Misc. Info on current story

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Monday, July 24, 2017

Knights of the Cross(roads): Contacts, Allies, and Quests

Since the party's journeys are set to take them to many cities, and introduce them to many possible allies, here's a list of the contacts they make in them as they come up, along with any quests given by those contacts- and the outcome of the quests. Read more of their adventures here!

The Prophecy:
"When the red tide washes over the Keep, the undead will rise, the mountains will rumble and rend, and the army of Nergal shall pour from the hills."

Rumors from the inn for the party to investigate:
  • People who enter the Fairie Forest never return.
  • The gnolls in the hills are getting restless killed them all
  • There have been a string of disappearances in Riverside
  • There's some odd ruins in the Demonsclaw Mountains
    • Hold the mountain until the military can get reinforcements there
    • Silverton may have more information on that
Crossroads Military

Major General Ember

Captain Hayes Addington
1st Lieutenant Sudryl Glyntris
2nd Lieutenant Kiersten Pinkerton
Luth Dotsk
Seipora Dumein
Silifrey Helder
Zashieda Kulenov
Major General Mavha Trak'len
Captain Falenas Yllalen

Quests from the Military:

Save Seaside
Take out the roaming hoardes of undead in the Gnoll Hills
Help end the siege of the Red Keep

Dax's Team
2nd Lieutenant Illior Starlight- High Elf Healer
2nd Lieutenant Uthar Lightbringer- Human Cleric (Life Domain)
Adrie Xiloscient- High Elf Bard (College of Valor)
Amafrey Helder- Human Cleric (Trickery domain)
Ander Goodbarrel- Lightfoot Halfling Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Barendd Dankil- Hill Dwarf Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Errich Tealeaf- Lightfoot Halfling Bard (College of Valor)
Haseid Basha- Human Cleric (Trickery domain)
Ivellios Amakiir- Wood Elf Cleric (Trickery domain)
Kronthud Crystalfist- Deep Gnome Cleric (Life domain)
Salleek- Aarakocra Bard (College of Valor)
Silaqui Amakiir- Level 5 High Elf Paladin (Oath of Devotion)
Silifrey Shemov- Human Bard (College of Valor)
Sudeiman Windrivver- Human Cleric (War domain)
Torbera Strakeln- Mountain Dwarf Cleric (Tempest domain)
Urth Jassan- Human Bard (College of Valor)
Yasheira Windrivver- Fire Genasi Paladin (Oath of Devotion)
Zasheida Windrivver- Human Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
KlikKlik's Team
2nd Lieutenant Elas Reyren- Human Ranger (Hunter)
2nd Lieutenant Nar Zogagbu- Half-Orc Ranger (Beastmaster)
Adran Liadon- Wood Elf Ranger (Beast Master)
Bardryn Holderhek- Mountain Dwarf Barbarian (Path of the Berserker)
Bor Nemetsk- Human Druid (Circle of the Moon)
Finnan Brushgather- Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (Thief)
Glar Shemov- Human Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior)
Igan Mostana- Human Ranger (Beast Master)
Kara Dumein- Human Fighter (Battle Master)
Kara Stormwind- Human Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior)
Olma Bersk- Human Druid (Circle of the Land- Forest)
Roscoe Thorngage- Stout Halfling Ranger (Beast Master)
Sannl Battlehammer- Mountain Dwarf Druid (Circle of the Land- Swamp)
Sariel Nai'lo- Wood Elf Ranger (Hunter)
Sergor Dotsk- Human Fighter (Champion)
Shaena Tosscobble- Lightfoot Halfling Barbarian (Path of the Berserker)
Veit Ironfist- Hill Dwarf Monk (Way of the Open Hand)
Westra Starag- Human Ranger (Hunter)
Taryn's Team
2nd Lieutenant Bilba Lightfeet- Lightfoot Halfling Bounty Hunter (Pistol Monkey)
2nd Lieutenant Flint Westwood- Human Gunslinger
Alethra Starag- Fire Genasi Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Baern Torunn- Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Beast Master)
Bran Stormwind- Human Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Kara Helder- Human Rogue (Assassin)
Laucian Holimion- Drow Elf Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
LoKag "Wordpainter" Anakalathai- Goliath Ranger (Hunter)
Mara Basha- Human Fighter (Battle Master)
Mara Shemov- Earth Genasi Fighter (Champion)
Mehmen Chernin- Air Genasi Ranger (Hunter)
Mindartis Ilphelkiir- Wood Elf Ranger (Beast Master)
Nala Turnuroth- Dragonborn Ranger (Hunter)
Pavel Chernin- Human Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Pavel Hornraven- Human Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Shaena Leagallow- Lightfoot Halfling Fighter (Battle Master)
Shanairra Ilphelkiir- Wood Elf Rogue (Thief)
Westra Stormwind- Human Rogue (Assassin)
Xara's Team
2nd Lieutenant Dagna Gemhand- Mountain Dwarf Arcane Warrior
2nd Lieutenant Manus GillAndrais- Human Dread Fighter (Dreadnought)
Anastrianna Galanodel- High Elf Warlock (Great Old One Patron, Tome Pact)
Aseir Starag- Human Wizard (Necromancy school)
Bor Basha- Human Fighter (Battle Master)
Brocc "Filchbatter" Garrick- Forest Gnome Fighter (Battle Master)
Errich Thorngage- Stout Halfling Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline)
Gardain Battlehammer- Hill Dwarf Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
Glim Garrick- Rock Gnome Fighter (Battle Master)
Helja Balderk- Hill Dwarf Warlock (Archfey Patron, Blade Pact)
Korinn Myastan- Dragonborn Warlock (Fiend Patron, Chain Pact)
Meilil Chernin- Human Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
Oda Folkor- Rock Gnome Sorcerer (Wild Magic)
Olga Windrivver- Human Fighter (Battle Master)
Stor Basha- Human Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
Tana Nemetsk- Human Warlock (Great Old One Patron, Blade Pact)
Thotham "Lonehunter" Anakalathai- Goliath Wizard (Illusion school)

