so Dervish killed him again. I revived him again, and he swung at Shade, so Shade and I killed him. Then I brought him back again. This was really fucking fun, and I felt a strange satisfaction emanating from my Lolth Blade. So this revival, he attacked Zorack, so I killed him, cackling with glee over this recurring murder. He fell over onto Zorack when I killed him, and his head exploded... I had Shade scoop up his brain matter back into his skull and I revived him again. Now he was just fucking retarded, since his brain wasn't really whole or anything. Dervish and Zorack started arguing over what to do with him, and after a couple minutes, I was bored again, so I sent him to Olympus. Because, fuck Olympus.

       With that, we took off, looking for this hidden society to get a weapon reforged or something. After a while, we spotted a herd of goats on this grassy alcove. Zorack decided he wanted mutton, and shot and killed one... turns out, these people are fucking weregoats. He murdered one of their children... and we were here to get their help. Yeah. This was going to go swimmingly. Fucking idiots. Zorack and Dervish tried to get help, and just made everything worse, because they're fucking stupid, and we got fucking arrested.

       Ralliakkan got pissed at the goats and threatened to rain hell upon them. This sparked a circular argument, trying to get them to help us; I spent the time fantasizing about all the ways I could kill Dervish. It had become a hobby of mine... and, with magic, I could probably do all of them.

       The elder goat woman finally agreed to help us, she said they had something that could work, but she didn't know if any of us could actually wield it. We were led through a secret passage that took for-fucking-ever. Well, probably not really, but I was bored and itching to kill someone. Eventually we walked into a room with a spear encased in glass on the other side of it. Zorack said he'd take it and walked forward- the moment he reached for it he was hit with a blast of magic that knocked him away. It was fucking hilarious. It happened for Shade and Dumbass too. I was annoyed at how fucking useless those sons of bitches were, and I stomped over to the spear, grabbed it, and- ranting about how useless those idiots were- brought it back to us. Son of a bitch. I'm the only one who can wield this fucking thing. It was the Spear of Destiny.

       Then Dervish began insisting I was corrupted by Pharin and Lolth- which I so was not- so Shadewing decided to attempt to banish my "madness." Fucking idiots. But, after he cast the spell, I didn't feel quite as homicidal. I was still angry though, and well, I always want to kill Dervish, so nothing changed there. We might have been able to gain them as allies, but Zorack asked for some mutton then... We'd overstayed our welcome. 

       We got back to my Mansion, and I began preparing to spend some time in my spa, when some fucking Shadow Elf Ancient Agents of Fate showed up. They demanded I hand over the fucking Spear. Dervish and Zorack opened their fucking mouths, making things worse, so I fucking banished them. I told the Agents I was the only one who could wield the fucking Spear, but if they wanted to remove it from the board fucking fine. I told them the whole story, and they told me when I was finished, that I had to go with them to prove my worth. Shade came with us, but Dumb and Dumber were left behind. 

       I was suddenly in an alabaster chair with an almost blindingly bright light shining down on me, and I couldn't see anything beyond that. I felt a powerful presence in the room, and sensed the weight of judgement. I had to explain everything, so I went as far back as the world burning, and told them everything we'd been through since then. Then I had to truly prove my worth.

       The chair and light were gone, and I was now being crucified. I managed to fight against the pain until I was stabbed with the Spear itself. It felt like my soul was burning, or glowing, like the Spear was removing the shadows inside me. I passed out from the pain and woke up eight hours later, feeling like utter shit. The Spear had removed my attunement to the Lolth Blade, and it had been sent back to Lolth. That may have pissed Lolth off, but I didn't care. My heart was heavy from my actions as of late. I felt horrible about everything I'd done- aside from fantasizing about killing Dervish; I hate him no matter how I'm feeling. 

       I learned Mara had died while I was gone today. Apparently leaving her behind to learn things wasn't a good idea. 

***** Diamondice 18, Feywild

       Shadewing had some weird ass idea that made no sense at all. He asked Charlotte to polymorph him into a fly, then had me cast a spell to protect him from water pressure, and tried to fly into a goat's stomach. Then Dervish decided to help Shade by forcing water down the goat's throat... and it started choking. Then Zorack decided he wanted to help too, and dumped fucking lard down its throat. So it began projectile vomiting as it tried to breathe. At that point, Charlotte dropped the spell to let the poor goat die. Yes, it exploded from the inside, but at least they weren't torturing the poor thing anymore. 

       I went to sleep off my headache while the idiots went shopping. I sent Charlotte with them to buy crap for me. It had been a really rough fucking day.

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