Wirsidda Stonecutter- Deep Gnome Fighter (Champion)

Fred the Ranger

Cirque de Whoreleil
Hily Wesalt: Female Human Athas's mother. Hily is fair in appearance, with white hair and blue eyes. She wears plain clothing and several pouches hang from her belt.

Athas Wesalt: Male Human Elephant Wrangler, Hily’s son. Athas has thin golden hair and blue eyes, and an unusual scar on his leg. He wears plain clothing and a black cloak. Athas has an animal companion, a white goat named Athell.

Rithoro: Male Half-orc Guard Leader. Rithoro has tangled copper hair and amber eyes. He wears studded leather and wields a flail and shield. Rithoro has an animal companion, a hawk named Theodima.

Arior: Female Human Guard. Arior is short, with matted silver hair and hazel eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a war pick. Arior has an animal companion, a black cat named Athel.

Aethen: Female Human Guard. Aethen is fair in appearance, with thin black hair and gray eyes. She wears studded leather and wields a flail and shield. Aethen is morose and amoral.

Phillip: Male Human Paladin of Apsu. Has a giant weasel mount named Snake.

Steve: Male Goblin Paladin of Apsu. Has a goblin dog mount named Bink.

Timmit: Male Kobold Paladin of Apsu. Has a wolf mount named Woof.

Aergant: Female Human Dancer. Aergant has matted brown hair and blue eyes, and a thin nose. She wears modest garments and carries a fine stiletto.

Erys Eddyn: Female Half-elf Dancer. Erys is heavyset, with auburn hair and light brown eyes. She wears modest garments and several pouches hang from her belt. Erys seeks to save her family from financial ruin.

Azais: Female Gnome Illusionist Fortune Teller. Azais has blonde hair and blue eyes, and a distinctive scar on her face. She wears tailored clothing and carries a fine stiletto. Azais is searching for the legendary dwarven kingdom of Ukthathol.

Masym Benthey: Male Halfling Dice Hustler. Masym is short, with short blonde hair and light brown eyes. He wears expensive clothing and an amulet of luminous crystal.

Aridulf: Male Tiefling Cups Hustler. Aridulf has uneven gray hair and gray eyes. He wears modest garments and riding boots. Aridulf secretly serves Yerel, an ancient aberrant god.

Hely Hewe: Female Human Ring Toss Hustler. Hely has blonde hair and bright hazel eyes. She wears fine clothing and a feathered hat. Hely is wrongly sought by the Baroness of Forlonde for theft.

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